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Illinois Ornithological Records Committee

About IORC

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC), founded in 1985, evaluates the evidence for records of birds that are rare or unusual in Illinois. As a standing committee of the Illinois Ornithological Society, IORC strives to improve the quality of submitted ornithological field data in Illinois both through example and dissemination of pertinent information and techniques.

The members of IORC for 2024 are:

  • Geoff Williamson (Secretary)
  • Nathan Goldberg
  • Steve Huggins
  • Davida Kalina (Vice Secretary)
  • Terry Walsh
  • Kyle Wiktor
  • Dan Williams

IORC is responsible for publishing and maintaining the official checklist of Illinois birds. Also, in the IOS journal Meadowlark, it publishes reports on records of rare birds, indicating whether or not the evidence warrants their acceptance as part of Illinois’s ornithological record. The Committee houses all bird records and evaluations of evidence thereof (including the evidence itself) in its archives at the Field Museum of Natural History, located in Chicago. Students and professional ornithologists are welcome to inquire regarding, or to review, any bird records housed there.

Links to the current bylaws of IORC, to a website with a variety of materials related to IORC’s work including a web-accessible portion of the IORC archives, and to published reports of IORC may be found further down on this web page.

Documenting Rare Birds

Observers are encouraged to submit documentation of rare and unusual birds to IORC. The Committee maintains a review list of birds that require documentation in the state; see below. Documentation is best prepared using the documentation forms provided below. The completed form plus any supporting materials (such as photographs and sketches) should be sent to the IORC secretary at

Geoffrey Williamson, IORC Secretary
4046 N Clark St Unit K
Chicago, IL 60613
email (iorcommittee [at] gmail [dot] com)

IORC’s preference is to receive materials electronically when possible. For questions about IORC or the documentation process, please contact the IORC Secretary.

Documentation Forms

  • Online web-based form (complete and submit online; upon web submission it is sent electronically both to IORC and to the email address provided on the form)
  • Documentation form (pdf version) (print, complete and submit either electronically or by U.S. postal service to the Secretary at the addresses above)
  • Documentation form (MS Word version) (download, edit and print, or print and complete, then submit either electronically or by U.S. postal service to the Secretary at the addresses above)

How to Document Rare Birds

Many resources are available on the internet that provide information and guidance about how to document rare birds. Some suggested resources for consultation are listed below.

  • “How to Document Rare Birds” by Donna Dittmann and Greg Lasley (web version of an article that originally appearing in the American Birding Association’s magazine Birding, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 145-159, June 1992)

Review List

IORC accepts for review bird records which, in general, do not occur annually in Illinois, or which are extremely rare in all but a few counties in the state. The committee also is interested in receiving documentation of other records of significance including first state nesting records, unusual dates or locations of occurrence, etc. The review list is based on the current checklist of Illinois state birds and additional rare species accepted since publication. Any species not included on the Illinois IORC checklist should be documented, as should observations involving any species considered extirpated in the state or extinct. The committee welcomes evidence* in the form of a written documentation, sketch, photograph, video or specimen for any of the following species:

Order AnseriformesFamily Anatidae

  • Fulvous Whistling-Duck
  • Brant
  • Barnacle Goose
  • Garganey
  • Cinnamon Teal [females only]
  • Eurasian Wigeon
  • Mottled Duck
  • Tufted Duck
  • King Eider
  • Common Eider
  • Harlequin Duck [except Lake Michigan]
  • Barrow’s Goldeneye

Order Galliformes

Family Phasianidae

  • Gray Partridge

Order Podicipediformes

Family Podicipedidae

  • Clark’s Grebe

Order Columbiformes

Family Columbidae

  • Band-tailed Pigeon
  • Inca Dove
  • Common Ground-Dove

Order Cuculiformes

Family Cuculidae

  • Groove-billed Ani

Order Apodiformes

Family Trochilidae

  • Mexican Violetear
  • Anna’s Hummingbird
  • Allen’s Hummingbird
  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird
  • Broad-billed Hummingbird

Order Gruiformes

Family Rallidae

  • Purple Gallinule
  • Black Rail

Family Aramidae

  • Limpkin

Family Gruidae

  • Whooping Crane [documentation should address why the record is thought to be from the naturally occurring population and not the migratory population whose introduction is being attempted]

Order Charadriiformes

Family Charadriidae

  • Common Ringed Plover
  • Wilson’s Plover
  • Mountain Plover
  • Snowy Plover

Family Scolopacidae

  • Long-billed Curlew
  • Ruff
  • Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
  • Curlew Sandpiper
  • Purple Sandpiper
  • Little Stint
  • Wandering Tattler

Family Stercorariidae

  • Pomarine Jaeger
  • Parasitic Jaeger
  • Long-tailed Jaeger

Family Alcidae

  • Dovekie
  • Ancient Murrelet
Family Laridae

  • Ivory Gull
  • Black-headed Gull
  • Ross’s Gull
  • Black-tailed Gull
  • Short-billed Gull
  • Slaty-backed Gull
  • Glaucous-winged Gull
  • Sooty Tern
  • Large-billed Tern
  • Gull-billed Tern
  • Arctic Tern
  • Royal Tern
  • Sandwich Tern
  • Black Skimmer

Order Gaviiformes

Family Gaviidae

  • Pacific Loon
  • Yellow-billed Loon

Order Ciconiiformes

Family Ciconiidae

  • Wood Stork

Order Suliformes

Family Fregatidae

  • Magnificent Frigatebird

Family Sulidae

  • Brown Booby
  • Northern Gannet

Family Anhingidae

  • Anhinga [except southern Illinois]

Order Pelecaniformes

Family Pelecanidae

  • Brown Pelican

Family Ardeidae

  • Tricolored Heron
  • Reddish Egret

Family Threskiornithidae

  • White Ibis
  • Glossy Ibis [any fall or immature (non-alternate) plumage]
  • White-faced Ibis [any fall or immature (non-alternate) plumage]
  • Roseate Spoonbill

Order Accipitriformes

Family Accipitridae

  • White-tailed Kite
  • Ferruginous Hawk

Order Strigiformes

Family Strigidae

  • Northern Hawk Owl
  • Burrowing Owl
  • Boreal Owl

Order Piciformes

Family Picidae

  • Lewis’s Woodpecker
  • Williamson’s Sapsucker
  • Red-naped Sapsucker
  • Black-backed Woodpecker
  • Red-cockaded Woodpecker

Order Falconiformes

Family Falconidae

  • Crested Caracara
  • Gyrfalcon
  • Prairie Falcon
Order PasseriformesFamily Tyrannidae

  • Small-billed Elaenia
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher
  • Great Kiskadee
  • Tropical Kingbird
  • Cassin’s Kingbird
  • Gray Kingbird
  • Fork-tailed Flycatcher
  • Western Flycatcher
  • Say’s Phoebe
  • Vermilion Flycatcher

Family Vireonidae

  • Cassin’s Vireo
  • Plumbeous Vireo

Family Corvidae

  • Clark’s Nutcracker
  • Black-billed Magpie
  • Common Raven

Family Paridae

  • Boreal Chickadee

Family Hirundinidae

  • Violet-green Swallow
  • Cave Swallow

Family Bombycillidae

  • Bohemian Waxwing

Family Sittidae

  • Brown-headed Nuthatch

Family Troglodytidae

  • Rock Wren
  • Bewick’s Wren

Family Mimidae

  • Curve-billed Thrasher
  • Sage Thrasher

Family Turdidae

  • Mountain Bluebird

Family Muscicapidae

  • Northern Wheatear

Family Motacillidae

  • Sprague’s Pipit

Family Fringillidae

  • Pine Grosbeak
  • Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
  • Lesser Goldfinch

Family Calcariidae

  • Chestnut-collared Longspur

Family Passerellidae

  • Cassin’s Sparrow
  • Bachman’s Sparrow
  • Black-throated Sparrow
  • Lark Bunting
  • Brewer’s Sparrow
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • Green-tailed Towhee

Family Icteridae

  • Bullock’s Oriole
  • Scott’s Oriole
  • Great-tailed Grackle

Family Parulidae

  • Swainson’s Warbler
  • MacGillivray’s Warbler
  • Kirtland’s Warbler
  • Grace’s Warbler
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler
  • Townsend’s Warbler
  • Hermit Warbler
  • Painted Redstart

Family Cardinalidae

  • Hepatic Tanager
  • Black-headed Grosbeak
  • Lazuli Bunting
  • Painted Bunting

Publications of IORC

Official Illinois State List of Birds

  • The official list of The Birds of Illinois is maintained online by IORC. Please follow the hyperlink to view the list.

IORC Bylaws

IORC Web Resources and Review Files

  • A variety of information about the work of IORC, including a portion of the archived material regarding bird records, is web-accessible via a set of web pages comprising the IORC Web Resources and Review Files.
  • Web-accessible database of IORC records from the first 22 IORC reports: (We have moved this database from its previous location to this new site. Its functionality has not yet been fully restored after the move, but one is able to query the database in many useful ways.)

IORC Reports

Decisions regarding bird records since the 22nd IORC report

Information about IORC decisions for bird records since the 22nd IORC report will be provided below as it becomes available. The official reporting of decisions is via the published reports. The listing of decisions below may not be entirely complete and up-to-date, but IORC strives to have it be as comprehensive as possible. For each record we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. At the end, the record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters.

The most recent update is shown first, followed by the collection of all decided records since the 22nd IORC report (including those in the most recent update).

Update on 26 August 2024

Records Accepted

  • Eurasian Wigeon, 10-11 March 2024, Middle Fork River Forest Preserve, Champaign County (2024-008; Alex Lowe-Massi; Sarah Winnicki-Smith).
  • Snowy Plover, 31 May to 7 June 2024, North Unit of Illinois Beach State Park and Johns Mansville Ponds in Waukegan, Lake County (2024-028; John Kuenzli; Susan Lamberts, Carolyn Luecke, Annette McClellan, William McClellan, Valentina Roumi, Beau Schaefer, Adam Sell, Matt Tobin, Gustavo Ustariz, Steve Zehner).
  • Ruff, 27 March 2024, Richton Park, Cook County (2024-009; Jeffrey Stwora, Linda Stwora; Ian Sarmiento, Matt Zuro).
  • Ruff, 30 March 2024, Bellrose Unit of Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Pulaski County (2024-010; Keith McMullen).
  • Ruff, 23-24 April 2024, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2024-018; Davida Kalina).
  • Ruff, 8 May 2024, Pecatonica, Winnebago County (2024-019; Dan Williams).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 4 November 2023, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2023-100; Marky Mutchler, Peter Tolzmann).
  • Black-tailed Gull, 29-31 May 2024, Waukegan Beach, Lake County (2024-025; Matt Tobin; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Short-billed Gull, 29 January 2024, Mel Price Lock and Dam, Madison County (2024-007; Jonah Eckels, Bill Rowe; Samuel Belley, David French, Paul McKenzie, Seth Winkelman).
  • Glaucous-winged Gull, 22 January to 25 February 2024, at North Point Marina in Winthrop Harbor and in Grayslake, Lake County (2024-006; Woody Goss; Nat Carmichael, Nathan Goldberg, Haley Gottardo, Stephen Hurst, Scott Latimer, Dan Michler).
  • Burrowing Owl, 10-13 April 2024, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2024-011; Kay McNab).
  • Prairie Falcon, 24 October 1993, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (1993-079; John Longhenry).
  • Prairie Falcon (1 to 2), 28 October 2023 to 26 February 2024, southwest of Arcola, Coles County (2023-101; Tyler Funk; Ted Hartzler, Christopher Hensel).
  • Prairie Falcon, 26 February 2024, Essex Township, Kankakee County (2024-013; Bob Fisher, Donnalyn Quint).
  • Prairie Falcon, 26 May 2024, Johnsburg, McHenry County (2024-027; Michal Furmanek).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 24 March 2024, Hannaford Forest Preserve, Kane County (2024-014; Kevin Hatcher; Sandeep Biswas).
  • Fish Crow, 23 May 2024, Evanston, Cook County (2024-023; Tamima Itani).
  • Sage Thrasher, 13-14 April 2024, McKee Marsh in Blackwell Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2024-012; Josiah Verbrugge).
  • Lark Bunting, 8-9 July 2024, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2024-030; Alex Haza).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 20 December 2023 to 12 March 2024, Monee, Will County (2023-108; Isoo O’Brien; Geoffrey A. Williamson, Susan Zelek).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 29 April 1990, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (1990-039; Lynda Johnson, John Longhenry).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 18 May 2024, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2024-021; Graham Deese).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 8 September 2001, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (2001-064; John Longhenry).
  • Western Tanager, 15 May 2024, Glacial Park, McHenry County (2024-024; Randy Schietzelt).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 18-22 July 2024, south of Du Quoin, Perry County (2024-031; Richard Wayman; C. Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Painted Bunting (1 to 3), 3 May to 19 July 2024 (and possibly later), East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2024-026; Joe Gardner, Yvonne Homeyer, Amy Rangel, Christopher Tomera).

