Meadowlark 2000 – Vol. 9, No. 4

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.47.26 PM

122 Illinois’ Next New Bird 122
– Eric Walters and Josh Engel

127 Hoary Redpoll (Carduelis hornemanni) Visits Evanston/Skokie
– Eric Walters

129 The Illinois 2000 Statewide Spring Bird Count 129
– Vernon M. Kleen


136 Bird Conservation Network
– Judy Pollock

137 Seasonal Highlights – Spring Migration 2000
– Eurasian Wigeon, Black Rail, Arctic Tern, Painted Bunting

141 Field Notes:
The 2000 Spring Migration
– Paul R. Clyne

159 Index to Meadowlark
Volume 8, Nos. 1 -4
– Renee Baade

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