Rare Bird Alert – 29-Oct-2018

Brown Pelican by Travis DeNeal
Brown Pelican by Travis DeNeal

Sage Thrasher: Woodford (Central) – On October 29th, a Sage Thrasher was photographed on a farm in Woodford County.

Neotropic Cormorant: Christian (Central) – A Neotropic Cormorant was found on October 15th at Taylorville Lake in Christian County.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Sangamon (Central) – A Black-bellied Whistling-Duck was seen on Lake Springfield in Sangamon County on October 11th.

Brown Pelican: Williamson (South) – An immature Brown Pelican was discovered at Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge on October 3rd in Williamson County.

Getting Started with Bird Photography – Let there be light!

Hooded Warbler by Demayne Murphy
Hooded Warbler by Demayne Murphy

So you’ve decided to give bird photography a try! You’ve rented, bought or borrowed a digital SLR and a lens. Now what?

Remember, what you’re looking for right now is to find out if this art form is for you. You want to find out if you enjoy the process of photography. And the way to find this out is certainly not to shoot terrible photos, which is terribly frustrating-but it isn’t necessary to shoot National Geographic quality photos either. We’re all somewhere on the learning curve. Let’s focus on getting some acceptable shots that inspire us to keep at it.

A quick reminder here: birds are relatively small and they move around quite a bit-sometimes at very high speeds. What this adds up to is quite a photographic challenge. In its initial stages I would hazard that bird/wildlife photography is more difficult than many other forms of photography. I want you to be patient with yourself-this is not easy!

We Want Sharpness and Light
Now what makes an acceptable shot? Simply, we’re looking for as much sharpness as we can manage and enough light to bring clarity to the image. That’s it; that’s where we begin.

Firstly, sharpness. This is primarily a function of two things: stability of the lens and shutter speed. Secondly, light or what we would call exposure in photographic terms. This is basically a function of ambient light in the environment and aperture. Of course as we advance in our knowledge we learn that these factors are all interrelated-as one changes the others change accordingly. But for now let’s not get overly concerned with the technical.

Some beginning settings
One of the easiest things you can do to obtain acceptable images of birds is to shoot during the day when there is enough ambient light. Avoid early mornings, late evenings, or very dark and dreary days. Also, to begin with it is easiest to keep the sun/light at your back-so the sun and your camera are both pointing at your subject. Shooting into the light, where your subject is heavily backlit, is an exposure challenge you just don’t need right now. Also, try to capture birds while they are stationary-perching or standing. Birds in flight pose quite a few difficulties.

Secondly, if your lens has something called Image Stabilization (Canon-a switch located on the lens body and labelled IS) or VR (Nikon-standing for vibration reduction) please turn this on. This feature helps the camera and lens compensate for small movements you make when you snap the shutter. It is very difficult to keep a camera (especially one with a 400 mm lens attached) perfectly still. Once you have this turned on, find a body position, usually elbows hugged close to your sides, that helps you keep the camera as steady as possible. Even trying to snap at the beginning or end of a breath can help.

Another simple step to take which can net us a greater number of sharp images is 1.) to shoot in AI SERVO (Canon Continuous Autofocus-in the main menu under Auto Focus modes) or AF-C (Nikon) with 2.) Continuous Shooting (in the main menu under Drive modes). Even though you are targeting stationary birds, they are rarely completely immobile. These settings tell the camera that we are shooting moving objects and that we’d like the camera to be able to take one shot after another at the highest speed the camera can manage-as long as we hold the shutter button down. Typically, a series of shots like this will contain at least one sharp image.

The next thing you can do is to put your dSLR in the Program Mode (noted as P and located on the main dial on the top of the camera-this is an Autoexposure mode). Fully automatic. Please do not feel that you are not doing “real” photography if you do this. When I first started driving I learned on an automatic ​transmission-not a stick shift-but I was still driving! Remember, we want acceptable images to get us inspired – not frustration. The fully automatic mode exempts us from having to deal with aperture, shutter speed or ISO at this stage. The camera will make its best guess-and these dSLR cameras are quite intelligent. We’ll talk more about advanced exposure modes in subsequent articles.

