Matthew Cvetas

2016 IOS Grants Awards

Andy Gilbert, Grant Recipient
Andy Gilbert, Grant Recipient
One of IOS’s objectives is “To promote scientific research and education in order to improve knowledge and awareness of birds in Illinois”. The IOS Grants Program was initiated several years ago to support this objective with funding.

The 2016 IOS Grants Program received 13 requests for funding. The IOS review team evaluated each proposal, and determined that all were suitable for funding within the scope of that key objective described above. In addition to money provided directly by IOS, donations by five organizations and many individuals (see the alphabetical lists below) made it possible for all of the 2016 grant requests to be fully funded. Funding 13 Grants is a milestone – the largest investment in research on Illinois birds IOS has been able to provide, since the inception of the Grants program!

  • Jill Anderson
  • John Baker
  • Denis Bohm
  • Donnie Dann
  • Pen & Carl Daubach
  • Joy & Jon Duerr
  • Karen & Bob Fisher
  • Steve Fluett
  • Glenn Gabanski
  • Jon Grainger
  • Warren Jones
  • Vera Miller
  • Joan Norek
  • Vicky Sroczynski & John Burke
  • Marsha Steffen
  • Dave Taliaferro
  • Chuck Westcott
  • Ted Wolff
  • Chicago Ornithological Society
  • DuPage Birding Club
  • Kane County Audubon
  • Lake-Cook Audubon
  • Lake County Audubon

Thanks to you all! Without the generosity of these organizations and IOS members and friends in the bird conservation community, IOS would not be able to support these projects. The support exemplified by this funding sends an important message to these students and researchers: We believe in your work, and we care about the future of our state’s birdlife!

Thanks to Jeff Walk and Steve Bailey for reviewing and rating all the requests.

Congratulations to the Grant recipients! Watch for their project articles in future issues of The Meadowlark and watch for short summaries on the IOS website. Here’s a synopsis of the 2016 Grants. Where noted, individuals and organizations targeted those Grants for their donations.

Grant Recipient, Heather Herakovich, by Dee Hudson
Grant recipient, Heather Herakovich, by Dee Hudson
# Amount Name/Organization Description/Sponsor
1. $1,000 Abigail Blake-Bradshaw
U of I Urbana, Illinois Natural History Survey, and Forbes Biological Station
Wetland quality for waterbirds in Illinois.
Sponsored by DuPage Birding Club.
2. $1,000 Olivia Choy
Northeastern Illinois University
Migration and parasite communities in avian hosts.
Sponsored by IOS ($750) and COS ($250).
3. $1,000 Brett Dorak
U of I Urbana and Illinois Natural History Survey
Ecology of wintering Canada Geese in the Chicago metro area. Sponsored by IOS ($500) and individual donors ($500).
4. $1,000 Elizabeth Errickson
U of I Springfield
Winter movements and habitat use of Short-eared Owls in an agriculture-dominated landscape.
Sponsored by individual donors.
5. $1,000 Andrew Gilbert
Western Illinois University
Detection and disturbance rates of waterbirds during aerial surveys.
Sponsored by IOS.
6. $1,000 Jesse Hacker
DePaul University
Effects of urbanization on neophobic behavior and problem solving performance in American Crows.
Sponsored by IOS ($750) and COS ($250).
7. $1,000 Heather Herakovich
Northern Illinois University
The effects of bison reintroduction, prescribed fire, and time since restoration on grassland birds in tallgrass prairie.
Sponsored by DuPage Birding Club.
8. $1,267 Taylor Joray
Illinois State University
Summer origins of American Kestrels wintering in Illinois.
Sponsored by Lake-Cook Audubon.
9. $1,000 Jaime L. Lange
U of I – Springfield
Spatial and temporal interactions between Brown-headed Cowbirds and bison at Nachusa Grasslands.
Sponsored by IOS ($850) and Lake County Audubon ($150).
10. $1,000 Aderinsola Odetunde
Illinois State University
Effects of blood loss and mite infestation on nestling developmental trade-offs and parental provisioning.
Sponsored by IOS.
11. $1,000 Ben O’Neal and Heath Hagy
Franklin College and Illinois Natural History Survey
Breeding ecology of waterbirds at Emiquon Preserve.
Sponsored by Lake-Cook Audubon.
12. $1,000 Emilie A. Ospina
U of I – Urbana
The role of incubation behavior in shaping developmental physiology in a wild passerine.
Sponsored by IOS ($500) and individual donors ($500).
13. $1,000 Cassandra Wilcoxen
U of I – Urbana
Cover crops in an agricultural landscape: Beneficial to birds during spring migration?
Sponsored by IOS.

