Tufted Duck: Brown (South) – Bob Randel found the state’s fourth Tufted Duck at Spunky Bottoms in Brown County on April 20, 2018.
Ruff: Madison (South) – Also on April 20th, David Becher found a male Ruff at Canteen Lake in Madison County.
White-winged Dove: Woodford (Central) – A White-winged Dove was reported coming to Ted Hartzler’s feeder in Minonk, Woodford County, on April 18th.
Western Tanager: Sangamon (Central) – A Western Tanager was photographed at a private feeder in Springfield, Sangamon County, on April 10th.
Neotropic Cormorant: Clinton (South) – Dan Kassebaum photographed a Neotropic Cormorant in the old Kaskaskia River Channel, Clinton County, on April 8th.
Mountain Bluebird: Knox (Central) – An adult male Mountain Bluebird was discoverd at Oak Run Lake View Beach in Knox County on April 8th by Jean Jorgenson.
Mottled Duck: Clinton (South) – Dan Kassebaum reported two Mottled Ducks at Eldon Hazlet State Park in Clinton County on March 25th.