Records Not Accepted

  • Smew (5), 3-4 April 2024, Woodstock, McHenry County (2024-016).
  • Limpkin, 14 January 2024, Forbes Biological Station, Mason County (2024-004).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 28 October 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-082).
  • White-faced Ibis (2), 22 November 2023, Pyramid State Park, Perry County (2023-099).
  • Eyebrowed Thrush, 20 March to 2 April 2024, Eureka, Woodford County (2024-015).

All decisions on records since the 22nd report
(including the recent update above)

Records Accepted

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (3), 9 May 2017, Watershed Nature Center, Edwardsville, Madison County (2017-012; Evan Dvorchak, John Tomlinson).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (3), 23 June 2017, northwest Alexander County (2017-023; Robert E. Fisher).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 22 July 2017, Army Depot Road, Carroll County (2017-028; Dan Williams).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 7 August 2017, Zuma Creek flats, Rock Island County (2017-033; Steve Freed).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (2), 5 May 2018, Canton, Fulton County (2018-031; Michael McKinley).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (34), 9 May to 28 June 2019 in Granite City, Madison County (2019-028; Frank Holmes).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (2), 30 May 2019 in Naples, Scott County (2019-019; Colin Dobson).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (2), 16 June 2019 northeast of Meredosia, Morgan County (2019-021; Colin Dobson).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (28), 28-29 June 2019 in Grand Tower, Jackson County (2019-24; Rhonda Rothrock, Trevor Slovik).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (19), 17 August 2019 in Grand Tower, Jackson County (2019-037; Dan Wylie).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (6), 4 June 2020 at Beall Woods State Park, Wabash County (2020-018; Robert E. Shelby).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 6 July 2020, Wood Dale, DuPage County (2020-035; Tony Comerci).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (breeding record), 10-21 September 2020, Fults, Monroe County (2020-053; Carl DauBach, Pen DauBach).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck (2), 10 April 2021, Grand Tower, Jackson County (2021-016; Craig Taylor).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 4 Jun 2021, Fairfield, Wayne County (2021-042; Bob Shelby).
  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 12-17 December 2022, Bloomington, McLean County (2022-089; Ryan Johnson; Wes Kolb, Charlotte Pavelka).
  • Fulvous Whistling-Duck, 6-27 August 2019 along the Big Muddy River levee at Island Road, Jackson County (2019-035; Don Mullison; Rhonda Rothrock, Dan Williams)
  • Fulvous Whistling-Duck (23), 13 September to 5 October 2019 adjacent to Mississippi River levee roads near Merrimac, Monroe County (2019-046; Wally George; Travis Mahan, Geoffrey A. Williamson)
  • Fulvous Whistling-Duck (5), 1 May 2022, Lake Charleston, Coles County (2022-033; Ron Bradley; Cary Hillegonds, Craig Taylor).
  • Ross’s Goose (blue morph), 6 March 2017, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2017-088; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Ross’s Goose (blue morph), 17 March 2018, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2018-079; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Brant, 2-26 January 2021, Winthrop Harbor and Waukegan in Lake County, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park in Cook County (2021-001; Robert D. Hughes, Tamima Itani, Vlad Nevirkovets, Terry Walsh, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Barnacle Goose, 1-30 January 1983 in Durand, Winnebago County (1983-003; James Landing, Dan Williams). First state record.
  • Barnacle Goose, 27 November to 16 December 2012, various locations in Kane, Kendall, and Will counties (2012-057; Andrew Aldrich).
  • Barnacle Goose, 16-19 December 2017 in Towanda, McLean County (2017-064; Oliver Burrus, Davida Kalina).
  • Mute Swan (breeding record), 18 May – 30 October 2015, Edwardsville, Madison County (2015-070; Doug Hommert).
  • Garganey, 24 April 2014, Carlyle Lake, Fayette County (2014-059; Dan M. Kassebaum).
  • Cinnamon Teal, 14 October 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-096; H. David Bohlen).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 16 May to 5 June 2015, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2015-071; Dan M. Kassebaum).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 21 November to 1 December 2020, Des Plaines Conservation Area, Will County (2020-077; Annette McClellan, Daniel T. Williams).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 18 November 2021, Newton Lake, Jasper County (2021-059; C. Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 23 March to 21 April 2022, Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve, Lake County (2022-031; Beau Schaefer; Stephen Hurst).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 11-17 November 2022, Mirador subdivision ponds, Kane County (2022-075; Kevin Hatcher, Vince Moxon; Scott Cohrs, Graham Deese, Haley Gottardo, Greg Jerzyk, Mike Losacco, Eric Secker, Katharine Spencer, Michael Warner).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 10-11 March 2024, Middle Fork River Forest Preserve, Champaign County (2024-008; Alex Lowe-Massi; Sarah Winnicki-Smith).
  • Mottled Duck, 25 November 2016, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2016-087; Mike Ingram).
  • Mottled Duck, 14-27 June 2021, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County (2021-057; Colin Dobson, Nathan Goldberg, Frank R. Holmes, Benjamin Murphy, Steve Zehner).
  • Mottled Duck, 27 May 2022, Bailey Wetland, Richland and Wayne counties (2022-025; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Mottled Duck, 8 October 2022, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2022-060; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Mottled Duck, 22 May to 13 June 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-019; Colin Dobson; Joe Gardner, Jim Herkert, Ann Haverstock, Keith A. McMullen, Dennis Oehmke).
  • Tufted Duck, 20-21 April 2018, Spunky Bottoms, Brown County (2018-035; Benjamin Murphy, Craig Taylor).
  • King Eider, 21 November 1936, Henry, Marshall County (1936-002; J.A. King).
  • King Eider, 31 October to 2 November 2019 along the Evanston and Chicago lakefront, Cook County (2019-062; Tamima Itani; Matthew Cvetas, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • King Eider, 23 December 2021, Heidecke Lake, Grundy County (2021-103; Matt Misewicz).
  • Harlequin Duck, 21-30 December 2017 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2017-081; Keith McMullen, Al Smith)
  • Harlequin Duck, 3 February 2020 in Moline, Rock Island County (2020-004; Steven Freed).
  • Harlequin Duck, 1-4 March 2020 in Moline, Rock Island County (2020-005; Steven Freed).
  • Barrow’s Goldeneye, 9 January – 3 February 2018, Rapids City riverfront, Rock Island County (2018-005; Jim Forde;  Colin Dobson, Steven Freed).
  • Common Ground-Dove, 23 November 2020, south of Martinsville, Clark County (2020-085; Steven Lima).
  • White-winged Dove, 17 May 2016, Chicago, Cook County (2016-100; David Mroczkowski).
  • White-winged Dove, 18 March 2017, Quincy, Adams County (2017-007; Pat Reyburn; Phil Reyburn).
  • White-winged Dove, 4 June 2017, River Grove, Cook County (2017-014; Susan Szeszol).
  • White-winged Dove, 19 June 2017, River Forest, Cook County (2017-022; Jill Anderson).
  • White-winged Dove, 9 July to 26 August 2017, Kaneville, Kane County (2017-026; Marion Miller, Vince Moxon, Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Dove, 17 April 2017, Le Roy, McLean County (2017-039; Joe Phipps).
  • White-winged Dove, 1 November 2017, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2017-055; Fran Morel).
  • White-winged Dove, 18-21 April 2018, Minonk, Woodford County (2018-014; Ted Hartzler; Keith A. McMullen, Daniel T. Williams).
  • White-winged Dove, 25 April 2018, Clinton County (2018-027; Dan Kassebaum).
  • White-winged Dove, 5 May 2018, Chicago, Cook County (2018-022; Steven J. Huggins).
  • White-winged Dove, 14 May 2018 in Shiloh, St. Clair County (2018-074; Karen Louis).
  • White-winged Dove, 15 June 2018 in Oswego, Kendall County (2018-076; Scott Johnson).
  • White-winged Dove, 10 November 2018, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2018-053; Steve Huggins; Tom Lally, Adam Sell).
  • White-winged Dove, 17 April 2019 in Kankakee, Kankakee County (2019-010; Gary Soper).
  • White-winged Dove, 2 May 2019 in Skokie, Cook County (2019-020; Amanda Tichacek).
  • White-winged Dove, 4 May 2019, Marengo, McHenry County (2019-072; Stephen Mitten).
  • White-winged Dove, 13-14 May 2019 in Seward, Winnebago County (2019-014; Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Dove, 23 August 2019 at Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge, Calhoun County (2019-039; Bill Rowe).
  • White-winged Dove, 14-18 April 2020 in Metropolis, Massac County (2020-009; John Schwegman).
  • White-winged Dove (1 to 2), 4 May to 27 July 2020 (with two present during 9-14 May 2020) in Stonington, Christian County (2020-011; Tom Colin, Trevor Slovick, Ted Wolff).
  • White-winged Dove, 22 May 2020, Mendota, LaSalle County (2020-109; Diana Rod).
  • White-winged Dove, 18-21 April 2023, Bloomington, McLean County (2023-011; Beverly Beauford; Michael McKinley).
  • Common Nighthawk, 24 November 2021, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2021-108; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Mexican Violetear, 20-24 August 2021, Mundelein, Lake County (2021-051; Jason Cristino; David B. Johnson, Ryan Jones, Karen Lund, Annette McClellan, William McClellan, Greg Neise, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson, Junko Yokota).
  • Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 29 December 2021, Antioch, Lake County (2021-100; Adam W. Sell).
  • Rufous Hummingbird, 1-10 December 2020, Lisle, DuPage County (2020-108; Tamima Itani, Vernon Kleen).
  • Rufous Hummingbird, 22-27 October 2022, Davis, Stephenson County (2022-082; Carol Jeschke; Vernon Kleen).
  • Rufous Hummingbird, 30 October to 21 November 2022, Sorento, Bond County (2022-081; Stacie Bushong; Vernon Kleen).
  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird, 7-10 November 2023, Champaign, Champaign County (2023-087; Deanna Uphoff; Nathan Goldberg, C. Leroy Harrison, Yusuf Jassim, David B. Johnson, Alyssa Rod, Steve Zehner). First state record.
  • Broad-billed Hummingbird, 11-13 September 2017, Sherman, Sangamon County (2017-037; Pam Stanko; H. David Bohlen).
  • Broad-billed Hummingbird, 8 May 2020, Lerna, Coles County (2020-186; Eric Bollinger).
  • Broad-billed Hummingbird, 3-14 May 2021, LaBagh Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2021-024; Geoffrey A. Williamson, Tony Yee, Steve Zehner).
  • Purple Gallinule, 9 May 2010, Minonk wastewater treatment plant, Woodford County (2010-035; Matthew Winks).
  • Purple Gallinule, 4 May 2019, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2019-071; Frank Bennett).
  • Purple Gallinule, 9 October 2019, Skokie, Cook County (2019-092; Chicago Bird Collision Monitors).
  • Purple Gallinule, 23 September 2020, Montrose Point, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2020-054; Robert D. Hughes; Matthew M. Cvetas).
  • Purple Gallinule, 26 September 2023, Moline, Rock Island County (2023-061; Steve Freed).
  • Purple Gallinule, 3-6 October 2023, Banner Marsh, Peoria County (2023-068; Linda Foster).
  • Purple Gallinule, 5 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-089).
  • Black Rail, 20-28 June 2017, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2017-020; Karen Mansfield; Matthew Cvetas, Robert D. Hughes, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Black Rail, 16 June 2018, Orland Grassland South Forest Preserve, Cook County (2018-043; Cary Hillegonds; Nancy Buis, Jayne Leone, Michael McNamee).
  • Black Rail, 2 June 2019 at Killdeer Wetlands Forest Preserve, Cook County (2019-057; Stephanie Beilke).
  • Black Rail, 18 September 2020, northwest Alexander County (2020-050; Craig A. Taylor).
  • Black Rail, 6-8 May 2021, Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2021-117; Bob Fisher).
  • Black Rail (1 to 3), 17-30 May 2022, Illinois Beach State Park, North Unit, Lake County (2022-049; Beau Schaefer; Scott Latimer, Jason Newton).
  • Black Rail, 30 April to 1 May 2022, Killdeer Wetlands, Cook County (2022-050; Alex Haza; Henry Meade, Liam Pentangelo, Peter Tolzmann).
