Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Cook (North) – On July 26th, a Black-bellied Whistling-Duck was observed at Paul Douglas Forest Preserve in Cook County.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Lawrence (South) – An eBird first for Lawrence County, two Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were seen on a private pond in Pinkstaff on July 22nd.
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Clinton (South) – On July 14th, a small flock of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were photographed at Carlyle Lake – Whitetail Access, in Clinton County.
White Ibis: Randolph (South) – An immature White Ibis was present at Kaskaskia in Randolph County on July 11th.
Neotropic Cormorant: DuPage (North) – On July 10th, a Neotropic Cormorant returned to the same location as last year in Roselle, Dupage County.
Brown Pelican: Jasper (South) – On July 1st, a Brown Pelican was found at Newton Lake in Jasper County.