Fran Morel

Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 4

PDF_icon  1995 Vol. 4 Number 4


ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-28 at 7.17.53 PM

122 A Gathering of Strangers:
The Biology and Ecology of Colonial Heronries
– William Moskoff

124 The Status of Heron Colonies in Illinois
– William Moskoff

129 The Illinois 1995 Spring Bird Count
– Richard Anderson


135 Photo Page
Spring Beauties
– Dennis Oehmke

136 Feeder Station
Landscaped cornfield attracts birds
– Laurel Ann Kaiser

137 Seasonal Highlights /Spring Migration 1995

144 Field Notes
Spring Migration 1995
– Robert Chapel

159 Volume 4 Index
– compiled by Renee Baade

Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 3

PDF_icon  1995 Vol. 4 Number 3


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82 An Illinois Christmas Bird Count Odyssey  – Top to Bottom and Back
– David B. Johnson

87 The Illinois 1994 Christmas Bird Count
– David B. Johnson and Alan F. Stokie


101 Bird Finding Guide
Shorebirds at O’Hare Post Office Ponds
– Richard Biss

105 Feeder Station
Ovenbird chooses indoor atrium for winter feeding station
– Christine Williamson

106 Seasonal Highlights
Winter Season 1994/1995
Barrow’s Goldeneye, Migrating American Coots, Gyrfalcon, Subadult Courting Bald Eagles, Snowy Owl

110 Field Notes
Winter Season 1994/95
– Robert Danley

Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 2

PDF_icon  1995 Vol. 4 Number 2


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42 Endangered and Threatened Birds of Illinois:
An overview of the species and their habitats
– James R. Herkert, Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board

47 First Confirmed Illinois Record of the Glaucous -winged Gull
– David B. Johnson, Laurence C. Binford, Ph.D., Alan Stokie, and Walter Marcisz


51 Bird Finding Guide – Fermilab
– Denis Kania and Peter Kasper

57 Feeder Station
Illinois’ First Backyard Bird High Count
– Sue Friscia
Backyard lister attracts 221 species on farmstead
– Judy K. DeNeal

61 Photo Essay
A Day in the Life of a Glossy Ibis
– Dennis Oehmke

62 Seasonal Highlights/Fall Migration 1994
Northern Gannet, Ground Dove, Sharp -tailed Sparrow, Ross’ Goose, Branta x Anser Hybrid, Yellow Rail

66 Field Notes – Fall Migration 1994
– Robert Chapel

Meadowlark 1995 – Vol. 4, No. 1

PDF_icon  1995 Vol. 4 Number 1


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2 First Hybridization Attempt Between A Violet-green Swallow and Tree Swallow
– Lee Johnson and William Mosko

4 Immature Cooper’s Hawks Nest in Chicago
– Paul R. Clyne

6 First Confirmed Nesting of Black-necked Stilt in Illinois
– Todd Fink and Cynthia McKee

7 A Relationship Between Songbird Breeding Success, Small Mammal Abundance,
and Fragmented Forests in Eastern Pennsylvania
– Gopaul Noojibail

12 Nesting Pied-billed Grebes at Crabtree Marsh
– Annalee Fjellberg and Adam Fikso

20 A Cup of Prothonotary Warblers
– Karen A Forcum


14 Avian Archives
New Early Records of Western Kingbird in Illinois
Correction of Great Gray Owl Record in Illinois
– C.T. (Ted) Black

16 Bird Finding Guide
Rare Summer Birds of the Lowden -Miller State Forest: Is this really Illinois?
First Nests of Black-throated Green Warbler in Illinois
– Scott K. Robinson

19 Feeder Station
Providing Water for Birds
– Dean Bolton

21 Seasonal Highlights /Breeding Season 1994
New Double -crested Cormorant Colony, Common Snipe, Western Kingbird, Chestnut -sided Warbler, Yellow throated Warbler

25 Field Notes
The 1994 Breeding Season
– Vernon Kleen

Meadowlark 1994 – Vol. 3, No. 4

PDF_icon  1994 Vol. 3 Number 4


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122 Death Traps: Birds and Urban Mortality
– Christine Philip

127 The 1994 Illinois Spring Bird Count
– Dick Anderson


133 Bird Finding Guide
Lake Calumet: Birders in Paradox
– Walter Marcisz

137 Feeder Station
– Judy Pollock and Sue Friscia

138 Seasonal Highlights /Spring Migration 1994
Trumpeter Swan
California Gull
Black Rail
Barn Owl
American Avocet
Cassin’s Vireo

143 Field Notes
Spring Migration 1994
– Robert Chapel

159 Index – Volume 3
– compiled by Renee Baade

Meadowlark 1994 – Vol. 3, No. 3

PDF_icon  1994 Vol. 3 Number 3


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82 Christmas Bird Counts: Science or Seance?
– William Moskoff