Finally let’s talk about viewing your images. You don’t need to invest in any particular software or editing programs at this point. Just follow the instructions of your camera to get your images onto your computer so that you can view them in a larger format. Take note of the shots that worked particularly well for you-and go out and take some more under the same conditions! Notice when the subject is backlit and therefore dark-remind yourself to shoot with the light behind you. Try to puzzle out what you did well and what was challenging. Make a few notes and try again. And if you enjoyed your new focus and the wonder it inspires for these creatures then don’t give up. You will improve.

See you out there!

by Demayne Murphy

Demayne Murphy
Demayne Murphy

Rare Bird Alert – 30-Sep-2018

Long-tailed Jaeger by Jake Cvetas
Long-tailed Jaeger by Jake Cvetas

Vermilion Flycatcher: Christian (Central) – On September 29th, a Vermilion Flycatcher was photographed near Lake Sanchris in Christian County.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Sangamon (Central) – A Black-bellied Whistling-Duck was photographed at Lake Springfield in Sangamon County in mid-September.

Neotropic Cormorant: Cook (North) – An Neotropic Cormorant was back at Rainbow Beach in Cook County for the third year in a row, spotted on September 16th.

Parasitic Jaeger: Cook (North) – Several Parasitic Jaegers were seen along the Lake Michigan lake front on September 9th in Cook County.

Long-tailed Jaeger: Cook (North) – Long-tailed Jaegers were photographed at Gillson Park and Montrose on September 8th in Cook County, representing northern Illinois’ first and second records, respectively.

White-faced/Glossy Ibis: Putnam (North) – On September 3rd, an immature White-faced/Glossy Ibis was at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge in Putnam County.

Field Trip Report – IOS Shorebirding Weekend

Scoping for Shorebirds by Matthew Cvetas
Scoping for Shorebirds by Matthew Cvetas

Despite high water conditions, field trip participants were able to observe more than 100 species over the course of the IOS Shorebirding Weekend, including more than 15 species of shorebirds. Expert field trip leaders made the most of the situation and scoured the Illinois River area for birds with willing participants benefiting from their efforts.

Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, which typically holds thousands of shorebirds this time of year when mudflats are exposed, instead was alive with big numbers of waterfowl taking advantage of the high water condition including Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, and American White Pelicans. Raptors were well represented by Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Cooper’s Hawk, several Bald Eagles, Red-tailed Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, and American Kestrel. Swallows filled the air over the crossdike with all five species represented with especially large numbers of Bank, Tree, and Northern Rough-winged Swallows.

Scott Ellis by Matthew Cvetas
Scott Ellis by Matthew Cvetas

At lunch, participants retreated to the cool environs of the Dickson Mounds State Museum. Arriving at the museum, a surprise Barred Owl was heard cackling mid-day near the parking lot. Inside, attendees were treated to lunch and a great shorebird ID talk by Geoff Williamson.

On Sunday, one field trip took a pontoon boat out on Thompson Lake at Emiquon Preserve where huge groups of swallows were gathered. Small numbers of Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs were seen along the lake edges along with a summering group of Snow Geese. An American Golden-Plover gave great views from the boat. While navigating, at one point, the boat got stuck in a shallow spot. Thanks to a few volunteers, the group was able to get back to the boat launch safely, where we wrapped up the weekend.

Getting Started with Bird Photography – Gear Up!

Black-crowned Night-Heron by Demayne Murphy
Black-crowned Night-Heron by Demayne Murphy

Hi there and welcome to my first monthly IOS newsletter post. My name is Demayne Murphy and I started photographing birds a couple of years ago, primarily at Montrose Point’s Magic Hedge in Chicago.

I have been a birder, however, for over 25 years. I almost chose not to venture into the world of avian photography, as I was reluctant to change my birding experience — something I have always treasured — particularly for its meditative qualities. And indeed it has changed the way I view birds and other wildlife. But I can report that while the experience is somewhat different now, I do feel it is enriched by the focus that photography brings. So if you find yourself considering photography as a new adventure for yourself I hope that my posts will speak to you.