  • Limpkin, 20 June to 7 November 2019 at Borah Lake, Olney, Richland County (2019-043; Brady Colin, Tom Colin, Matthew Cvetas, Fran Morel, Bob Shelby, Craig Taylor, Geoffrey A. Williamson). First state record.
  • Limpkin, 10-14 July 2021, Chain-o-Lakes State Park, Lake County (2021-047; Al Nichols; Oliver Burrus, Craig Taylor).
  • Limpkin, 16-28 August 2021, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2021-050; Scott Harp; Craig Taylor).
  • Limpkin, 23 May 2022, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2022-035; Mark Feldworth).
  • Limpkin, 11-30 August 2022, Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area, Cass and Mason counties (2022-047; Mike Chumley; Colin Dobson, Jarod Hitchings, Forrest Stonedahl).
  • Limpkin, 12 April 2023, Kaskaskia River valley south-southwest of Vandalia, Fayette County (2023-008; Tyler Kimes).
  • Limpkin, 3 May 2023, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2023-015; Matt Eisenhauer).
  • Limpkin, mid-May 2023, Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-094; Paul Countryman).
  • Limpkin, 20 May 2023, Oswego, Kendall County (2023-040; Scott Johnson, Ryan Jones).
  • Limpkin (2), 2 June 2023, Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County (2023-021; Karin Pelton; Keith A. McMullen, Mark Vukovich).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 30 June to 9 July 2023, Heron Pond, Johnson County (2023-026; P. Switzer).
  • Limpkin, 13 July 2023, Clinton Lake, DeWitt County (2023-027; Ann Anderson).
  • Limpkin, 16 July to 27 August 2023, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2023-028; Anne Parmley; Wendy Griggs).
  • Limpkin, 24 July to 9 October 2023, Skokie Lagoons Forest Preserve and Chicago Botanic Gardens, Cook County (2023-031; Jenny Heckathorne; Jeff Bilsky, Matthew Cvetas, Tom Lally, Fran Morel, Amanda Tichacek, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Limpkin, 26 July 2023, Section 8 Woods, Pulaski County (2023-032; Timothy Rye).
  • Limpkin (2), 27-29 July 2023, Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area, Cass County (2023-033; Ted Hartzler).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 5-21 August 2023, Nygren Wetlands, Winnebago County (2023-035; Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 13 August 2023, Lake Pana, Shelby County (2023-037; Tom Colin; Travis Mahan).
  • Limpkin, 13 August 2023, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2023-038; Paige Niepoetter).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 16 August to 21 September 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2023-042; Matt Misewicz, Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 27-28 August 2023, Lake Arispie, Bureau County (2023-043; Brad Grover).
  • Limpkin, 28 August to 4 September 2023, along Sangamon Creek north of the town of White Heath, Piatt County (2023-044; Nathan Beccue).
  • Limpkin, 28-30 August 2023, Galena River, JoDaviess County (2023-046; Tony Moline).
  • Limpkin, 30 August to 18 September 2023, Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County (2023-047; Tina Pryor).
  • Limpkin, 13-14 September 2023, McHenry Dam, McHenry County (2023-053; Richard Hugel, Janusz Kubik).
  • Limpkin, 17 September 2023, along the Kishwaukee River, Winnebago County (2023-054; John Defenbaugh).
  • Limpkin, 24 September 2023, Grass Lake, Chain O’ Lakes State Park, Lake County (2023-063; Bridget Kiernan).
  • Limpkin, 25 September 2023, Amboy Marsh, Lee County (2023-059; James Hampson, Alyssa Rod, Diana Rod).
  • Limpkin, 26 September to 10 November 2023, Westlake Lake and Nature Area, Winnebago County (2023-060; Randy Grover; Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 28 September to 11 November 2023, McGinnis Slough, Cook County (2023-064; Elizabeth Simkins).
  • Limpkin, 28 September to 4 November 2023, Sylvan Island, Rock Island County (2023-065, Steve Freed).
  • Limpkin, 30 September to 21 October 2023, Kickapoo State Recreation Area, Vermilion County (2023-069; Jen Mui; Michael Ward).
  • Limpkin, 12 October to 25 November 2023, Lake Charleston, Coles County (2023-073; Ron Bradley, Amy Lynch).
  • Limpkin, 16 October to 13 December 2023 (and possibly later), Mellody Farm Nature Preserve, Lake County (2023-074; Maureen Marsh).
  • Limpkin, 17 October 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-092; H. David Bohlen).
  • Limpkin, 24 October to 27 November 2023, Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2023-079; Nicola Germann).
  • Limpkin, 26 October 2023, East Moline, Rock Island County (2023-077; Steve Freed).
  • Limpkin, 29 October 2023, Bloomington, McLean County (2023-085; Heather Smith).
  • Limpkin, late October to 26 November 2023, Lockport, Will County (2023-095; Cindy Alberico, Nancy Buis, Ryan Jones, Jayne Leone).
  • Limpkin, 4 November 2023, Cleveland, Henry County (2023-081; Evan Lopez).
  • Limpkin, 6-7 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-088).
  • Limpkin, 11-12 November 2023, Riverview Farmstead Preserve, Will County (2023-091; Sajo Naik).
  • Limpkin, 11-27 November 2023, Oswego, Kendall County (2023-097; Ingrid Croall, Jackson Croall).
  • Limpkin, 13-19 November 2023, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2023-102; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Limpkin, 16 November 2023, Carpenter-Gurgens Park, Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-093; Joe Coffey).
  • Limpkin, 23 November to 2 December 2023, along Fox River in Oswego, Kendall County (2023-106; Scott Johnson).
  • Limpkin, 3 December 2023, Lake Petersburg, Menard County (2023-104; Jim Herkert).
  • Limpkin, 8 December 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-115; Jarod Hitchings, Dennis Oehmke).
  • Limpkin, 11-12 December 2023, Poplar Creek Forest Preserve, Cook County (2023-107; Katie Scott; Lisa Pool).
  • Limpkin, 12 January 2024, Borah Lake, Richland County (2024-005; Anna King).
  • American Golden-Plover, 16 December 2023, Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2023-111; Keith McMullen).
  • Mountain Plover, 24 and 28 April 2010, east of Arcola, Douglas County (2010-033; Greg Lambeth).
  • Snowy Plover, 25 May 2019 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-018; Eddie Kasper; Isoo O’Brien).
  • Snowy Plover, 4-7 May 2020, east of Woodson, Morgan County (2020-086; Colin Dobson).
  • Snowy Plover, 31 May 2020, Chestnut, Logan County (2020-087; Colin Dobson).
  • Snowy Plover, 21 April 2022, northwest of Gorham, Jackson County (2022-039; Keith McMullen; Rhonda Rothrock).
  • Snowy Plover, 23-24 April 2022, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2022-020; Henry Meade, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Snowy Plover, 29 April 2022, Waukegan, Lake County (2022-023; Brad Semel).
  • Snowy Plover, 31 May to 3 June 2022, Montrose Beach, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2022-030; Robert D. Hughes, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Snowy Plover, 16 May 2023, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2023-018; Tarik Shazad, Simon Tolzmann).
  • Snowy Plover, 31 May to 7 June 2024, North Unit of Illinois Beach State Park and Johns Mansville Ponds in Waukegan, Lake County (2024-028; John Kuenzli; Susan Lamberts, Carolyn Luecke, Annette McClellan, William McClellan, Valentina Roumi, Beau Schaefer, Adam Sell, Matt Tobin, Gustavo Ustariz, Steve Zehner).
  • Whimbrel, 4 November 2023, Fox Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area, Richland and Wayne counties (2023-083; C. Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Long-billed Curlew, 13 April 2019 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-005; Scott Latimer, Amanda Tichacek; Robert D. Hughes, Fran R. Morel, Luis G. Munoz).
  • Ruff, 19 May 1984, Mississippi River levees, Monroe County (1984-025; Bill Rowe).
  • Ruff, 16 July 2016, El Paso Sewage Treatment Plant, Woodford County (2016-097; Ted Hartzler; Ben Murphy).
  • Ruff, 20-21 August 2017, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County (2017-035; Matthew Cvetas, Bob Fisher).
  • Ruff, 20 April 2018 at Canteen Lake, Madison County (2018-064; David Becher; Al Smith).
  • Ruff, 1-9 August 2019, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge, Fulton County and Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2019-084; Chad Cremer; Tyler Funk).
  • Ruff, 26-30 April 2021, Oswego, Kendall County (2021-033; Woody Goss, Jon Grainger, Steve Huggins, Ryan Jones, Davida Kalina, Jason Newton, Linda Padera, Craig Taylor, Jude Vickery).
  • Ruff, 27-30 April 2021, Salt Creek Marsh Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2021-021; Tony Comerci).
  • Ruff, 25 April 2022, northwest of Champaign, Champaign County (2022-022; Tyler D. Funk).
  • Ruff, 14-29 April 2023, eastern Boone County north of Garden Prairie and southern McHenry County north of Huntley (2023-009; Dan Williams; Vicki Buchwald, Michal Furmanek, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Ruff, 3 May 2023, Carlyle Lake, Bond County (2023-016; Keith A. McMullen; Mark Seiffert).
  • Ruff, 15 August 2023, Nygren Wetlands, Winnebago County (2023-039; John Longhenry, Dan Williams).
  • Ruff, 4-11 September 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge,Mason County (2023-048; Travis Mahan; Matt Misewicz).
  • Ruff, 27 March 2024, Richton Park, Cook County (2024-009; Jeffrey Stwora, Linda Stwora; Ian Sarmiento, Matt Zuro).
  • Ruff, 30 March 2024, Bellrose Unit of Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Pulaski County (2024-010; Keith McMullen).
  • Ruff, 23-24 April 2024, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2024-018; Davida Kalina).
  • Ruff, 8 May 2024, Pecatonica, Winnebago County (2024-019; Dan Williams).
  • Curlew Sandpiper, 20 May 2000 at Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2000-085; Brian L. Chandler).
  • Purple Sandpiper, 22 November 2020, North Point Marina, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2020-078; Jeff Bilsky).
  • Purple Sandpiper (1 to 2), 6-19 December 2020, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-093; Dan Williams).
  • Purple Sandpiper, 12-13 November 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-061; Henry Meade).
  • Purple Sandpiper, 17 September 2022, Montrose Point, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2022-054; Robert D. Hughes; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Little Stint, 3-7 August 2019 at the Emiquon Preserve, Fulton County (2019-032; Keith McMullen; Steve Freed, Davida Kalina, Geoffrey A. Williamson). First state record.
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 16-18 July 1986 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2016-106; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 4 November 2023, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2023-100; Marky Mutchler, Peter Tolzmann).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 11 November to 6 December 2023, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2023-090; Dan Kassebaum; Nathan Goldberg, C. Leroy Harrison, Ryan Jones, Alyssa Rod, Bode Thompson).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 11-29 September 2010 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2010-032; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Parasitic Jaeger (2), 3-7 September 2013 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (with one of these also present during 1-2 September 2013) (2013-050; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 31 August 2017, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2017-036; Luis Muñoz).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 1 September 2017, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2017-078; Matthew Cvetas, Larry Krutulis).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 15-17 September 2017, Lake Shelbyville, Moultrie County (2017-041; Travis Mahan; Ron Bradley).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 16 September 2017 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2017-082; Al Smith).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 2 September 2018, Waukegan, Lake County (2018-046; Randy Schietzelt).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 7 September 2020, Lake Michigan east from Chicago, Cook County (2020-056; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 9 September 2020, Waukegan Beach, Lake County (2020-135; Cici Birnberg, Rob Birnberg, Gustavo Ustariz).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 17 September 2020, Chicago’s Burnham Park, Cook County (2020-048; Jacob Drucker).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 18-26 September 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-089; Colin Dobson).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 25 October 2020, Lake Michigan east from Chicago, Cook County (2020-068; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 18 September 2021, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2021-076; Colin Dobson, Steve Zehner).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 14 November 2022, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2022-077; Randall Wade).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 14 October 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Lake County (2023-076; William Pixler, Peter Tolzmann).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 8 September 2018, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2018-044; Matthew Cvetas; Josh Engel, Fran Morel).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 8 September 2018, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2018-045; Andrew Aldrich; Terry Walsh).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 24-25 October 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-100; Nathan Goldberg; C. Leroy Harrison, Ted Wolff).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 25 October 2020, Lake Michigan east from Chicago, Cook County (2020-069; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 11 September 2021, Eldon Hazlet State Park, Clinton County (2021-072; Travis Mahan).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 26-27 July 2022, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2022-051; Colin Dobson).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 30-31 August 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2023-045; Bruce Vinkler; Julie Gidwitz, Matt Misewicz).