IORC Update – 25-Nov-2016

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluation of 26 records of occurrence of rare birds in Illinois, accepting 20 and not accepting six. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. At the end, the record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (4), 7 May 2016, Carbondale, Jackson County (2016-038; Henry Detwiler)
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (2), 14 May 2016, Oakwood Bottoms, Jackson County (2016-056; Henry Detwiler)
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (6), 28 May to 27 July 2016, Springfield, Sangamon County (2016-042; Colin Dobson, Dan Williams). First found by H. David Bohlen.
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (4), 2 July 2016, Big Muddy wetlands, Jackson County (2016-057; Henry Detwiler)
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (3), 17 August 2016, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-062; Robert D. Hughes; Joseph W. Lill)
  • Tundra Swan, 18 June through 20 November 2016 (and continuing), Lemont, Cook County (2016-047; Linda Padera)
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 1-11 July 2016, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2016-050; Frank Holmes, Doug Hommert). First found by Keith McMullen.
  • Neotropic Cormorant, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County (2016-054; Matthew Cvetas)
  • Anhinga, 28 April 2016, Oakwood Bottoms, Jackson County (2016-055; Henry Detwiler)
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 31 July 2016, Evergreen Lake, McLean County (2016-058; Dave Weth)
  • Snowy Plover, 30 May 2016, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2016-041; Colin Dobson). First found by Jim Mordacq.
  • Ruff, 15-17 May 2016, Glacial Park, McHenry County (2016-048; Marty Hackl; Annette McClellan, Dan Williams)
  • Ruff, 5-10 July 2016, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County and Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2016-053; Matthew Cvetas). First found by Kevin Richmond.
  • California Gull, 22-23 February 2016, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2016-043; Annette McClellan). First found by Andy Stewart.
  • White-winged Dove, 2 July 2016, Momence, Kankakee County (2016-052; Susan Zelek)
  • White-winged Dove, 25 July 2016, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2016-059; H. David Bohlen)
  • White-winged Dove, 8 August 2016, River Grove, Cook County (2016-060; Susan Szeszol)
  • White-winged Dove, 16 August 2016, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2016-061; Adam Sell)
  • Bewick’s Wren, 28 June 2016, Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area, Schuyler County (2016-051; Ted Hartzler)
  • Painted Bunting (4), 29 May to 30 July 2016, East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2016-040; Dan Kassebaum, Travis Mahan, Dan Williams). First discovered (the male) by Aaron Gyllenhaal and Ted Wolff.

Records Not Accepted

  • Mottled Duck, 15 January 2016, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2016-008)
  • Mottled Duck, 24 May 2016, southeast of Jacksonville, Morgan County (2016-046)
  • Anhinga, 16 May 2002, Massac County (2002-051T)
  • Arctic Tern, 7 June 2016, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County (2016-045)
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 24 May 2016, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-033)
  • Baird’s Sparrow, 23 May 1989, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1989-151T)

Rare Bird Alert – 27-Nov-2016

Rufous Hummingbird: Saline County (South) – On 27-Nov-2016, Cathy DeNeal has a hatch year female Rufous Hummingbird coming to her feeder in Harrisburg, Saline County.

Mottled Duck (unconfirmed): Mason County (Central) – On 25-Nov-2016, Mike Ingram reports a Mottled Duck in the extreme south corner of the upper pool at Chautauqua NWR near Eagle Bluff.

Townsend’s Solitaire: Winnebago (North) – On 25-Nov-2016, Ray Fini found a Townsend’s Solitaire at Rock Cut State Park near the first parking lot off IL-173 on the north side of the prairie.

Townsend's Solitaire by Barbara Williams
Townsend’s Solitaire by Barbara Williams

Rare Bird Alert – 20-Nov-2016

California Gull: Peoria County (North) – Matthew Winks and Mike Ingram found a second cycle California Gull on the Peoria riverfront at the Riverplex on 20-Nov-2016.