My goal is to bring you some quick and easy tips that will make your life as a burgeoning photographer a little simpler. The web abounds with tens of thousands of photography web sites, from individual photographers who usually offer their own tips and techniques, to learning sites geared to teaching you everything you need to know and more. And if you are at all like me, you may have explored some of these sites and found it all completely overwhelming.

No experience necessary
I myself have no prior experience in photography. And of course the stunning images available online may only intimidate you further — thinking nothing you can manage will ever compete. So while I cannot say that I have created any of these stunning images yet, I can say that the process has become so enjoyable that I find myself continually motivated to persevere and grow as an artist.

What I really want to say in this first missive is just get out there!! If you find yourself intrigued, just give it a try. The only thing you really need to do initially is find out if this art form is for you. If not, you’ve tried something new; check it off your bucket list. But if you do find yourself positively thrilled by the experience, as I did, then a whole new world awaits you.

And make no mistake, photography is an art, not just a technical skill. There is tremendous scope for individual expression and innovation. You may just open a door that changes your life.

What about gear?
So what about gear you ask? A dangerous question to ask a photographer, unless you have loads of time for the answer. Let’s keep it really short and simple right now. You don’t have to buy anything. Consider renting a camera and a lens for a week or two. Below are links to a reputable company that will rent you the camera and lens I use. This combination combines the speed and the reach you will need.

I have no affiliation with the company or with Canon, other than having used both myself. And yes, you can shoot with Nikon or Sony or Fuji etc… and everyone has an opinion about which are the best. But rather than get bogged down with that in this exploratory phase, I encourage you to just give this tried-and-true combination a test run. Next month I’ll talk about some basic camera/lens settings to get started with.

And I hope the experience surprises and delights you. See you out there!

by Demayne Murphy

Demayne Murphy
Demayne Murphy

Carlyle Lake Pelagic, September 22

IOS is pleased to announce this year’s Carlyle Lake Pelagic Field Trip to be held, Saturday, September 22, 2018. This trip includes the popular three-hour pelagic aboard comfortable pontoon boats.

Sabine's Gull by Barbara Williams
Sabine’s Gull by Barbara Williams

As in past years, we’ll meet at McDonald’s off IL 127 in Carlyle at 6:30 AM. This is a full-day field trip, ending around 7:30 PM. We’ll begin with a scan of the lake from Dam West Beach before heading to Eldon Hazlet State Park to search for migrant songbirds. We’ll bird the Hazlet area all morning before breaking for lunch. Lunch will be fast food or bring your own. We’ll gather at the Dam West picnic area where we’ll be able to search for more birds from the excellent shade provided.

After lunch, depending on water levels, we’ll search for shorebirds and waders,  likely visiting Whitetail and James Hawn Access areas.


The boat trip begins at 3:30 PM from Dam West Marina. The late afternoon/early evening hours can be excellent for feeding gulls, terns and others. We hope to find SABINE’S GULL which has eluded us on the past three field trips! It’s also possible to tally RED and RED-NECKED PHALAROPES, EARED and PIED-BILLED GREBES, five or six Gull species and potentially any of the three JAEGER species!

Bring plenty of water, snacks, sunscreen, bug spray, mud boots and your hat.

Those planning on staying Saturday night may wish to join us for a group dinner at a nearby restaurant. Recommended hotels are available in Carlyle, Greenville, Salem and Vandalia.

There is a fee associated with this field trip to cover the costs of pontoon rental, gasoline, and other expenses. The fee is $30 for existing IOS members and $50 for non-IOS members. The $50 fee for non-members includes the field trip registration and a one-year IOS membership and benefits, including four issues of the Meadowlark, A Journal of Illinois Birds, a quarterly publication of IOS.

