The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 16 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. Among these, IORC accepted 14 of the records while not accepting two.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.
Records Accepted
- Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (6), 4 June 2020 at Beall Woods State Park, Wabash County (2020-018; Robert E. Shelby).
- Harlequin Duck, 1-4 March 2020 in Moline, Rock Island County (2020-005; Steven Freed).
- White-winged Dove, 14-18 April 2020 in Metropolis, Massac County (2020-009; John Schwegman).
- Wood Stork (3), 23-28 August 2011 south of Kidd Lake Marsh State Natural Area, Monroe County (2011-041; Carl DauBach, Pen DauBach).
- Neotropic Cormorant, 24 May to 6 July 2020 in Zion, Lake County (2020-019; Daniel T. Williams). Found by Steven J. Huggins.
- Fish Crow, 10 May 2020 in Berwyn, Cook County (2020-014; Greg E. Neise).
- Townsend’s Solitaire, 1-21 March 2020 at McCune Sand Prairie, Bureau County (2020-006; Davida Kalina, Craig Taylor). Found by Mike Madsen.
- Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed group) Junco hyemalis caniceps/dorsalis, 10 May 2020 in Arlington Heights, Cook County (2020-015; Fred Lieb).
- Townsend’s Warbler, 16-26 April 2020 at Deer Grove East Forest Preserve, Cook County (2020-013; Isoo O’Brien). Found by Heidi Tarasiuk.
- Western Tanager, 7-12 May 2020 in Albion, Edwards County (2020-012; C. Leroy Harrison, Robert E. Shelby). Found by Scott Attebury.
- Western Tanager, 19-21 May 2020 in Yorkville, Kendall County (2020-017; Daniel Baechle).
- Lazuli Bunting, 21 February to 1 March 2020 in Sherman, Sangamon County (2020-007; Trevor Slovick). Found by Jarod Hitchings.
- Lazuli Bunting, 16 March to 2 May 2020 in Marion Township, Ogle County (2020-010; Barbara Williams, Daniel T. Williams).
- Painted Bunting, 2 May 2020 in Chicago, Cook County (2020-016; Jeffrey R.R. Skrentny).
Records Not Accepted
- Anhinga, 3 June 2020 in Wapella, DeWitt County (2020-020).
- Townsend’s Solitaire, 16 March 2020 at Sand Creek Recreation Area, Macon County (2020-008).