Meadowlark 1999 – Vol. 8, No. 4

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-29 at 3.17.25 PM

122 First Illinois and Regional Record of Gray Kingbird
– Dan Kassebaum

123 First Illinois Record of Tropical/Couch’s Kingbird
– Dan Kassebaum

124 Purple Gallinule Invasion: Spring 1999
– Darrel Shambaugh

126 A Blast from the Past: Illinois’ First Garganey
– Robert Chapel

126 Garganey: Second State Record
– Daniel Williams

128 Male Painted Bunting Visits Bloomington -Normal: Third State Record
– Alexandra Latham, Sheryl Swartz Soukup, and Michael Retter

129 The 1999 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen


137 Bird Finding Guide:
Illinois Beach State Park
– Sheryl De Vore

139 Bird Finding Guide:
The Loony Trip
– David B. Johnson

146 Field Notes: The 1999 Spring Migration Season
– Paul R. Clyne

159 Volume 8 Index:
– Compiled by Renee Baade

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