2007 Vol. 16 Number 4
Articles![Screen Shot 2015-01-30 at 4.43.20 PM](http://www.illinoisbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Screen-Shot-2015-01-30-at-4.43.20-PM-224x300.png)
122 Calls, captures and collisions:
Triangulating three census methods to better understand nightly passage of songbird migrants through the Chicago region during May
– Melissa Schramm, Jacqueline Fiala, Terese Noe, Paul Sweet, Annette Prince, Caleb Gordon
130 Summer Tanager visits jelly feeder in DuPage County
– Melinda Born Chapman
131 The 2007 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen
141 Field Notes: 2007 spring migration season 141
– Travis A. Mahan
Note: The Index to Meadowlark Volume 16 will be published as an addendum or in a future issue.