Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 3

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-28 at 7.07.17 PM

82 An Illinois Christmas Bird Count Odyssey  – Top to Bottom and Back
– David B. Johnson

87 The Illinois 1994 Christmas Bird Count
– David B. Johnson and Alan F. Stokie


101 Bird Finding Guide
Shorebirds at O’Hare Post Office Ponds
– Richard Biss

105 Feeder Station
Ovenbird chooses indoor atrium for winter feeding station
– Christine Williamson

106 Seasonal Highlights
Winter Season 1994/1995
Barrow’s Goldeneye, Migrating American Coots, Gyrfalcon, Subadult Courting Bald Eagles, Snowy Owl

110 Field Notes
Winter Season 1994/95
– Robert Danley

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