Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 1

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-28 at 3.59.55 PM

2 First Hybridization Attempt Between A Violet-green Swallow and Tree Swallow
– Lee Johnson and William Mosko

4 Immature Cooper’s Hawks Nest in Chicago
– Paul R. Clyne

6 First Confirmed Nesting of Black-necked Stilt in Illinois
– Todd Fink and Cynthia McKee

7 A Relationship Between Songbird Breeding Success, Small Mammal Abundance,
and Fragmented Forests in Eastern Pennsylvania
– Gopaul Noojibail

12 Nesting Pied-billed Grebes at Crabtree Marsh
– Annalee Fjellberg and Adam Fikso

20 A Cup of Prothonotary Warblers
– Karen A Forcum


14 Avian Archives
New Early Records of Western Kingbird in Illinois
Correction of Great Gray Owl Record in Illinois
– C.T. (Ted) Black

16 Bird Finding Guide
Rare Summer Birds of the Lowden -Miller State Forest: Is this really Illinois?
First Nests of Black-throated Green Warbler in Illinois
– Scott K. Robinson

19 Feeder Station
Providing Water for Birds
– Dean Bolton

21 Seasonal Highlights /Breeding Season 1994
New Double -crested Cormorant Colony, Common Snipe, Western Kingbird, Chestnut -sided Warbler, Yellow throated Warbler

25 Field Notes
The 1994 Breeding Season
– Vernon Kleen

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