Meadowlark 2003 – Vol. 12, No. 2

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-30 at 8.55.10 AM

42 An Initial Estimate of Illinois Shorebird Numbers:
and Implications for Management
– Robert Russell

46 The Status of the Whimbrel:
in the Middlewestern Prairie Region
– Dan Kassebaum

51 Piping Plover Recovery in the Great Lakes:
2003 Nesting Season On Track to Match Big Brood Success of 2002
– Christine Williamson

54 Guest Essay:
Lake Chautauqua and Counting Shorebirds
– Steven D. Bailey


55 Annual Report
The Ninth Illinois Ornithological Records Committee Report
– Douglas F. Stotz and David B. Johnson

62 Bird Finding Guide
Sod field farms for the “grasspiping” birder in Illinois and nearby regions
– David B. Johnson

67 Field Notes
Fall Migration 2002
– Douglas F. Stotz

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