  • Ancient Murrelet, 9-10 November 2019 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-063; Michael Carroll, Robert D. Hughes; Matthew Cvetas, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Ivory Gull, 3 January 2018 at Lake County Fairgrounds, Lake County (2018-073: Amar Ayyash).
  • Black-headed Gull, 23 March 2017, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2017-008; H. David Bohlen; Colin Dobson).
  • Little Gull, 1-2 September 2013 at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2013-084; Eric W. Walters).
  • Little Gull, 20-21 April 2016, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2016-101; H. David Bohlen).
  • Little Gull, 10-14 April 2018, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2018-033; Craig Taylor).
  • Little Gull, 8 September 2018 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2018-062; George Dubenic).
  • Little Gull, 24-26 February 2019 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2019-027; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Little Gull, 16-29 June 2019, Illinois River floodplain, Woodford County (2019-022; ).
  • Little Gull, 6-7 November 2019, Lake Decatur, Macon County (2019-080; Travis Mahan).
  • Little Gull (2), 7 September 2020, Lake Michigan east from Chicago, Cook County (2020-057; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Little Gull, 12 September 2020, LaSalle Lake, LaSalle County (2020-046; Steven J. Huggins).
  • Little Gull, 11 October 2020, Moline, Rock Island County (2020-063; Steven M. Freed).
  • Little Gull, 25-31 October 2020, Lake Shelbyville, Shelby County (2020-127; Travis Mahan).
  • Little Gull, 26 October 2020, Heidecke Lake, Grundy County (2020-128; Matt Misewicz).
  • Little Gull, 27-28 October 2020, Saganashkee Slough, Cook County (2020-129; Ben Sanders; Nathan Goldberg).
  • Little Gull, 20 March 2021, Lake Township, Clinton County (2021-045; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Little Gull, 31 March to 1 April 2021, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2021-029; Jim Mordacq, Dennis Oehmke).
  • Little Gull, 4 April 2021, Spring Lake unit of Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife Refuge, Carroll County (2021-030; Eric Secker).
  • Little Gull, 9 September 2021, Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2021-071; Aaron Gyllenhaal).
  • Ross’s Gull, 11-15 March 2023, Lake Michigan lakefront in southeast Chicago, Cook County (2023-005; Robert D. Hughes, Henry Meade, Geoffrey A. Williamson). Found by Dan Lory.
  • Franklin’s Gull (1500), 7 October 2023, Hennepin Canal Park and Lock 32, Rock Island County (2023-071; Steve Freed).
  • Black-tailed Gull, 29-31 May 2024, Waukegan Beach, Lake County (2024-025; Matt Tobin; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Short-billed Gull, 5-6 February 2011, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2011-043; Bill Rudden; Frank Holmes).
  • Short-billed Gull, 8-11 January 2024, Lock & Dam 14 on the Mississippi River, Rock Island County (2024-003; Steve Freed; Brandon Caswell).
  • Short-billed Gull, 29 January 2024, Mel Price Lock and Dam, Madison County (2024-007; Jonah Eckels, Bill Rowe; Samuel Belley, David French, Paul McKenzie, Seth Winkelman).
  • California Gull, 30 November 2016 through 15 February 2017, on the Illinois River at Peoria, Peoria County and Tazewell County (2016-093; Mike Ingram; Colin Dobson).
  • California Gull, 4-14 February 2017, along the Calumet River in Chicago, Cook County (2017-001; Andrew Aldrich; Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas).
  • California Gull, 23-25 February 2017, Channel Lake, Lake County (2017-004; Adam Sell).
  • California Gull, 14 January 2018, Alton, Madison County (2018-007; Colin Dobson).
  • California Gull, 21 September 2019 at Eldon Hazlet State Park, Clinton County (2019-054; Colin Dobson).
  • California Gull, 19 July 2020 to 10 February 2021, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2020-027; Colin Dobson).
  • Slaty-backed Gull, 4-10 January 2018, southeast Chicago, Cook County (2018-001; Walter J. Marcisz; Matthew M. Cvetas).
  • Slaty-backed Gull, 16 February 2019, Chicago, Cook County (2019-001; Walter Marcisz; Jayne Leone, Michael McNamee).
  • Glaucous-winged Gull, 22 January to 25 February 2024, at North Point Marina in Winthrop Harbor and in Grayslake, Lake County (2024-006; Woody Goss; Nat Carmichael, Nathan Goldberg, Haley Gottardo, Stephen Hurst, Scott Latimer, Dan Michler).
  • Great Black-backed Gull, 24 July 2019 south of Beall Woods State Park, Wabash County (2019-029; Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Sooty Tern, 10 June 2020, Seneca Township, near Marengo, McHenry County (2020-040; Amy Keller; Sara Denham, Beth Gunderson, Rebecca Murphy, Brad Semel).
  • Gull-billed Tern, 1 June 2023, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2023-020; Woody Goss; Ron Gaba).
  • Arctic Tern, 14 September 2019 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2019-052; Colin Dobson).
  • Royal Tern, 18 July 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-077; Annette McClellan, William McClellan).
  • Royal Tern, 11-13 August 2021, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2021-048; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Pacific Loon, 4-5 November 2017, Emiquon Preserve, Fulton County (2017-049; Michael Ingram; Andy Gilbert, Joseph Phipps).
  • Pacific Loon, 13 November 2017, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2017-059; Don Mullison).
  • Pacific Loon, 14-15 December 2019, Lyerla Lake, Union County (2019-081; Christopher Gilbert, Keith McMullen).
  • Pacific Loon (2), 31 October to 1 November 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-119; Dan Kassebaum; Trevor Slovick).
  • Pacific Loon, 1-19 November 2020, Downs Township, McLean County (2020-130; Shanin Abreu, Matthew Winks; Joan Campbell, Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas, Colin Dobson, Bonnie Graham, Niklas Klauss, Jayne Leone, Michael McKinley, Matt Misewicz, Pirmin Nietlisbach, Vicky Sroczynski, Andrea Tolzmann, Peter Tolzmann, Simon Tolzmann, Mary Zehner, Steve Zehner).
  • Pacific Loon, 12 November 2020, Oakhurst Forest Preserve, Aurora, Kane County (2020-075; Brendon Lake).
  • Pacific Loon, 16-17 November 2020, Heidecke Lake, Grundy County (2020-076; Matt Misewicz).
  • Wood Stork (3), 23-28 August 2011 south of Kidd Lake Marsh State Natural Area, Monroe County (2011-041; Carl DauBach, Pen DauBach).
  • Wood Stork, 6-20 July 2017, Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2017-024; C. Leroy Harrison, Dan Kassebaum, Dan Williams).
  • Wood Stork, 5 August 2017, Sexton Creek wetlands, Alexander County (2017-032; Allen Gathman).
  • Wood Stork, 19 July to 11 August 2021, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2021-090; Andrew S. Aldrich, Jack Bechtel, Ryan Jones).
  • Magnificent Frigatebird, 31 August 2020, Quincy, Adams County (2020-042; Cory Gregory).
  • Magnificent Frigatebird, 24 October 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-061; C. Leroy Harrison, Robert E. Shelby).
  • Magnificent Frigatebird, 4 November 2020, southeast of Grafton, Jersey County (2020-104; Bobby Wilcox).
  • Brown Booby, 14 April 2022, Pekin, Tazewell County (2022-024; Tracey Marie Hastings). First state record.
  • Anhinga, 18 June 2017, Oakwood Bottoms, Jackson County (2017-018; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Anhinga, 21 August 2017, Cache River State Wildlife Area, Johnson County (2017-062; Ryne Rutherford).
  • Anhinga (2), 10 October 2017, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2017-053; Bob Fisher).
  • Anhinga (4+), 21 June to 30 August 2018, Cache River State Natural Area, Johnson County (2018-036; Kimberly Rohling; John Schwegman, Craig Taylor).
  • Anhinga, 27 May 2019 at Oakwood Bottoms, Jackson County (2019-015; Dan Kassebaum)
  • Anhinga, 8-13 July 2019 at Cache River State Natural Area, Johnson County (2019-026; Keith McMullen).
  • Anhinga, 20 August to 6 September 2019, Grand Tower, Jackson County (2019-078; Henry Detwiler; Don Mullison).
  • Anhinga, 6 August to 26 September 2020, Grand Tower, Jackson County (2020-036; Katy Banning).
  • Anhinga, 4-17 April 2021, Oakwood Bottoms, Jackson County (2021-013; Craig Taylor).
  • Anhinga, 30 April 2021, Mokena, Will County (2021-022; Eric Secker).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 27 June to 15 July 2013 at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2013-082; Benjamin Murphy, Jeff Smith).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 26 February 2017, Emiquon Preserve, Mason County (2017-003; Corey Lange; Davida Kalina).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 28 March 2017, Pontiac, Livingston County (2017-009; Demetri Lafkas).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 24 April to 6 June 2017, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2017-044; H. David Bohlen).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 28 April 2017, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2017-068; Keith A. McMullen).
  • Neotropic Cormorant (2), 4 June to 26 July 2017, Almond Marsh Forest Preserve, Lake County (2017-015; Adam Sell; Oliver Burrus, Carolyn Fields, Vince Moxon).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 4-9 June 2017, Nygren Wetland Preserve, Winnebago County (2017-016; John Longhenry).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 1-24 July 2017, Roselle, DuPage County (2017-042; Andrew Aldrich, Urs Geiser, Craig Taylor, Jim Tezak).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 9-18 July 2017, North Aurora, Kane County (2017-038; Andrew Aldrich, Urs Geiser, Jason Newton, Jim Tezak).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 14 July 2017, Grand Tower, Jackson County (2017-046; Rhonda Rothrock).
  • Neotropic Cormorant; 4 August 2017, Lake Shelbyville, Moultrie County (2017-031; Ron Bradley).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 15 September 2017, Rainbow Beach in Chicago, Cook County (2017-047; Andrew Aldrich; Matthew Cvetas).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 23-26 May 2018, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2018-028; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 2 June to 12 July 2018, Horseshoe Lake, Madison County (2018-025; Dan Kassebaum; Frank Holmes).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 10 July to 17 August 2018, Roselle, DuPage County (2018-040; Urs Geiser).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 16-17 September 2018, Rainbow Park and Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2018-047; Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 5 May 2019, Clinton Lake, DeWitt County (2019-074; Matthew E. Fraker).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 27 May to 1 June 2019, Almond Marsh Forest Preserve, Lake County (2019-075; Adam W. Sell).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 19-20 October 2019 at Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2019-058; Andrew Aldrich).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 10 April 2020, Heron County Park, Vermilion County (2020-038; Ryan Askren).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 12 April 2020, Big Lake, Brown County (2020-088; Colin Dobson).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 26 April to 14 May 2020, Almond Marsh Forest Preserve, Lake County (2019-081; Adam W. Sell).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 24 May to 6 July 2020 in Zion, Lake County (2020-019; Daniel T. Williams). Found by Steven J. Huggins.
