Meadowlark 2002 – Vol. 11, No. 4

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-29 at 7.20.17 PM

122 Chicagoland’s First Spring Migration Bird Banding Station:
First Year of Results and Comparison With Other North American Data Sets
– Caleb Gordon, Blaire Skinner, and Rachel Gratis

131 The Population Decline of the Red -Headed Woodpecker in Wisconsin and Illinois
– William P. Mueller

133 Red -Winged Blackbird Attempts to Drown Common Yellowthroat
– William Moskoff and Jeffrey O. Sundberg

135 Cinnamon Teal Pair at Eldon Hazlet Park
– Dan Kassebaum


136 The 2002 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen

144 Field Notes: Spring 2002 Migration
– Paul R. Clyne

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