Meadowlark 2004 – Vol. 13, No. 4

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-30 at 9.56.35 AM

122 Mottled Duck at Lake Springfield: first state record
– H. David Bohlen

123 Tufted Duck in Sangamon County: fourth state record
– H. David Bohlen

124 Photo Gallery
– Jerry Kumery

125 Substantiating Audubon’s Washington Eagle
– Scott Maruna

130 Birding Rockford in early June: a primer for the IOS Annual Meeting
– Daniel T. Williams

132 The 2004 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen


142 Field Notes: 2004 spring migration
– Paul R. Clyne

159 Index to Meadowlark Volume 13
– Renee Baade

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