Black-bellied Whistling Duck: Shelby (South) – On August 29th, a Black-bellied Whistling Duck was spotted on the southwest side of Lake Mattoon in Shelby County.
White Ibis: Lake (North) – An immature White Ibis was photographed near the Fox River at Chain O’ Lakes State Park on Aug 22nd in Lake County.
Brown Pelican: Clinton (South) – An immature Brown Pelican was discovered at Carlyle Lake off on Aug 18th near the Bond/Fayette/Clinton County line.
Roseate Spoonbill: Jefferson (South) – On August 18th, an immature Roseate Spoonbill was seen at Rend Lake in Jefferson County.
Great-tailed Grackle: Lake (North) – A female Great-tailed Grackle was photographed at Spring Bluff Forest Preserve in Lake County on August 5th.