86 The 1993 Illinois Christmas Bird Count
– David B. Johnson


91 Avian Annals
Eric Walters

102 Bird Finding Guide
Birding the Middle Fork River Valley: Part II
Kennekuk Cove County Park
– Steven D. Bailey

105 Feeder Station
Brown Thrasher Winters at Chicago Feeder
– Christine Philip

106 Seasonal Highlights/Winter Season 1993/94
Northern Gannet, 27 Species of Ducks in Sangamon County, King Eider, Hoary Redpoll, Evening Grosbeak

111 Field Notes
Winter Season 1993/94
– Robert Danley

Meadowlark 1994 – Vol. 3, No. 2

PDF_icon  1994 Vol. 3 Number 2


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42 Rufous Hummingbird:
First Illinois Record and Specimen
– Ellen B. and Sherwin Strauss

43 Rufous Hummingbird: Second Illinois Record
– Robert Danley

45 Reddish Egret: First Confirmed State Record
– Sue Friscia

47 Slaty- backed Gull Sight Record for Indiana
with Comments on Identification
– Kenneth J. Brock

59 Fulvous Whistling Ducks at Belleville –
Escapees or Wild?
– Photo Essay by Dennis Oehmke


51 Field Identification
A Beginner’s Guide to Identification of Dark -mantled Gulls in Illinois
– Peter C. Petersen

54 Bird Finding Guide
Gull Birding in Illinois
– James E. Landing

60 Seasonal Highlights /Fall Migration 1993
Northern Gannet, Anhinga, Prairie Falcon, Black Rail, Vermilion Flycatcher, Sprague’s Pipit, Pine Grosbeak, Bohemian Waxwing, Black- headed Grosbeak

64 Field Notes 64
Fall Migration 1993
– Robert Chapel

Meadowlark 1994 – Vol. 3, No. 1

PDF_icon  1994 Vol. 3 Number 1Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 2.59.18 PM


2 Bird Banding:
Its Changing Role in Illinois and the Nation
Recreational banding is being replaced by more purposeful research
– Christine Philip

7 A Tale of Two Colonies
Ring- billed Gulls struggle against predation in Will and Grundy counties
– Joe B. Milosevich

10 Feathers in the Attic
Old barn provides nesting site for Turkey Vultures
– Karen Forcum


12 Bird Finding Guide
Middlefork River Valley: Part I
– Steven D. Bailey

17 Feeder Station
Backyard Nesters
– Sue Friscia

18 Seasonal Highlights/Breeding Season 1993
Breeding Evidence
Black- necked Stilt, Long -eared Owl, Scissor -tailed Flycatcher, Loggerhead Shrikes and Upland Sandpipers
New Breeding Records
Solitary Vireo, Hooded Warbler, Yellow -headed Blackbird, Least Bittern, Blue Grosbeak

24 Field Notes
Breeding Season 1993
– Vernon M. Kleen

Meadowlark 1993 – Vol. 2, No. 4

PDF_icon  1993 Vol. 2 Number 4


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122 The Greater Prairie- Chicken in Illinois
– Judy K. De Neal

127 Painted Bunting:
First Confirmed State Record
– Ben Gelman

129 Townsend’s Warbler
at the Chicago Botanic Garden
– James Steffen


131 Bird Finding Guide
Chicago Botanic Garden
-Dr. Laurence Binford

135 Feeder Station
Homemade Feeders
– Sue Friscia

138 Seasonal Highlights /Spring
Glossy Ibis, Yellow Rail, Black -legged Kittiwake, Arctic Tern, Chestnut -collared .Longspur

142 Field Notes
Spring 1993
– Eric Walters

Meadowlark 1993 – Vol. 2, No. 3

PDF_icon  1993 Vol. 2 Number 3


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82 The Bald Eagle in Illinois
How research and winter population counts are helping this endangered species
Sheryl De Vore

87 Curve -billed Thrasher: First Illinois Record
Todd Fink and Judy K. DeNeal

96 Birding Lake Forest’s Open Lands
Year -long bird survey yields 102 -species checklist
William Moskoff


90 Bird Finding Guide
Bald Eagles in Winter
Reid Magney and Terri Melrose

92 Field Identification
Adult and Immature Bald Eagles
Hal Cohen

99 Feeder Station
Backyard Rarities
– Sue Friscia

100 Seasonal Highlights /Winter
Five Geese Species, Mew Gull, Rock Wren, Swainson’s Thrush, Bohemian Waxwing, Solitary Vireo, Northern Parula Warbler

105 Field Notes
Winter 1992/93
– Robert F. Danley


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