Meadowlark 2011 – Vol. 20, No. 4

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-02-01 at 12.37.23 PM

122 An avian census of Lowell Park
– Pete Oliver

127 Birders act to protect Black-crowned Night-Heron rookery in Lincoln Park
– Carolyn A. Marsh

Twenty years of changes in Illinois bird life:
three views
129 – 1 The northward movement of the Blue -gray Gnatcatcher in Illinois
– Tara Beveroth
131 – 2 Rising numbers of American White Pelican in Illinois -a perspective
– Sheryl DeVore
132 – 3 Cooper’s Hawk: from rare to abundant, a suburban success story?
– Robert Fisher

133 Avian Annals: Twenty years ago in Meadowlark
– Sheryl DeVore

Photo Galleries:
134 Mega rarities
140-141 Spring Birds of Illinois

135 Field Notes: The 2011 spring migration
– Geoffrey A. Williamson

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