IOS Grants Program

One of IOS’s objectives is “to promote scientific research and education in order to improve knowledge and awareness of birds in Illinois.” The IOS Grants Program was initiated in 2004 to support this objective with grants awarded to projects relating to birds and/or birding in Illinois. A total of 140 grants totaling over $137,000 have been awarded since the program’s inception, through 2024.

Review the list of Current and Past Recipients.

Grants are available to students, professionals, and organizations seeking funding for bird or birding related projects. Applicants must meet the following requirements.


  • Applicants must be an IOS member. If not, join IOS today.
  • Qualifying projects can be for research, education, accessibility, equity, or any other project intended to promote birds and birding in Illinois.
  • Applicants should submit an application and upload a project proposal of up to but not exceeding five pages (supported file types: .doc or .pdf). A project proposal should include the following components:
    • Abstract: 200 words or less summarizing the project.
    • Introduction: Clearly state the objectives, the purpose and goals of the project and, if applicable, what hypotheses and associated predictions are to be tested.
    • Background information: Summarize relevant work by yourself and others, published or unpublished.
    • Significance: Describe the uniqueness of your project.
    • Methods or Plans: Describe and carefully reference methodology to be used. Write this section for reviewers who may know little about the specific methodological details in your narrow field of investigation. Research projects should outline their experimental design in this section. Other projects should outline how and what they are planning to do to complete the project.
    • Timetable: Dates for completion of project phases, graduation (if applicable), and publication of results (if applicable).
    • Budget: Summary of project costs that outline how grant money would be spent.
  • Applicants agree to write an article about their project to be published in the IOS journal, The Meadowlark.

IOS is pleased to announce we are now accepting applications for the 2025 Illinois Ornithological Society Grant Program. Awards of up to $2,500 are available to applicants conducting projects relating to birds and/or birding in Illinois.

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for submission: April 18, 2025
  • Announcement of awards: on or before June 6, 2025

To apply for an IOS Grant, complete the following application and upload your project proposal as a separate document (supported file types: docx or pdf). Please ensure your proposal includes all required elements. See requirements above.
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