White-winged Dove: Cook (North) – A White-winged Dove visited the feeders of Susan Szeszol’s River Grove home on 5-Jun-2017. Surprisingly, this is the second occurrence of this species at her home in the last ten months.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Peoria (Central) – Bill Kulschbach captured images of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks on the Illinois River at Bartonville, Peoria County, and sharedthem on the Illinois River Waterfowl Facebook group.
Neotropic Cormorant: Lake (North) – Also on 4-Jun-2017, Adam Sell discovered a Neotropic Cormorant at Almond Marsh in Lake County. The next morning there were two!
Western Tanager: Lake (North) – This spring’s third Western Tanager was photographed by Chuck and Carolyn Fields on 4-Jun-2017 at the North Unit of Illinois Beach State Park in Lake County.
Western Tanager: LaSalle (North) – A Western Tanager was photographed on 21-May-2017 in LaSalle County by Joe Young. The tanager was visible from the road, but on private land north of the confluence of Indian Creek and the Fox River.