Vermilion Flycatcher: Christian (Central) – On September 29th, a Vermilion Flycatcher was photographed near Lake Sanchris in Christian County.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Sangamon (Central) – A Black-bellied Whistling-Duck was photographed at Lake Springfield in Sangamon County in mid-September.
Neotropic Cormorant: Cook (North) – An Neotropic Cormorant was back at Rainbow Beach in Cook County for the third year in a row, spotted on September 16th.
Parasitic Jaeger: Cook (North) – Several Parasitic Jaegers were seen along the Lake Michigan lake front on September 9th in Cook County.
Long-tailed Jaeger: Cook (North) – Long-tailed Jaegers were photographed at Gillson Park and Montrose on September 8th in Cook County, representing northern Illinois’ first and second records, respectively.
White-faced/Glossy Ibis: Putnam (North) – On September 3rd, an immature White-faced/Glossy Ibis was at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge in Putnam County.