California Gull by Matthew Winks
California Gull by Matthew Winks

Townsend’s Solitaire: Jo Daviess County (North) – On 20-Nov-2016, John Jankowski photographed a Townsend’s Solitaire on private property in Stockton, Jo Daviess County.

Ferruginous Hawk (unconfirmed): Lake County (North) – Paul Sweet reports seeing a Ferruginous Hawk at the Illinois Beach State Park Hawk Watch on 20-Nov-2016 in Zion, Lake. If accepted, this would be a state 7th record.

Cave Swallow (unconfirmed): Lake County (North) – On 19-Nov-2016, Steve Huggins and Carl Giometti observed a possible Cave Swallow at Waukegan. If accepted, this would be a 9th state record.

Central Illinois Lakes Field Trip Report (5-Nov-2016)

On November 5th, 2016, IOS conducted an inland reservoir field trip. This concept was originally conceived by former field trip chair, Travis Mahan, and has proven to be an excellent way to survey Illinois Reservoirs. This weekend has historically been an excellent time to find some of the less likely loons, grebes, scoters and gulls. The reservoirs which have been selected for this trip are in close enough proximity to allow groups to move to other reservoirs when rarities are located.

Lake Shelbyville reported by Tyler Funk

Sunrise over Lake Shelbyville
Sunrise over Lake Shelbyville

A cool morning greeted the birding crew at Lake Shelbyville with virtually no wind. The sunrise was magnificent, reflecting off the glassy lake surface and the scope views were quite good of the birds we encountered. The group circled much of the lake throughout the day with not a lot of activity. Due to the warm, almost late summer-like weather, very few diving ducks, or even dabblers, have arrived in this area. Decent numbers of Bonaparte’s and Ring-billed Gulls were seen feeding over most portions of lake. Variety was not the spice of life throughout the day. Afternoon came and so did our first couple of nice birds. An adult Lesser Black-backed Gull and Red-throated Loon, seen from the Lake Shelbyville–Findlay Bridge East Access point (as it is listed in ebird). However, the R-T Loon identification gave the group some trouble, due to its plumage, even resulting in a paid boat trip to try and get pictures (not with positive results…).

Scoping from Rebel Point
Scoping from Rebel Point

Most of the Lake Shelbyville group met on Friday evening at the Prairie Falcon roosting spot and were rewarded with nice looks of the Prairie Falcons. A bonus was added by Ron Bradley who reported a White-winged Scoter at Larry Closson State Habitat Area (aka. Hickory Ridge).

White-winged Scoter by Ron Bradley
White-winged Scoter by Ron Bradley

The Shelbyville Group (Ted Wolff, Phil Doncheck, Arlene McFadden, Ron Bradley, Jon and Carolyn Grainger, Travis Mahan and Tyler Funk) finished Saturday with 55 species. Birds of the weekend included:

  • Lesser Black-backed Gull
  • Franklin’s Gull
  • Red-throated Loon
  • Black Scoter (Seen by Travis Mahan at Findlay point)
  • Long-billed Dowitcher
  • Prairie Falcon
  • White-winged Scoter

Clinton Lake reported by Matt Fraker

Black Scoter by Matt Fraker
Black Scoter by Matt Fraker

Birds of interest which were seen on Friday evening included:

  • Osprey
  • 3 Black Scoter
  • Rusty Blackbirds

Lake Springfield plus other areas reported:

Notable birds included:

  • 2 Blue-winged Teal
  • 3 Black Scoter
  • 6 Red-throated Loon
  • 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull
  • 1 Great Horned Owl
  • 4 Barn Swallow
  • 2 Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • 4 Snow Bunting
  • 2 Pine Siskin

Rare Bird Alert – 13-Nov-2016

White-winged Dove: Cook County (North) – Luis Muñoz reports White-winged Dove at Montrose by the beach house in Chicago, Cook on 10-Nov-2016.

White-winged Dove
White-winged Dove by Luis Munoz

Say’s Phoebe: Carroll County (North) – Illinois Young Birder, Ethan Brown, and his mom, Cindy, photographed a SAY’S PHOEBE on Scenic Bluff Rd outside of Savanna, Carroll County on 9-Nov-2016.

Say's Phoebe
Say’s Phoebe by Cindy Brown

Brant: Cook County (North) – Steve Huggins reports a BRANT on Northerly Island in Chicago on 8-Nov-2016.