This field trip is limited to 32 participants with IOS members receiving first priority. Trip registration and payment shall be made through the Pay Pal using the form below (credit cards accepted). This trip is very popular and will fill up fast. IOS will not make refunds but will allow substitutes if you sign up for the trip and cannot attend. It will be your responsibility to notify the trip leader of your substitute. If you cannot provide a substitute, the trip leader will take the 1st name on the waiting list.

If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact the trip leader, Keith McMullen or by phone +1-618-560-9450.

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IOS/ILYB Members:
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Rare Bird Alert – 29-Aug-2018

Great-tailed Grackle  by Joan Campbell
Great-tailed Grackle by Joan Campbell

Black-bellied Whistling Duck: Shelby (South) – On August 29th, a Black-bellied Whistling Duck was spotted on the southwest side of Lake Mattoon in Shelby County.

White Ibis: Lake (North) – An immature White Ibis was photographed near the Fox River at Chain O’ Lakes State Park on Aug 22nd in Lake County.

Brown Pelican: Clinton (South) – An immature Brown Pelican was discovered at Carlyle Lake off on Aug 18th near the Bond/Fayette/Clinton County line.

Roseate Spoonbill: Jefferson (South) – On August 18th, an immature Roseate Spoonbill was seen at Rend Lake in Jefferson County.

Great-tailed Grackle: Lake (North) – A female Great-tailed Grackle was photographed at Spring Bluff Forest Preserve in Lake County on August 5th.

Rare Bird Alert – 28-Jul-2018

White Ibis by Rob Francis
White Ibis by Rob Francis

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Cook (North) – On July 26th, a Black-bellied Whistling-Duck was observed at Paul Douglas Forest Preserve in Cook County.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Lawrence (South) – An eBird first for Lawrence County, two Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks were seen on a private pond in Pinkstaff on July 22nd.

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: Clinton (South) – On July 14th, a small flock of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were photographed at Carlyle Lake – Whitetail Access, in Clinton County.

White Ibis: Randolph (South) – An immature White Ibis was present at Kaskaskia in Randolph County on July 11th.

Neotropic Cormorant: DuPage (North) – On July 10th, a Neotropic Cormorant returned to the same location as last year in Roselle, Dupage County.

Brown Pelican: Jasper (South) – On July 1st, a Brown Pelican was found at Newton Lake in Jasper County.

Three New Species Added to the Illinois State List

Decisions by the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) during the first half of 2018 have added three species to the Illinois State List of Birds: Red-naped Sapsucker, Cassin’s Vireo, and Plumbeous Vireo.

The Red-naped Sapsucker record pertains to an individual during 5-6 April 2012 at Wadsworth Wetlands Forest Preserve, Lake County, found and documented by Paul Sweet.

Red-naped Sapsucker, 6 April 2012. Photo by Paul Sweet

The problematic nature of sapsucker identification, complicated by hybridization between sapsucker species, made the evaluation of this record proceed at a deliberate pace.

IORC added Cassin’s Vireo to the state list on the basis of a sight record from 3-5 May 1994 in Chicago’s Jackson Park (Cook County). Paul R. Clyne observed and documented this bird. Details regarding this sighting were published in an article by Paul in Meadowlark, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 141-142, but the record never underwent formal review by IORC until this year. Paul’s observation was during 1994; the split of Solitary Vireo into Cassin’s Vireo, Blue-headed Vireo, and Plumbeous Vireo by the American Ornithologists’ Union took place in 1997.

The third new species also stems from a species involved in the split of Solitary Vireo. Jon Grainger discovered and photographed a Plumbeous Vireo 2 May 2018 in Bolingbrook, Will County. Jon’s excellent series of photographs clinched the addition of the third and final member of the Solitary Vireo complex to Illinois’s state list. There are few records of Plumbeous Vireo from eastern portion of the United States.

Plumbeous Vireo, 2 May 2018 in Bolingbrook, Will County. Photo by Jon Grainger.

