Migration Madness – Rollins Savanna in Lake County

May 7, 2023 @ 7:00 am
Rollins Savanna, Drury Lane Entrance
Beau Schaefer
Rollins is an Oak Savanna in NW Lake County with an ebird list of 250 sp. We will meet at the Drury Ln. Entrance parking area and then head east to the observation deck, oak woodlands, mill creek and surrounding marshy areas and then return. Rollins has 5.7 miles of trails so we will only be hitting a small portion of that, but we will be hitting 4 major ecosystems. There’s the potential for a wide range of bird species from sparrows and warblers to bobolinks, raptors, herons, and flycatchers. It’s my favorite place to bird during most of the year so hopefully you can join me!
Sunday, 5/7 @ 7:00am


Full vaccination is required for all members of attendance.  Please bring a mask.  You may be asked by the trip leader to wear one.

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