Brant by Matthew Cvetas

Rare eastern subspecies of Palm Warbler in Chicago

The eastern or yellow subspecies of Palm Warbler (Setophaga palmarum hypochrysea) was photographed in Chicago on 8-Nov-2016. There are only five officially documented records of this subspecies in Illinois. The expected subspecies is the brown or western Palm Warbler (S. p. palmarum).

Palm Warbler (Yellow)
Palm Warbler (Yellow) by Mary Hennan

Rare Bird Alert – 6-Nov-2016

A series of rare birds were seen over the weekend!

GRAY KINGBIRD: Clinton County (South) – A state record 3rd GRAY KINGBIRD was photographed by Dan Kassebaum at South Shore State Park, Carlyle Lake on Saturday, 5-Nov-2016.

VERMILION FLYCATCHER: Grundy County (North) – A state record 7th VERMILION FLYCATCHER was photographed by Tim Belassie at Goose Lake Prairie on Sunday, 6-Nov-2016.

TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE – Cook County (North) – Tammy and Mike Daley photographed a TOWNSEND’S SOLITAIRE at Sag Quarries in Cook County on Sunday, 6-Nov-2016.

Gray Kingbird by Dan Kassebaum
Gray Kingbird by Dan Kassebaum

IORC Update – 5-Aug-2016

Records Accepted

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (3), 29 May 2016 (with one staying to 5 Jun 2016), Sauget, St. Clair County (2016-034; Frank Holmes)
  • Mottled Duck, 11 December 2015 to 3 January 2016, Clinton Power Station outflow channel, DeWitt County (2016-060; Matthew Fraker; Matthew Cvetas, Ted Hartzler, Alyssa Rod, Dan Williams)
  • Eurasian Collared-Dove, 6 Jun 2016, Urbana, Champaign County (1998-094; Gregory S. Lambeth)
  • White-winged Dove, 27 May 2016, south of Lewisburg, Menard County (2016-036; Colin Dobson)
  • White-winged Dove, 28 May 2016, Harrisburg, Saline County (2016-037; Rhonda Kaylor)
  • Purple Gallinule, 2 Apr 2016, Chicago, Cook County (2016-020; Yvonne LaGrone; Josh Engel, Annette Prince)
  • Ruff, 8-9 May 2016, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2016-026; Roger Hayes, Dan Kassebaum)
  • Little Gull, 13-30 Mar 2016, Jake Wolf Memorial Fish Hatchery, Mason County (2016-015; Ted Hartzler)
  • Little Gull, 23 Apr 2016, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2016-021; Andrew Stewart, Paul Sweet)
  • California Gull, 2 Jun 2015, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2015-068; H. David Bohlen)
  • Brown Pelican, 23 Apr – 19 May 2016, in the area surrounding Mel Price Dam, Madison County (2016-028; Frank Holmes, Bill Rowe)
  • Burrowing Owl, 26 Mar 2016, northeast of Chauncey, Lawrence County (2016-016; Julie St. John, Mark Crowley)
  • Say’s Phoebe, 7 May 2016, Savanna, Carroll County (2016-025; Cindy Brown, Ethan Brown)
  • Say’s Phoebe, 16 May 2016, Montrose Point in Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-029; Ron Blazek, Bob Hughes)
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 9-16 Apr 2016, Silver Springs State Park, Kendall County (2016-019; Ryan Jones)
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 1 May 2016, LaBagh Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2016-024; Matthew Cvetas)
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 11 May 2016, Montrose Point in Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-027; Rob Curtis)
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 28-29 Apr 2016, Millennium Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-023; Matthew Cvetas; Rob Sall)
  • Western Tanager, 27 Apr – 2 May 2016, Elmwood Park, Cook County (2016-022; Jill Anderson, Matthew Cvetas, Greg Neise, Geoffrey Williamson)

Records Not Accepted

  • Mottled Duck, 20 July 2015, CIPS Lake, Jasper County (2016-066)
  • Slaty-backed Gull, 16 Feb 2016, Horseshoe Lake, Madison County (2016-013)
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 5 Apr 2016, Lake Jacksonville, Morgan County (2016-017)
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 7 May 2016, near Lake Jacksonville, Morgan County (2016-030)
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 5 Apr 2016, Sand Ridge Township, Jackson County (2016-018)
  • Hooded Oriole, 11 May 2016, near Lake Mauvaisterre, Morgan County (2016-031)
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