Neotropic Cormorant: Cook (North) – On September 15th, Andrew Aldrich reported that a Neotropic Cormorant had returned to the breakwall at Rainbow Beach in Chicago, nearly one year to the date.
Magnificent Frigatebird: Will (North) – Also on September 15th, Melinda Chapman spotted an immature Magnificent Frigatebird flying over the Des Plaines River along the Centennial Bike Trail in Romeoville.
Broad-billed Hummingbird: Sangamon (Central) – Pam Stanko photographed the state’s third Broad-billed Hummingbird at her feeder in Springfield on September 11th. The bird left shortly after it was banded by Vern Kleen.
Tricolored Heron: Lake (North) – On September 6th, an adult Tricolored Heron flew over Krzysztof Kurylowicz at Middlefork Savannah in Lake Forest.
Magnificent Frigatebird: Lake (North) – A probable Magnificent Frigatebird was caught on video by Dian Chapman near Channel Lake on August 21st.
Anhinga: Jackson (South) – Kelly McKay and Danny Akers spotted two Anhingas near Grand Tower Island, where one or more have been on and off since June.