IOS 2024 Big Sit Rules

Big Sit Competition Rules

1. The Big Sit must be conducted from within a predetermined counting circle no greater than 17 feet in diameter.

2. A Big Sit circle can be “placed” anywhere within the state of Illinois.

3. The circle you choose must be used for the entirety of your Big Sit.

4. The count is to be conducted during a 24 hour period (midnight to midnight) on Sep. 20, 21, or 22.

The count can be on any day during the Big Sit weekend.  Counts are not required to go for 24 hours and can be tailored to your comfort level. Count for a few hours, in the morning only, or all day. You can also count in the morning, take a break, and count again in the afternoon. You may count multiple days but must submit a separate tally for each day.

5. A maximum of 5 participants are allowed per team in the circle at any time.

Count on your own, with friends, your family, or other birders. Teams of between 1 and 5 people are allowed.

6. No one participant has to stay in the circle for the duration of the count.  Participants can split up the time and come and go as they please.

Guests are welcome and more than 5 people can participate if they swap in and out during the day (only 5 people can be counting at a time).

7. For a species to count, it must be identified (seen or heard) by an official counter from within the circle.

Counters may leave the circle to search for a new species, but that species can only count if it is subsequently heard or seen from the circle.  For example, one participant can leave the circle to confirm what they suspect is a calling Least Bittern, but must return and hear/see the bird from the circle for it to count. An official list of all countable species seen in Illinois can be found on the Illinois Checklist page.

8. Email Evan Smith to submit your team name and final tally by 12:00 pm (noon) on Monday, September 23.

Most Donations Raised Competition Rules

1. Donations must be received by IOS by Sunday, September 30 at 11:59 pm.

2. All donations must be submitted through the event campaign site (Donately) and attributed to your team. Other special arrangements can be made with the IOS treasurer for large donations.

3. Pick a unique name to avoid potential confusion with other teams. Teams are ultimately responsible for ensuring that donations are sent to the correct team.

4. Team members are allowed to contribute donations to their own team.



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