Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 2

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-28 at 6.54.32 PM

42 Endangered and Threatened Birds of Illinois:
An overview of the species and their habitats
– James R. Herkert, Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board

47 First Confirmed Illinois Record of the Glaucous -winged Gull
– David B. Johnson, Laurence C. Binford, Ph.D., Alan Stokie, and Walter Marcisz


51 Bird Finding Guide – Fermilab
– Denis Kania and Peter Kasper

57 Feeder Station
Illinois’ First Backyard Bird High Count
– Sue Friscia
Backyard lister attracts 221 species on farmstead
– Judy K. DeNeal

61 Photo Essay
A Day in the Life of a Glossy Ibis
– Dennis Oehmke

62 Seasonal Highlights/Fall Migration 1994
Northern Gannet, Ground Dove, Sharp -tailed Sparrow, Ross’ Goose, Branta x Anser Hybrid, Yellow Rail

66 Field Notes – Fall Migration 1994
– Robert Chapel

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