IORC Update – 4 July 2018

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 31 records of occurrence of rare birds in Illinois plus one breeding record. Among these, IORC accepted 24 records while not accepting eight. One of the accepted records is a first state record for the species involved (Plumbeous Vireo). The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

First State Records Accepted

  • Plumbeous Vireo, 2 May 2018, Bolingbrook, Will County (2018-016; Jon Grainger)

Review List Records Accepted

  • Barrow’s Goldeneye, 9 January – 3 February 2018, Rapids City riverfront, Rock Island County (2018-005; Jim Forde;  Colin Dobson, Steven Freed)
  • White-winged Dove, 18-21 April 2018, Minonk, Woodford County (2018-014; Ted Hartzler; Keith A. McMullen, Daniel T. Williams)
  • Slaty-backed Gull, 4-10 January 2018, southeast Chicago, Cook County (2018-001; Walter J. Marcisz; Matthew M. Cvetas)
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 28 April 2017, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2017-068; Keith A. McMullen)
  • Brown Pelican, 25 February 2018, Marshall County (2018-012; Michael Ingram)
  • Black Vulture, 24 February 2018, Homer Lake, Champaign County (2018-010; Doug Mills)
  • Barn Owl (2), 2-15 December 2017, near Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2017-069; Jeff A. Smith)
  • Barn Owl, 17 December 2017, McCormick Bird Sanctuary, Chicago, Cook County (2017-075; W. Sullivan Gibson)
  • Burrowing Owl, 20 April – 14 May 2016, northern Champaign County (2016-105; Bob Szafoni)
  • Gyrfalcon, 17 January 2018, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2018-006; Frank R. Holmes)
  • Prairie Falcon, 10-12 December 2017, east of Mt. Erie, Wayne County (2017-072; Robert E. Shelby)
  • Prairie Falcon, 1 January 2018, southwest of Jamestown, Clinton County (2018-004; Keith A. McMullen)
  • Townsend’s Solitaire (1 to 2), 15 December 2017 – 28 January 2018, Lost Mount Unit of Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge, JoDaviess County (2017-065; Daniel T. Williams; Cindy & Ethan Brown, Craig A. Taylor)
  • Hoary Redpoll, 2 December 2017 – 14 January 2018, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2017-076; Carl Giometti; Randy L. Shonkwiler, Daniel T. Williams)

    Hoary Redpoll at Chicago’s Park No. 566 (Cook County), 2 Dec. 2018. Photograph by Carl Giometti.
  • Hoary Redpoll, 13-26 January 2018, Elburn, Kane County (2018-013; Marion Miller)
  • Hoary Redpoll, 29 January – 21 February 2018, New Berlin, Sangamon County (2018-009; William Rudolph; H. David Bohlen)
  • Hoary Redpoll, 10 February 2018, Skokie Lagoons, Cook County (2018-008; Jeff Bilsky)
  • Bullock’s Oriole, 22 November 2017, Glencoe, Cook County (2017-074; W. Sullivan Gibson)
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 5 May 2018, Essex, Kankakee County (2018-017; Bronson Ratcliff)
  • Western Tanager, 4-5 May 2018, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2018-016; Ben Sanders)

Other Records Accepted

  • California Gull, 14 January 2018, Alton, Madison County (2018-007; Colin Dobson)
  • Eastern Phoebe, 20 December 2017, near Windsor, Mercer County (2017-073; Stephen Hager)

Breeding Records Accepted

  • Mute Swan (2 adults, 3 cygnets), 18 May – 30 October 2015, Edwardsville, Madison County (2015-070; Doug Hommert)

First State Records Not Accepted

  • White-tailed Tropicbird, 2 January 2018, along the Mississippi River, St. Clair County (2018-003)

Review List Records Not Accepted

  • Ruff, 14 May 2017, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2017-054)
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 3 November 2017, North Point Marina, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2017-070)
  • Anhinga (2), 28 April 1995, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1995-024)
  • Anhinga, 19 November 2017, Douglas Park, Chicago, Cook County (2017-060)
  • Tricolored Heron, 8 July 2017, Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, Lake County (2017-030)
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 25 April 2018, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2018-015)
  • Gyrfalcon, 28 November 2014, Singing Woods Nature Preserve, Peoria, Peoria County (2004-073)
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