Ruff: Putnam (North) – A female Ruff or Reeve was in scope view of Bob and Karen Fisher at the Dixon Waterfowl Refuge at Hennepin & Hopper Lakes in Putnam County on May 14th.
Western Tanager: Cook (North) – A Western Tanager was photographed by Jennifer McHenry Green on 11-May-2017 at a feeder in Lemont, Cook County.
Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks: Madison (South) – As of May 9th, four Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks continued at the Watershed Nature Center in Edwardsville, Madison County. These ducks have been present since late April.
Anhinga: Knox (Central) – Mike Baum reported an Anhinga, migrating over his in Oak Run, Knox County, on April 25th. What a yard bird!
Neotropic Comorant: Fulton (Central) – On April 23rd, Andy Gilbert photographed a Neotropic Cormorant at the visitor’s center of Emiquon Preserve.