Barrow’s Goldeneye: Rock Island (North) – On 21-Jan-2018, Colin Dobson reported a male Barrow’s Goldeneye from Rock Island County along the Mississippi River.
Gyrflacon: Madison (South) – A ghost-like white morph Gyrfalcon was photographed by Frank Holmes at Horseshoe Lake State Park in Madison County on 17-Jan-2018.
Slaty-backed Gull: Cook (North) – On 4-Jan-2018, Walter Marcisz and Andrew Aldrich found an adult Slaty-backed Gull along the Calumet River in Cook County.
Prairie Falcon: Gallatin (South) – Ron Bradley found another Prairie Falcon. This one was in Gallatin County on 3-Jan-2018.
Ivory Gull: Lake (North) – While Amar Ayyash was birding Lake County Fairgrounds on 3-Jan-2018, he turned around to find an adult Ivory Gull staring at him. Sadly, no one else got to see this rare find.
Prairie Falcon: Bond/Clinton (South) – Keith McMullen had a Prairie Falcon on New Year’s Day fly across the Bond/Clinton County border.
Harlequin Duck: Clinton (South) – Dan Kassebaum found a Harlequin Duck on Carlyle Lake on 22-Dec-2017.