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 20 June to 3 July 2020 at Pratt’s Wayne Woods Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2020-022; Bonnie Graham).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 23-25 July 2020, Lock & Dam 13, Whiteside County (2020-030; Ethan Brown).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 28 July to 20 September 2020, Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2020-028; Isoo O’Brien).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 28 September 2020, Nygren Wetlands, Winnebago County (2020-058; Daniel T. Williams).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 10-15 March 2021, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2021-008; Frank Holmes).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 5 April 2022, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2022-019; Bob Shelby).
  • Brown Pelican, 25 February 2018, Marshall County (2018-012; Michael Ingram).
  • Brown Pelican, 27-29 April 2018, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2018-021; C. Leroy Harrison; Keith McMullen).
  • Brown Pelican, 5 May 2018, Lake Pittsfield, Pike County (2018-081; Chree Bolin).
  • Brown Pelican, 5 May 2018 at the Mt. Pulaski water treatment plant, Logan County (2018-070; Lara Borgerson).
  • Brown Pelican, 1 July 2018, Newton Lake, Jasper County (2018-037; C. Leroy Harrison, Robert E. Shelby).
  • Brown Pelican, 18 August to 14 October 2018 at Carlyle Lake, Bond, Clinton, and Fayette counties (2018-065; Roger Hayes, Keith McMullen).
  • Brown Pelican, 3 October to 8 December 2018 at Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2018-071; Chelsea DeVivo, Nathan Goldberg, Kimberly Rohling).
  • Brown Pelican, 23 May 2020, Harrisburg Lake, Saline County (2020-132; David Horning).
  • Tricolored Heron, 20-22 June 2017, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2017-021; Matthew Cvetas).
  • Tricolored Heron, 21 June 2022, Waukegan Beach, Lake County (2022-041; Dawn Fronk; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • White Ibis, 9-20 July 2017, Grand Tower Township, Jackson County (2017-025; Whitney Gregge, Dan Kassebaum).
  • White Ibis, 11-23 July 2018, Kaskaskia Island, Randolph County (2018-039; Craig Taylor).
  • White Ibis (4), 4 August 2020, Big Lake, Brown County (2020-144; Colin Dobson).
  • White Ibis (2), 5 August 2020, east central Wayne County (2020-031; Craig A. Taylor).
  • White Ibis (1 to 3), 7-16 August 2020, Kaskaskia Island, Randolph County (2020-145; Josh Engel, Tommy Goodwin).
  • White Ibis, 31 August 2020, Quincy, Adams County (2020-039; Craig A. Taylor).
  • White Ibis (2), 5 & 26 September 2021, Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area, Mason County (2021-080; Colin Dobson).
  • White Ibis, 15 October 2021, Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site, St. Clair County (2021-081; John C. Sullivan).
  • White Ibis, 7-8 August 2022, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2022-052; Jeanne Stacey).
  • White Ibis, 9-11 September 2023, Lacy Ditch, Fulton County (2023-050; Steve Zehner).
  • White Ibis, 17 November to 19 December 2023, Emiquon Preserve, Fulton County (2023-109; Forbes Biological Station).
  • White-faced Ibis (6 to 9), 28 September to 29 October 2017, Glacial Park, McHenry County (2017-050; Donnie Dann, Cheryl Kreiman, Joe Lill, Marilyn Palmer, Yan-yi Peng, Dan Williams).
  • White-faced Ibis (2), 13-14 October 2017, CIPS Lake, Jasper County (2017-061; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • White-faced Ibis, 26 September to 23 October 2019 at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2019-051; Sarah Geiger; Andrew Aldrich, Keith McMullen, Dan Williams).
  • White-faced Ibis, 14 October 2019 at Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2019-069; H. David Bohlen).
  • White-faced Ibis, 29-30 September 2020, Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, Grundy County (2020-147; Kirk LaGory, Matt Misewicz, Al Stokie).
  • White-faced Ibis, 7-18 October 2020, Bailey Wetland, Richland County and Wayne County (2020-099; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • White-faced Ibis, 28-29 August 2021, Whalon Lake Forest Preserve, Will County (2021-082; Kirk LaGory; Jayne Leone, Michael McNamee, Jeff A. Smith).
  • White-faced Ibis, 1-3 October 2021, Sawmill Lake, Putnam County (2021-054; Steve Huggins; Dan Williams).
  • White-faced Ibis, 23 August 2022, Boogerville, Wayne County (2022-053; C. Leroy Harrison; Ron Bradley).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 19 July to 20 August 2018, Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2018-042; Craig Taylor).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 28-29 August 2020, Hardin County (2020-041; Craig A. Taylor).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 31 July 2021, Golconda, Pope County (2021-049; Craig Taylor).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 20 August to 4 September 2021, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2021-053; Craig Taylor).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 17 September 2022, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2022-058; Roger Hayes).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 25-27 September 2022, Michael Wolff Wetlands, Johnson County (2022-059; Jonathan Voelz; Keith A. McMullen, Anne Parmley).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 25 July 2023, Carlyle Lake, Fayette County (2023-030; Keith A. McMullen).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 6 August to 25 September 2023, at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County, at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County, at Lacy Ditch, Fulton County, and at Spring Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area, Tazewell County (2023-034; Anthony Jones; Pete Fenner, Scott Harp, David B. Johnson, Dan Williams, Susan Zelek).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 9 August 2023, at Techny Basin, Cook County and Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Lake County (2023-036; Taylor Bozman, Woody Goss).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 19-23 September 2023, Savanna, Carroll County (2023-062; Mark Roberts; Anne Straight).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 23 September to 11 October 2023, Fox Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area, Richland and Wayne counties (2023-057; Leroy Harrison; Bob Shelby).
  • Black Vulture, 17 October 2017, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2017-052; Karen Lund).
  • Black Vulture, 28-30 November 2017, Congerville, Woodford County (2017-077; Craig Taylor).
  • Black Vulture, 24 February 2018, Homer Lake, Champaign County (2018-010; Doug Mills).
  • Black Vulture, 1 May 2018 in Kankakee, Kankakee County (2018-068; Jed Hertz).
  • Black Vulture, 14 July 2018, Sam Dale Lake Conservation Area, Wayne County (2018-038; Robert E. Shelby).
  • Black Vulture, 9 April 2019 in Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-004; Geoffrey A. Williamson; Tamima Itani).
  • Black Vulture, 17 July 2019 in Streator, LaSalle County (2019-034; Steven R. Wargo).
  • Black Vulture, 16 May 2020, Zion, Lake County (2020-065; Linda Zoetmulder).
  • Black Vulture, 16 May 2020, Sedge Meadow Forest Preserve, Lake County (2020-120; Richard Biss).
  • Black Vulture (2), 14 July 2020 at Kickapoo State Park, Vermilion County (2020-025; Zachary Sutton).
  • Black Vulture, 3 October 2020, Irving, Montgomery County (2020-123; Jarod Hitchings).
  • Black Vulture (4), 15 December 2020, east of Sam Parr State Park, Jasper County (2020-095; Bob Shelby).
  • Black Vulture, 29 June 2021, Skokie, Cook County (2021-069; John Bates).
  • Black Vulture, 13-14 November 2021, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2021-055; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • White-tailed Kite, 21 June 2021, near Lock & Dam #27, Madison County (2021-044; Frank Holmes, Dan Kassebaum, Craig Taylor).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 7 April 2017, east of Metropolis, Massac County (2017-010; Keith McMullen)
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 27 July 2017, Simpson, Pope County (2017-030; Catherine Hammersley).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 31 July 2017, Duckstamp Wetland near Mermet Lake, Massac County (2017-057; Emily Lain).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 15 April 2019 in St. Charles, Kane County (2019-006; Leslie Yoshitani).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 27 July 2019 near Rosecrans, Lake County (2019-030; Patricia Isaacson).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 17 August 2019 in Thebes, Alexander County (2019-036; Steven Huggins).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 22 August 2019 at Silver Creek Conservation Area, McHenry County (2019-042; Jeff Aufmann).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 23 August 2019 north of Livingston, Madison County and during 1-16 September 2019 near Alton, Madison County (2019-040; Keith McMullen; David Becher, Frank Holmes, Devin Peipert, Kimberly Rohling).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 24 August to 4 September 2019, near Allerton Park, Piatt County (2019-064; Leroy Harrison).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 19 June 2020, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-107; Dawn Klamut).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 25 July 2020, Rend Lake, Franklin County (2020-029; Ryan Healey).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 4-8 August 2020, Charleston, Coles County (2020-033; David Logue).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 13 August 2020, Butler Grove Township, Montgomery County (2020-137; Nancy Redman).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 29 August to 19 September 2020, east of Anna, Union County (2020-138; Ted Wolff).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 15 August 2021, east of Plainville, Adams County (2021-078; Jason Mullins).
  • Mississippi Kite, 28 August 2019 at Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2019-053; Adam Sell).
  • Swainson’s Hawk, 2 May 2019 in Hudson, McLean County (2019-038; Dan Williams).
  • Swainson’s Hawk, 21 April 2021, Sycamore, DeKalb County (2021-018; Ken Reinert).
  • Swainson’s Hawk, 1-3 April 2022, Amboy Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, Lee County (2022-043; Bill Rogers; Diana Rod).
  • Ferruginous Hawk, 26 November 2019 in Rochelle, Ogle County (2019-065; Andy Sigler, Craig Taylor).
  • Ferruginous Hawk, 17 November 2021, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2021-058; Vic Berardi).
  • Ferruginous Hawk, 6-7 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-086; Santo Locasto; Aaron Gyllenhaal).
  • Barn Owl, 25 August 2016, Pawnee, Sangamon County (2016-107; Alex Patia).
  • Barn Owl, 25 December 2016, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2016-099; Ethan Gyllenhaal).
  • Barn Owl (one to 2), 5-31 March 2017, Pawnee, Sangamon County (2017-086; Colin Dobson).
  • Barn Owl, 27 September 2017 in Chicago, Cook County (2017-084; L. Challoner).
  • Barn Owl (2), 2-15 December 2017, near Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2017-069; Jeff A. Smith).
  • Barn Owl, 17 December 2017, McCormick Bird Sanctuary, Chicago, Cook County (2017-075; W. Sullivan Gibson).
  • Barn Owl, 7-8 June 2018, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2018-024; Robert D. Hughes).
  • Barn Owl, 23 November 2018, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2018-055; Andrew Aldrich; Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas).
  • Barn Owl, 1-11 March 2019 at Nipper Wildlife Sanctuary, Sangamon County (2019-011; Colin Dobson).
  • Barn Owl, 22 April 2019, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2019-079; Andrew S. Aldrich).
  • Barn Owl, found dead on 28 April 2019 south of Pesotum, Champaign County (2019-012; Tyler Funk).
