The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) welcomes Kyle Wiktor to the committee as its newest member. Kyle began a three-year term from 2022-2024 upon his election at the 19 March 2022 meeting of IORC.
Please join IORC in thanking Matt Fraker for his six years of service on the committee from 2016-2021. Matt has done excellent work in evaluating records submitted to IORC and in contributing to other work of the committee. Members are eligible to serve two consecutive three-year terms, but then are required to step off the committee.
IORC consists of six members, each serving staggered three-year terms, and a secretary, elected annually. The voting membership of the committee consists of these seven individuals. For calendar year 2022, the IORC membership is as follows.
- Geoffrey A. Williamson (Secretary)
- Davida Kalina
- Walter Marcisz
- Adam Sell
- Paul Sweet (Vice-Secretary)
- Terry Walsh
- Kyle Wiktor