As 2020 winds down, it’s time to start thinking about submitting your list numbers to the Illinois Ornithological Society’s Listers Corner. State Life Lists, County Lists, Big Days, Site Lists and many, many more. Whether you submit in one category or dozens, we want them all. If you’re wondering what the categories are, simply visit IOS Listers Corner and browse away. This has been another exciting year, with state first records and other species that haven’t been found in Illinois for decades.
Need help putting your lists together? We have some list blanks that many have found helpful: 1) the 2020 Listers Corner Blank Form, for those who prefer to send in their lists via snail mail, 2) a County Ticks Excel sheet which will automatically add up your county totals by region, 3) a simple Illinois List blank form, in either Excel XLSX or PDF format, and 4) a Total Counties per Species (TCPS) Excel sheet that is the easiest way to keep track of your county lists.
You can access the above forms here.
Submission can be through the US mail or via email; whatever you prefer!
Questions? Never hesitate to send an email to me at Joe Lill.
Now, go out and get those last few species for 2020!
Joe Lill
IOS Listers Corner Committee Chair
5736 N. Avondale
Chicago, IL 60631