  • Barn Owl, 23 December 2019 at Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Jasper County (2019-068; Bob Shelby).
  • Barn Owl, 23 August to 1 September 2021, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2021-052; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Barn Owl (1-2), 3 October to 16 December 2021, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2021-092; Neil Zborowski).
  • Barn Owl (3), 5-21 October 2021, Saybrook Habitat Area, Anchor Township, McLean County (2021-114; Benjamin Murphy).
  • Barn Owl, 8 January 2022, Thatcher Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2022-005; Jeff Hardt).
  • Snowy Owl, 31 May to 6 June 2018, near Manhattan and Homer Glen, Will County (2018-023; Cindy Alberico, Lois Teerling).
  • Snowy Owl, 5-25 July 2018, O’Hare International Airport, Chicago, Cook County (2018-051; David B. Johnson, Greg Martinelli, Sharon Scully).
  • Burrowing Owl, 20 April – 14 May 2016, northern Champaign County (2016-105; Bob Szafoni).
  • Burrowing Owl, 10-13 April 2024, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2024-011; Kay McNab).
  • Northern Saw-whet Owl (breeding record), 2 July 2013, Hoffman Estates, Cook County (2013-081; Dawn Keller, Eric Lundquist).
  • Lewis’s Woodpecker, 30 April to 5 May 2019 at Ballard Nature Center, Altamont, Effingham County, first state record (2019-007; Tom Colin, Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson). First state record.
  • Red-naped Sapsucker, 5-6 April 2012, Wadsworth Wetlands Forest Preserve, Lake County (2012-039; Paul Sweet).
  • Northern Flicker (Red-shafted), 12 May 2021, Chicago, Cook County (2021-073; Pamela Karlson).
  • Crested Caracara, 4-10 February 2023, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge and areas west of there, Fulton County (2023-004; Kevin Douglas Blodgett; Pete Fenner, C. Leroy Harrison, Frank Holmes, David B. Johnson, Scott Latimer, John Longhenry, Fran Morel, Jeff Skrentny, Randy Smith, Craig Taylor). First state record.
  • Merlin (breeding record), 13 May to 2 July 2020, Galesburg, Knox County (2020-150; D. James Mountjoy).
  • Merlin (breeding record), 21 May to 14 July 2020, Rockford, Winnebago County (2020-026; Daniel T. Williams; John C. Longhenry).
  • Merlin (breeding record), 9 April to 8 July 2022, Belvidere, Boone County (2022-078; Joel Neylon).
  • Gyrfalcon, 13 February 2017 in Lawndale Township, McLean County (2017-083; Tim Lindenbaum).
  • Gyrfalcon, 17 January 2018, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2018-006; Frank R. Holmes).
  • Gyrfalcon, 26 January to 1 February 2020 south of LaSalle Lake, LaSalle County (2020-003; Tamima Itani, Lisa Maier).
  • Gyrfalcon, 13-14 November 2020, north of Charleston, Coles County (2020-149; Tyler Funk; Benjamin Murphy).
  • Gyrfalcon, 13 January to 4 February 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-007; Josh Engel, Diane Hansen, Tamima Itani, Paul Sweet).
  • Gyrfalcon, 23-24 March 2022, east of Monticello, Piatt County (2022-017; Alex Lowe-Massi; Mike Avara, Tara Beveroth, Jim Herkert, Michael Ward).
  • Gyrfalcon, 9 May 2023, Waukegan Beach, Lake County (2023-013; Paul Sweet).
  • Prairie Falcon, 24 October 1993, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (1993-079; John Longhenry).
  • Prairie Falcon (2), 28 October 2016 to 29 January 2017, southwest of Arcola, Coles County and Douglas County (2016-102; Ron Bradley).
  • Prairie Falcon (2), 12 November 2016 to 9 January 2017, Mt. Erie bottom, Wayne County (2016-103; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Prairie Falcon, 28 December 2016, Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Jasper County (2016-104; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Prairie Falcon, 17 October 2017, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2017-056; Jeff Smith).
  • Prairie Falcon, 10-12 December 2017, east of Mt. Erie, Wayne County (2017-072; Robert E. Shelby).
  • Prairie Falcon, 1 January 2018, southwest of Jamestown, Clinton County (2018-004; Keith A. McMullen).
  • Prairie Falcon, 3 January 2018 in Ridgway Township, Gallatin County (2018-072; Ron Bradley).
  • Prairie Falcon, 21 October 2018 to 11 March 2019, southeast of Arcola, Coles County (2018-059; Tyler Funk).
  • Prairie Falcon, 1 November 2019 to 1 March 2020, northern Coles County (2019-083; Howard Blum, Nathan Goldberg).
  • Prairie Falcon, 29 October 2020 to 13 February 2021, northern Coles County (2020-116; Colin Dobson, Tyler Funk, Amy Lynch, Trevor Slovick, Aerin Tedesco, Ted Wolff).
  • Prairie Falcon, 11 January 2021, western Douglas County (2021-028; Steven Lima).
  • Prairie Falcon, 27 October to 1 November 2021, west of Chenoa, Livingston County and McLean County (2021-064; Taylor Root; Alyssa Rod).
  • Prairie Falcon, 2 November 2021 to 2 March 2022, southeast of Arcola in Coles and Douglas counties (2021-091; Amy Lynch; Candida Abrahamson, Tyler Funk, Vicky Sroczynski).
  • Prairie Falcon, 25 October 2022 to 25 February 2023, southeast of Arcola in Coles County (2022-086; Ron Bradley; D. Brewer, Amy Lynch, Andrea Tolzmann).
  • Prairie Falcon, 18 November 2022, Illinois Beach State Park (North Unit), Lake County (2022-076; Paul Sweet).
  • Prairie Falcon, 14 December 2022, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2022-087; Frank Holmes).
  • Prairie Falcon (1 to 2), 28 October 2023 to 26 February 2024, southwest of Arcola, Coles County (2023-101; Tyler Funk; Ted Hartzler, Christopher Hensel).
  • Prairie Falcon, 6 December 2023, Fairmont City, St. Clair County (2023-105; Stacia Novy).
  • Prairie Falcon, 26 February 2024, Essex Township, Kankakee County (2024-013; Bob Fisher, Donnalyn Quint).
  • Prairie Falcon, 26 May 2024, Johnsburg, McHenry County (2024-027; Michal Furmanek).
  • Small-billed Elaenia, 17-22 April 2012 at Douglas Park, Chicago, Cook County (2012-007; Aaron Gyllenhaal, Ethan Gyllenhaal; Mark Bowman, C.A. Bridge, Bonnie Duman, Matthew Fraker, Gordon Garcia, Nathan Goldberg, Jerry Goldner, Jim Hully, Stoil Ivanov, Ken Koontz, Nolan Lameka, Joshua Little, Lisa Rest, Ryan Sanderson, Brian Tang, Monte Taylor). First state record.
  • Small-billed Elaenia, 26 November to 7 December 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-060; Susan Zelek; Jeff Bilsky, Brandon Caswell, Matthew Cvetas, Gordon Garcia, Alex Hale, David B. Johnson, Nolan Lameka, David W. Nelson, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher, 4 September 1994, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1994-037; Paul R. Clyne).
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher, 26 August 2020, North Pond, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2020-055; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Ash-throated Flycatcher, 30 October 2020, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2020-064; C. Leroy Harrison; Gary Bowman, Nathan Goldberg, Bob Shelby).
  • Great Crested Flycatcher, 23-24 November 2023, Mt. Morris, Ogle County (2023-098; Mary Bacon; Dan Williams).
  • Great Kiskadee, 29 November to 13 December 2020, near the Widewaters area of the Des Plaines River, Will County (2020-091; John C. Weisgerber; Gioseppe Cesolini, John Heneghan, Tamima Itani, Geoffrey A. Williamson). First state record.
  • Cassin’s Kingbird, 22 September 2019 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-048; Krzysztof Kurylowicz; Vinod Babu, Robert D. Hughes, Steven Mlodinow). First state record.
  • Cassin’s Kingbird, 30 September 2023, Montgomery, Kendall County (2023-066; Ryan Jones).
  • Fork-tailed Flycatcher, 9-12 May 2022, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2022-032; Miriam Bauer; Woody Goss, Ryan Jones, Sean Kennedy).
  • Fork-tailed Flycatcher, 26 October 2022, Glacial Park Conservation Area, McHenry County (2022-065; Sara Denham).
  • Eastern Phoebe, 20 December 2017, near Windsor, Mercer County (2017-073; Stephen Hager).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 5 October 2013, Moraine View State Recreation Area, McLean County (2013-080; Benjamin Murphy).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 9 November 2016, outside of Savanna, Carroll County (2016-096; Cindy Brown, Ethan Brown).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 19 September 2017, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2017-045; H. David Bohlen).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 24 May to 5 August 2019, north of Weldon, DeWitt County; this record involved the Say’s Phoebe nesting with an Eastern Phoebe, with the nest producing young (2019-017; Tom Colin, Davida Kalina, Dan Williams).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 8 September 2019 at Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2019-044; Urs Geiser, Bonnie Graham).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 13 September 2019, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2019-090; Benjamin Guo; Ted Hartzler).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 11 April 2020, Geneva, Kane County (2020-136; Scott Cohrs).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 16 September 2020, Montrose Point, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2020-045; Mark R. Vanderpoel).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 22 September 2021, Grantsburg, Johnson County (2021-122; Cathy Morvich).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 18-22 April 2022, Loyola Park, Chicago, Cook County (2022-037; Scott Judd; Jeff Bilsky).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 19-20 April 2022, Park No. 566 and Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2022-038; Dan Lory; Wei Lu).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 11-19 March 2023, Muirhead Springs Forest Preserve, Kane County (2023-006; Walt Lutz; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 1-9 January 2024, Danville, Vermilion County (2024-001; Rob Kanter).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 24 March 2024, Hannaford Forest Preserve, Kane County (2024-014; Kevin Hatcher; Sandeep Biswas).
  • Vermilion Flycatcher, 6 November 2016, Goose Lake Prairie State Park, Grundy County (2016-094; Tim Balassie).
  • Vermilion Flycatcher, 29 September 2018, near Sangchris Lake, Christian County (2018-049; Brady Colin, Tom Colin).
  • White-eyed Vireo, 29 December 2018, Sun River Terrace, Kankakee County (2018-057; Bronson Ratcliff).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 3-5 May 1994, Jackson Park in Chicago, Cook County (1994-056; Paul Clyne). First state record.
  • Plumbeous Vireo, 30 April 1990, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1990-025; Thomas S. Schulenberg).
  • Plumbeous Vireo, 2 May 2018, Bolingbrook, Will County (2018-016; Jon Grainger). First state record.
  • Philadelphia Vireo, 30 November 2019 in Evanston, Cook County (2019-067; Jeff Bilsky).
  • Fish Crow, 10 May 2020 in Berwyn, Cook County (2020-014; Greg E. Neise).
  • Fish Crow, 24 June 2020, Aurora, Kane County (2020-021; Theresa LeCompte).
  • Fish Crow, 23 May 2024, Evanston, Cook County (2024-023; Tamima Itani).
  • Cave Swallow, 12 November 2022, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2022-072; Jeff Bilsky; Tom Lally).
  • Cave Swallow, 19 November 2022, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2022-080; Lisa Maier).
  • Bohemian Waxwing (1200),  30 November 1919, Beach, Lake County (1919-002; Colin Sanborn, Herbert L. Stoddard). Specimen record.
  • Bohemian Waxwing, 1 January 2017, Shaw Woods, Lake Forest Openlands, Lake County (2017-002; Eric Lundquist; Emil Baumbach, Oliver Burrus).
  • Bohemian Waxwing, 8 November 2022, Lake Villa Lake County (2022-071; Richard Biss).
  • Bohemian Waxwing, 7-8 January 2023, Lake Le-Aqua-Na State Park, Stephenson County (2023-002; Ryan Jones, Dan Williams). Found by Andy Sigler.
  • Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 15 March 2019, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2019-003; Allen Gathman).
  • Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 16 December 2023, Rend Lake, Franklin County (2023-110; Keith McMullen).
  • Rock Wren, 2 November 1970, Normal, McLean County (1970-002; H. David Bohlen).
  • Rock Wren, 8-11 October 2023, Kress Creek Farms Park, West Chicago, DuPage County (2023-067; Haley Gottardo; C. Leroy Harrison, David B. Johnson, Henry M. Meade, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Bewick’s Wren (2), 7-13 July 2021, southern Schuyler County (2021-068; Brandon Stehl; Jill Anderson, Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas, Pete Fenner, Ted Hartzler, Steve Zehner).
  • Sage Thrasher, 29 September 2012 at Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (2012-058; John Longhenry, Steve Reischel).
