Twenty-six intrepid observers participated in the third Loonapaloonza mini-coach tour of some lakes in both McHenry and Lake counties.
Bagels, muffins and coffee were provided to all and a group of ten of us stayed for lunch at Gale Street Inn.
Loonwise: Highlights included 49 Common Loons on various lakes and 289 American White Pelicans. Three adult Bald Eagles were seen thermaling overhead and an immature eagle had a fish in its talons on Lake Marie. Many Red-breasted Mergansers were observed and a few migrant Turkey Vultures were noted. The rarest bird noted was an adult Great Black-backed Gull on Petite Lake (a new gull for any Looney Trip and always rare inland).
We ended our tour at Almond Marsh where many puddle ducks were seen including Gadwall, Ring-necked Ducks, American Wigeon, Bufflehead plus nesting Great Blue Herons and Double-crested Cormorants.
All-in-all a sunny loon and pelican filled day!