Fran Morel

Meadowlark 1993 – Vol. 2, No. 2

PDF_icon  1993 Vol. 2 Number 2


ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-26 at 5.55.22 PM

42 The Status of the Chicago Peregrine Release and Restoration Project
– Mary Hennen

47 First Illinois Record of MacGillivrays Warbler
Laurence C. Binford and David F. DeSante

51 Dovekie: First Illinois Record
John McKee

53 Cape May Warbler Holds Territory During Fall Migration
H. David Bohlen

58 Showy Shorebirds – Photo Essay
Robert Hughes and Joe B. Milosevich


54 Bird Finding Guide
Race Street Flyway – Central Illinois
Robert Chapel

57 Feeder Station
Suet: Instant Energy
Sue Friscia

60 Seasonal Highlights
Western Grebe, Wood Stork, Broad-winged Hawks, Black-necked Stilt, California Gull, Vermilion Flycatcher, Kirtland’s Warbler, Lark Bunting

65 Field Notes
Fall 1992
Robert Chapel

Meadowlark 1993 – Vol. 2, No. 1

PDF_icon  1993 Vol. 2 Number 1


ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-26 at 5.12.48 PM

2 Declining Neotropical Migrants
Illinois scientist searches for clues in state forests
-Peter Friederici

4 The Influence of Two Centuries of Habitat Change on Grassland Bird Populations in Illinois
– James R. Herkert

12 Two Good Terns
First Illinois Record of the Arctic Tern
-H. David Bohlen
First Illinois Record of the Sandwich Tern
– Laurence C. Binford

15 First Fish Crow Nest in Illinois
– Vernon M. Kleen and John Schwegman

16 Helpers at the Nest
Eastern Bluebirds and Tufted Titmice share parental duties
-Judy K. De Neal

36 Excerpts from the Field Notes of Charles T Clark


9 Bird Finding Guide
Nachusa Grasslands
– Ann Haverstock

17 Field Identification
Distinguishing Illinois Nightjars
– Robert Hughes

19 Feeder Station
– Sue Friscia

20 Seasonal Highlights

23 Field Notes
– Summer 1992
– Vernon M Kleen

Meadowlark 1992 – Vol. 1, No. 2

PDF_icon  1992 Vol. 1 Number 2


Screen Shot 2015-01-26 at 3.58.44 PMArticles

2 Hawk Watch -Hawks ride the winds through Illinois during migration
– Peter Friederici

5 Bird Finding Guide -Where and when to observe hawk migration this fall

8 The Des Plaines River Wetlands Demonstration Project Part II – Restoration increases numbers of migrating waterfowl
– Dr. Scott Hickman

13 Birds Across the Shore -An essay on fall migration
-Steve Barg

14 Autumn Melodies -Why birds sing in fall
-Nan Buckardt

15 A Violet -green Swallow Visits Northeastern Illinois
-Eric Walters


16 Feeder Station Building a feeder sound system
-Sue Friscia

17 Avian Annals An historical look at birding in Illinois
-Eric Walters

18 Field I.D. Recognizing juvenile and winter Clay- colored Sparrows
-David B. Johnson

20 Seasonal Highlights

23 Field Notes

Fall 1991
– Robert Chapel

Meadowlark 1992 – Vol. 1, No. 4

PDF_icon  1992 Vol. 1 Number 4


ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-26 at 4.52.44 PM

122 Bird Lady of Woodstock – Rehabilitator gives quality care to injured birds
– Chuck Hutchcraft

125 Statewide 1992 Spring Bird Count Report
– Michael J. Baum


132 Bird Finding Guide -Yellow -throated Warbler in Winnebago County
– Dan Williams

135 Feeder Station – How to participate in the Spring Feeder Count
– Sue Friscia

136 Seasonal Highlights

140 Avian Annals -An historical look at birding in Illinois
– Eric Walters

141 Field Notes -Spring 1992
– Eric Walters

159 Index – Volume 1

Meadowlark 1992 – Vol. 1, No. 3

PDF_icon  1992 Vol. 1 Number 3

ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-26 at 4.26.07 PM

82 Snowy Owl Invasion – Birders witness second largest flight in state’s history
– David B. Johnson

88 Owl Prowl -From dawn to dusk, birders search for owls
– Sheryl De Vore

91 Owl Lore – Legends of the Great Horned Owl
– Judy De Neal

93 Christmas Day Surprise -Finding the rare one on a Christmas Bird Count
– Al Stokie

95 Winter Ivory Gull -Illinois’ third documented record
– Eric Walters

118 Winter Survival – How birds adapt to cold
– Sheryl De Vore


96 Bird Finding Guide -Saw -whet Owls in Allerton Park
– Robert Chapel

99 Feeder Station – Diary of a Mini -blind Peeper
– Sue Friscia

100 Avian Annals -An historical look at birding in Illinois
– Eric Walters

101 Field I.D. – Chipping versus Clay- colored Sparrow: Test your skills
– David B. Johnson

102 Seasonal Highlights

106 Field Notes -Winter 1991 -92
– Robert F. Danley

119 Lister’s Corner
– Richard Palmer

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