  • Sage Thrasher, 29 October 2018, Kansas Township, Woodford County (2018-082; Matt Fraker).
  • Sage Thrasher, 22 June 2022, Northerly Island, Chicago, Cook County (2022-044; Jing-Yi Lu; Matthew Cvetas).
  • Sage Thrasher, 13-14 April 2024, McKee Marsh in Blackwell Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2024-012; Josiah Verbrugge).
  • Mountain Bluebird, 9 November 2016 through 17 February 2017, south of Savanna, Carroll County (2016-088; Cindy Brown, Ethan Brown; Ed Anderson, Anne Straight, Dan Williams).
  • Mountain Bluebird, 7-12 April 2017, Fermilab, DuPage County (2017-040; Carolyn Fields, Linda Padera, Stan Zatarski).
  • Mountain Bluebird, 8-10 April 2018, Spoon Lake, Knox County (2018-034; D. James Mountjoy, Craig Taylor).
  • Mountain Bluebird, 28-31 December 2020, north of DeWitt, DeWitt County (2020-105; Colin Dobson).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 5 November 2016, Sag Quarries, Lemont, Cook County (2016-095; Mike Daley).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 15 November 2016, Stockton, Jo Daviess County (2016-086; John P. Jankowski).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 25 November 2016 through 2 January 2017, Rock Cut State Park, Winnebago County (2016-089; Barbara Williams, Dan Williams).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 3-5 December 2016, Sand Ridge State Forest, Mason County (2016-091; Colin Dobson, Andy Gilbert).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire (1 to 2), 15 December 2017 – 28 January 2018, Lost Mount Unit of Upper Mississippi National Wildlife Refuge, JoDaviess County (2017-065; Daniel T. Williams; Cindy & Ethan Brown, Craig A. Taylor).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 10 November 2018, Rosehill Cemetery, Chicago, Cook County (2018-052; Andrew Aldrich).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 13 October 2019 in Oswego, Kendall County (2019-055; Scott Johnson).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 25 October 2019 at Henneberry Woods Forest Preserve, Kendall County (2019-056; Ryan Jones).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 19 January to 2 February 2020 at Silver Springs State Park, Kendall County (2020-002; Jeffrey Nelson; Andrew Aldrich, Dan Williams).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 2 February 2020, southwest Jo Daviess County (2020-032; Scott A. Cohrs).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 1-21 March 2020 at McCune Sand Prairie, Bureau County (2020-006; Davida Kalina, Craig Taylor). Found by Mike Madsen.
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 2-3 May 2020, east of Pontiac, Livingston County (2020-139; Nichole Akre; Benjamin Murphy).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 16 October 2020, Saganashkee Slough, Cook County (2020-140; Michael McNamee).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 20 November 2020, Centennial Park in Park Ridge, Cook County (2020-141; Krzysztof Kurylowicz; Peter Weber).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 4 December 2020, Hampshire Forest Preserve, Kane County (2020-142; Brendon Lake).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 14 May 2021, Gremel Wildlife Sanctuary, Lee County (2021-036; Brendon Lake; Craig Taylor, Eric Walters).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 31 October 2021, Oswego, Kendall County (2021-079; Scott Johnson).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 31 December 2021 to 9 January 2022, Garden of the Gods Recreation Area, Shawnee National Forest, Saline County (2021-102; Stephanie Beilke; Bob Shelby, Craig Taylor).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 6 January to 12 March 2022, Moraine Hills State Park, McHenry County (2022-003; Chuck Fields; Vince Moxon, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 18 July 2022, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2022-045; Mark Kolasa).
  • Varied Thrush, 18-19 November 2018, Big Rock, Kane County (2018-054; John Heneghan).
  • Varied Thrush, 29 October 2023, south of Monee, Will County (2023-080; Susan Zelek).
  • Northern Wheatear, 11 November 2022, near Prairie Ridge State Natural Area, Jasper County (2022-070; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 28 October 2020, Normal, McLean County (2020-114; Benjamin Murphy).
  • Evening Grosbeak (2), 29 October to 2 November 2020, Severson Dells Nature Center, Winnebago County (2020-066; Daniel T. Williams).
  • Evening Grosbeak (8), 31 October 2020, Greenwood Cemetery, Rockford, Winnebago County (2020-067; Daniel T. Williams).
  • Evening Grosbeak (3), 31 October 2020, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2020-158; Josh Engel).
  • Evening Grosbeak (5), 31 October 2020, Peterson Preserve, southeast of Cisco, Piatt County (2020-167; Nathan Beccue).
  • Evening Grosbeak (up to 25), 31 October to 1 November 2020, St. Joseph, Champaign County (2020-156; Brock Price).
  • Evening Grosbeak (1 to 5), 31 October to 4 November 2020, Grunwald Farms Family Forest Preserve, Kane County (2020-164; Scott Cohrs; Wesley Sadler).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 1 November 2020, Tiskilwa, Bureau County (2020-155; Sarah Geiger).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 1 November 2020, West Chicago, DuPage County (2020-160; Matt Wistrand).
  • Evening Grosbeak (6), 1 November 2020, Downers Grove, DuPage County (2020-161; Joel Fromer).
  • Evening Grosbeak (7 to 11), 1-2 November 2020, Mattoon, Coles County (2020-157; Kathy Rowland).
  • Evening Grosbeak (7), 2-3 November 2020, Kaneville, Kane County (2020-162; Jason Newton).
  • Evening Grosbeak (15), 3 November 2020, Naperville, Will County (2020-184; Maria Turek).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 4 November 2020, Belvidere, Boone County (2020-154; Mary Beth Lowe).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 4 November 2020, Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-159; Nathan Goldberg).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 6 November 2020, Elburn Forest Preserve, Kane County (2020-163; Bob Andrini).
  • Evening Grosbeak (7), 6 November 2020, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2020-165; Josh Engel).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 7 November 2020, Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-172; Julie Rand).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 8 November 2020, Morton, Tazewell County (2020-183; Jennifer Dodson).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 9 November 2020, Riis Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-174; Eric D. Gyllenhaal).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 11 November 2020, North Pond, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2020-074; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 12 November 2020, southeast of Marshall, Clark County (2020-169; Steven Lima).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 14 November 2020, Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-173; Mark Kolasa).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 14 November 2020, Yorkville, Kendall County (2020-175; Larry Granat).
  • Evening Grosbeak (6), 14-17 November 2020, Grayslake, Lake County (2020-178; Mary Salemo).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 15 November 2020, Hampshire Forest Preserve, Kane County (2020-166; Walt Lutz).
  • Evening Grosbeak (4), 15 November 2020, Serena, LaSalle County (2020-176; Joseph Young).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 16 November 2020, Libertyville, Lake County (2020-179; CiCi Birnberg).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 17 November 2020, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-171; Randy Shonkwiler).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 19-21 November 2020, Big Rock, Kane County (2020-073; John A. Heneghan).
  • Evening Grosbeak (2), 21 November 2020, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-180; Lisa Draper).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 23 November 2020, Bowen Park, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-177; Annette McClellan, William McClellan).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 23 November 2020, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2020-080; Tamima Itani).
  • Evening Grosbeak (up to 52), 25 November 2020 to 30 May 2021, Harrisburg, Saline County (2020-181; Cathy DeNeal).
  • Evening Grosbeak (2), 30 November 2020, Ashmore Township, Coles County (2020-170; P. Switzer).
  • Evening Grosbeak (2), 17 December 2020, Little Wabash River bottoms, Shelby County (2020-182; Steven Lima).
  • Evening Grosbeak (up to 25), 17 December 2020 to 13 February 2021, Rudement, Saline County (2020-168; Cathy DeNeal).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 10 January 2021, Rockford, Winnebago County (2021-121; Rebecca Davidson).
  • Evening Grosbeak (6), 6 February 2021, Cave in Rock, Hardin County (2021-004; Craig Taylor).
  • Evening Grosbeak (4), 6 February 2021, Golconda, Pope County (2021-005; Craig Taylor).
  • Evening Grosbeak (up to 7), 14-21 February 2021, Derby, Gallatin County (2021-120; Lois Huddlestun).
  • Evening Grosbeak (4), 21 February 2021, Chambersburg, Pike County (2021-006; Craig Taylor).
  • Evening Grosbeak (23), 14 April to 4 May 2021, Simpson, Johnson County (2021-017; Craig Taylor).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 8 May 2021, rural Effingham County (2021-115; Karan Greuel).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 8-9 May 2021, Normal, McLean County (2021-039; Tim Lindenbaum; Angelo Capparella).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 9 November 2021, Stickney Run Conservation Area, McHenry County (2021-065; Lisa Maier).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 24 October 2022, Geneva, Kane County (2022-063; Scott Cohrs).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 26 October 2022, Kress Creek Farms Park, DuPage County (2022-064; Haley Gottardo).
  • Evening Grosbeak (4), 28 October 2022, Rockford, Winnebago County (2022-068; Daniel T. Williams).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 29 October 2022, Bensenville Ditch, DuPage County (2022-067; Susan Szeszol).
  • Evening Grosbeak (12), 29 October 2022, Beecher, Will County (2022-066; Bob Bryerton, Susan Zelek).
  • Evening Grosbeak (6), 5-8 November 2022, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, Cook County (2022-073; Matthew Cvetas; Henry Meade).
  • Evening Grosbeak, 6-19 January 2023, Rockford, Winnebago County (2023-001; Dan Williams).
  • Pine Grosbeak, 17 November 1906, Beach, Lake County (1906-002; J.F. Ferry). Specimen record.
  • Pine Grosbeak, 22 November 1933, Chicago, Cook County (1933-001; E.B. Baker). Specimen record.
  • Pine Grosbeak, 13 April 2017, Rockton, Winnebago County (2017-011; Martin Kehoe; Rolf Thienemann, Daniel T. Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, 29-30 October 2023, Northwestern University Lakefill, Evanston, Cook County (2023-078; Collin Porter; Tamima Itani, David B. Johnson, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 22 November to 14 December 2017, Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Cook County (2017-063; Matthew Cvetas).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 2 December 2017 – 14 January 2018, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2017-076; Carl Giometti; Randy L. Shonkwiler, Daniel T. Williams).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 13-26 January 2018, Elburn, Kane County (2018-013; Marion Miller).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 29 January – 21 February 2018, New Berlin, Sangamon County (2018-009; William Rudolph; H. David Bohlen).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 10 February 2018, Skokie Lagoons, Cook County (2018-008; Jeff Bilsky).
  • Hoary Redpoll,  20-28 January 2018, Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, Cook County (2018-002; Jeff Bilsky, Tom Lally, Scott Latimer).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 18 November 2020, Kennekuk Cove County Park, Vermilion County (2020-090; Colin Dobson).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 23 November 2020, Chicago Botanic Garden, Glencoe, Cook County (2020-079; Tamima Itani). (Reports of Hoary Redpoll came from this location during 22 November 2020 to 6 January 2021.)
