Meadowlark 2000 – Vol. 9, No. 1

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.26.48 PM

2 Birding in the New Millennium
– An Essay by Christine Willliamson

7 Birding Illinois 100 Years Age: Part 1
Birds of the Chicago Area at the Turn of the 20th Century
– Sheryl De Vore

9 Black- necked Stilt Young Found in Southern Illinois Two Consecutive Years
– Rhonda Monroe

10 Western Kingbird Nests in Sangamon County, Illinois
– H. David Bohlen

11 First Breeding Record of Little Blue Heron for Northeastern Illinois
– Walter Marcisz

13 Building a Nest Tower for Chimney Swifts
– Cathie Hutcheson

15 Loafing Behavior of Ring-billed Gulls
-William Moskoff, Alla Fooks, Irina Ovrutskaya, Priscilla K. Carson Lindberg, and Valerie Ward

17 Band -tailed Pigeon in DeWitt County
– Dale Birkenholz

17 Second White-winged Dove for Illinois
– Robert Hughes

18 Singin’ the Bicknell Blues
– Scott Hickman

20 A Challenge for Illinois Birders:
Separating Bicknell’s from Gray -cheeked Thrush
– Steven D. Bailey


22 Bird Finding Guide
Meredosia National Wildlife Refuge
– Angella D. Moorehouse

25 Field Notes: The 1999 Breeding Season Report
– Vernon M. Kleen

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