Fran Morel

Meadowlark 2010 – Vol. 19, No. 4

PDF_icon  2010 Vol. 19 Number 4


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122 Chickamouse: Probable hybridization between Tufted Titmouse and Black-capped Chickadee in DeWitt County
– Matt Fraker

124 Brown Creeper’s migratory route fidelity and urban fatality
– Annette Prince


126 The 2010 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Michael P. Ward and Tara Beveroth

136 & 160 Photo Essay: Gone Fishing

137 Field Notes: The 2010 Spring Migration Season
– Geoffrey Williamson

Meadowlark 2010 – Vol. 19, No. 3

PDF_icon  2010 Vol. 19 Number 3


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82 Golden Eagle attacks white-tailed deer at Nachusa Grasslands
— Eric Walters

86 Rat predation by a Black-crowned Night-Heron
— Dennis A. Merritt, Jr.


88 The 2009/2010 Illinois Christmas Bird Count
— Paul Sweet

98 Field Notes: The 2009/2010 Winter Season
— Kelly J. McKay

Meadowlark 2010 – Vol. 19, No. 2

PDF_icon  2010 Vol. 19 Number 2



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46 Effects of linear woody vegetation removal on grassland birds at Bartel Grasslands
– James R. Herkert

51 Ruby- throated Hummingbird feeds on a pear
– John G. Palis

52 IOS awards six $1,000 bird research grants 52
– Robert Fisher


56 Sixteenth Report of the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee
– Douglas F. Stotz

62 Field Notes: The 2009 fall migration
– Douglas E. Stotz

Meadowlark 2010 – Vol. 19, No. 1

PDF_icon  2010 Vol. 19 Number 1


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2 Swainson’s Warbler survey in southern Illinois suggests potential breeding
– Matt Mckim- Louder and Jeffrey Hoover

6 First documented nesting record for Anhinga in Illinois
– Matt Mckim- Louder

8 Continued nesting of Mississippi Kite in Winnebago County
– Dan Williams

10 Photo Essay:
First successful nesting of American White Pelican in Illinois
– Russell Engelke and Steve Patterson

12 Caspian Tern nests for first time in Illinois 12
– Steven D. Bailey

13 Northern Rough- winged Swallow builds nest on garage air -conditioning ducts
– Marilyn Campbell

14 Field Notes: The 2009 breeding season
– Steven D. Bailey

Note: The Index to Meadowlark Volume 18 will be published online at

Meadowlark 2009 – Vol. 18, No. 4

PDF_icon  2009 Vol. 18 Number 4


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122 Sandhill Crane colt survival in northeastern Illinois
– Jeffrey Fox

128 Aggressive interaction between a Sora and Virginia Rail during spring migration
– John G. Palis


129 The 2009 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen

140 Field Notes: The 2009 spring migration
– Travis A. Mahan

Note: The Index to Meadowlark Volume 18 will be published online at


Meadowlark 2009 – Vol. 18, No. 3

PDF_icon  2009 Vol. 18 Number 3


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78 Winter gull identification challenges at Carlyle Lake and Melvin Price Locks and Dam in Illinois
– Dan Kassebaum


80 Fifteenth report of the Illinois Ornithological Records Committee
– Douglas F. Stotz

86 The 2008/2009 CBC Season
– Paul Sweet

97 In Memoriam: Laurence C. Binford and L. Barrie Hunt

99 Field Notes: Winter season 2008/2009
– Kelly J. McKay

Meadowlark 2009 – Vol. 18, No. 2

PDF_icon2009 Vol. 18 Number 2


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42 IOS awards seven research grants

46 Changes in 2009 to the list of threatened and endangered birds of Illinois
– Jeffery Walk

50 An innovative approach to understanding the Yellow-breasted Chat, a declining neotropical migratory bird
– Mark G. Alessi, Thomas J. Benson, and Michael P. Ward


54 Yard Birds:
Reflections on backyard birding throughout Illinois
Watching hawks from a lawn chair in your yard
– Robert Fisher

56 IOS field trip produces another lifer for another member
– Greg Neise

57 Field Notes: The 2008 fall migration
– Douglas F. Stotz

Meadowlark 2009 – Vol. 18, No. 1

PDF_icon  2009 Vol. 18 Number 1


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2 Birdnotes from a bygone era
– Steven D. Bailey

8 Mississippi Kites nest in Rockford:
Illinois’ most northerly breeding record
– Dan Williams


12 Field Notes: The 2008 breeding season
– Steven D. Bailey

Meadowlark 2008 – Vol. 17, No. 4

PDF_icon  2008 Vol. 17 Number 4


ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-30 at 5.21.11 PM

122 Illinois Breeding Bird Population Trends: 1980 – 2006
– James R. Herkert


126 Bird Finding Guide: Boone County
– Daniel Williams

130 The 2008 Illinois Statewide Spring Bird Count
– Vernon M. Kleen

140 Field Notes: The 2008 Spring Migration Season
– Travis A. Mahan

Note: The Index to Meadowlark Volume 17 will be published online at

Meadowlark 2008 – Vol. 17, No. 3

PDF_icon  2008 Vol. 17 Number 3

ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-30 at 5.15.25 PM

82 Carlyle Lake Gulls: a season of rarities with notes on how and when to locate them
— Dan Kassebaum

86 A potential first North American record of ‘Kamchatka’ Mew Gull away from Pacific Ocean
— Bill Rudden

89 Three rare sea ducks in central Illinois
— Matthew Winks

91 Ruddy Turnstone: first Illinois CBC record
— Carolyn Marsh


92 The 2007/2008 Illinois Christmas Bird Count
— Paul Sweet

103 Field Notes: The 2007/2008 winter season
— Kelly J. McKay

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