  • Hoary Redpoll, 8 December 2020, Chicago’s Jackson Park, Cook County (2020-094; Randy Shonkwiler).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 9 December 2020, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2020-124; Ryan Fuller).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 7 March 2021, Plano, Kendall County (2021-027; Ryan Jones; Scott Johnson, Charles Shields).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 30-31 December 2021, Northwestern University, Evanston, Cook County (2021-104; Woody Goss; Jake Cvetas, Matthew Cvetas, Sean Kennedy).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 5-7 January 2022, Wheaton, DuPage County (2022-001; Vince Moxon).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 6 January 2022, Brownstown, Fayette County (2022-002; Tammie Rogers).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 1 February 2022, Rockford, Winnebago County (2022-008; Dan Williams).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 6-8 March 2022, Evanston, Cook County (2022-015; Tamima Itani; Matthew Cvetas).
  • White-winged Crossbill (2 to 8), 17 November to 22 December 2020, Rockford, Winnebago County (2020-102; John Longhenry).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 21 November 2020, Evanston, Cook County (2020-083; Tamima Itani).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 23 November 2020, Rockford, Winnebago County (2020-092; Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Crossbill (1-3), 26 November to 9 December 2020, Lake Bloomington, McLean County (2020-152; Michael McKinley; Benjamin Murphy).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 28 November 2020, Montrose Point, Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2020-084; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 29 November 2020, Afton Forest Preserve, DeKalb County (2020-115; John Heneghan).
  • White-winged Crossbill (1 to 10), 10-26 December 2020, Hampton, Rock Island County (2020-098; Steve Freed; Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 20 December 2020 to 26 February 2021, north of Peoria, Woodford County (2020-151; Pete Fenner; Steve Zehner).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 17-23 January 2021, Pana, Christian County (2021-009; Tom Colin).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 17 January to 8 February 2021, Tolono, Champaign County (2021-110; Jennifer Anderson-Cruz; Aerin Tedesco).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 30 January to 9 February 2021, Galesburg, Knox County (2021-012; Jim Mountjoy).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 8 April 2021, Mesa Lake, Wabash County (2021-011; Bob Shelby).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 31 October 2021, Ft. Sheridan Forest Preserve, Lake County (2021-083; Krzysztof Kurylowicz, Henry Meade).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 6 & 17 December 2021, Carol Stream, DuPage County (2021-088; Craig Reges).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 7 December 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-089; Lock Kilpatrick).
  • White-winged Crossbill (up to 35), 31 January to 20 March 2022, Lyons Woods Forest Preserve, Lake County (2022-009; Annette McClellan; Tom Lally).
  • White-winged Crossbill (up to 16), 1-13 February 2022, Afton Forest Preserve, DeKalb County (2022-010; Karen Lund; Tom Lally).
  • White-winged Crossbill (up to 17), 13 February to 9 April 2022, Shamrock Hills Park, Crystal Lake, McHenry County (2022-011; Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Crossbill (up to 35), 13 February to 5 March 2022, Memorial Park Cemetery, Skokie, Cook County (2022-012; Matt Clarke; Dan Williams).
  • White-winged Crossbill (up to 15), 10-14 Mar 2022, Binnie Forest Preserve, Kane County (2022-016; Walt Lutz; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • White-winged Crossbill (4 to 6), 8-9 May 2022, Naperville, DuPage County (2022-046; Hazem Alkhan).
  • European Goldfinch, 7 June 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-043; Danielle Leone). First state record.
  • Lesser Goldfinch, 5-16 March 2022, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, east of Lemont, Cook County (2022-014; Leslie DeCourcey; Matthew Cvetas, David B. Johnson, Henry M. Meade, Craig Taylor, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson). First state record.
  • Chestnut-collared Longspur, 25 September 2022, Sycamore, DeKalb County (2022-056; Ken Reinert).
  • Cassin’s Sparrow, 13 November 2020, Montrose Point, Chicago’s Lincoln Park (2020-070; Robert D. Hughes; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Lark Bunting, 6 October 2020, Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2020-126; Michael McNamee).
  • Lark Bunting, 12 May 2022, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2022-034; Dan Lory).
  • Lark Bunting, 6 September 2022, Chicago’s Park No. 566, Cook County (2022-057; Dan Lory).
  • Lark Bunting, 8-9 July 2024, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2024-030; Alex Haza).
  • Clay-colored Sparrow, 1 January 2020 in Libertyville, Lake County (2020-001; Jeff Sundberg).
  • Brewer’s Sparrow, 29 May 1986, McCormick Place, Chicago, Cook County (1986-081; David E. Willard).
  • Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided), 4-5 April 2022, Chicago, Cook County (2022-018; Scott Judd; Matthew Cvetas).
  • Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed), 22 May 2020 at Mississippi Palisades State Park, Carroll County (2020-024; Ethan Brown). The Committee’s decision was that this record pertains to Junco hyemalis caniceps.
  • Dark-eyed Junco (Gray-headed group) Junco hyemalis caniceps/dorsalis, 10 May 2020 in Arlington Heights, Cook County (2020-015; Fred Lieb).
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow, 21 March to 4 April 2017, Letcher Basin, Woodford County (2017-006; Craig Taylor; Benjamin Murphy, Matt Wistrand).
  • Golden-crowned Sparrow, 18 November to 13 December 2020, Rockford, Winnebago County (2020-072; Barbara C. Williams, Daniel T. Williams).
  • Bullock’s Oriole, 22 November 2017, Glencoe, Cook County (2017-074; W. Sullivan Gibson).
  • Bullock’s Oriole, 24-25 April 2021, east of Murrayville, Morgan County (2021-019; Criag Taylor, Dan Williams).
  • Bullock’s Oriole, 11-13 May 2022, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2022-029; James Steffen; Matthew Cvetas, Annette McClellan, William McClellan).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 20 August 2013 in Meredosia, Morgan County (2013-085; Shawn Billerman).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 5 May 2018, Essex, Kankakee County (2018-017; Bronson Ratcliff).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 5-6 August 2018 at Spring Bluff Forest Preserve, Lake County (2018-066; Joan Campbell, Bonnie Graham).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 15 November 2020, Sagawau Environmental Learning Center, Cook County (2020-082; Negin Almassi).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 18-23 April 2021, Hodgkins, Cook County (2021-032; Pat Andersen, Steve Huggins, Ted Wolff).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 17 January to 20 April 2022, Monee, Will County (2022-004; Henry Meade, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 15 January to 8 April 2023, Monee, Will County and Richton Park, Cook County (2023-003; Lydia Pultorak; Diane Hicks).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 11 October 2023, north of Monee, Will County (2023-072; Diane Hicks; Pat Andersen).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 26 November 2023, Belleville, St. Clair County (2023-103; Josh Carter).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 20 December 2023 to 12 March 2024, Monee, Will County (2023-108; Isoo O’Brien; Geoffrey A. Williamson, Susan Zelek).
  • Ovenbird, 10 November to 3 December 2021, University of Illinois, Chicago campus, Chicago, Cook County (2021-123; Hazem Alkhan).
  • Ovenbird, 18 December 2022, Hidden Lake Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2022-085; John Leonard).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 29 April 1990, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (1990-039; Lynda Johnson, John Longhenry).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 28 May to 17 June 2011, Thebes, Alexander County (2011-038; Keith McMullen, Rhonda Rothrock).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 3 May 2018 at Northwestern University, Evanston, Cook County (2018-069; Allison Sloan).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 5 May 2019, Sexton Creek, Alexander County (2019-073; Ida Domazlicky).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 10 May 2019 at Sexton Creek wetlands, Alexander County (2019-013; Allen Gathman).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 9 May 2020, Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Union County (2020-113; Christopher Gilbert).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 30 April to 31 May 2021, Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Union County (2021-126; Steve Huggins; Keith A. McMullen).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 13 May 2021, Pomona, Jackson County (2021-0066; Rhonda Rothrock).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 28-30 April 2022, Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Union County (2022-090; Ryan Jones).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 10 May 2022, Carpenter Park Nature Preserve, Springfield, Sangamon County (2022-040; H. David Bohlen, Ken Bohlen).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 25 May 2022, Washington County State Recreation Area, Washington County (2022-042; Scott Atkinson).
  • Nashville Warbler, 29 December 2018, Zander Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2018-058; James Phillips).
  • MacGillivray’s Warbler, 7 May 2011, Lost Mound National Wildlife Refuge, Carroll County (2011-042; Jeff Baughman).
  • MacGillivray’s Warbler, 3 May 2019 in Savanna, Carroll County (2019-047; Ethan Brown).
  • Kentucky Warbler, 13 December 2020, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-101; Peter Weber).
  • Common Yellowthroat, 26 December 2020, Skokie Lagoons Forest Preserve, Cook County (2020-103; Jeff Bilsky).
  • Common Yellowthroat, 30 December 2020, Mermet Lake Conservation Area, Massac County (2020-106; Vicki Lang).
  • American Redstart, 4 December 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-127; Jeffery Sole, James Wheat).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 9-15 May 2019 at Grant Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-009; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 18 May 2020, Geneva, Kane County (2020-034; Scott A. Cohrs).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 7 May 2023, Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, Cook County (2023-014; Anna Tendero; Andrea Tolzmann).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 18 May 2024, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2024-021; Graham Deese).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 8 November 2016 at McCormick Place, Chicago, Cook County (2016-098; Mary Hennen, David E. Willard).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 6 November 2017, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2017-058; Luis Muñoz).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 7 May 2020, Gremel Nature Sanctuary, Lee County (2020-133; Georgi Baird).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 1 November 2020, Chicago, Cook County (2020-185; S. von Fremd).
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s), 14 June 2019 at Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2019-031; Beau Schaefer).
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s), 22 May 2020, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2020-148; Al Nichols).
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s), 19 November to 19 December 2023, north of Rockford, Winnebago County (2023-112; Barbara Williams).
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler, 30 December 2018, Jake Wolf Memorial Fish Hatchery, Mason County (2018-056; Vicky Sroczynski).
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler, 4 May 2019 east-southeast of Tisilkwa, Bureau County (2019-066; Douglas F. Stotz).
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler, 7-14 January 2024, Elgin, Cook County (2024-002; Bob Andrini).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 8 September 2001, Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (2001-064; John Longhenry).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 15-17 September 2019 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-045; Alison Newberry; Matthew Cvetas, Colin Dobson, Scott Judd, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 16-26 April 2020 at Deer Grove East Forest Preserve, Cook County (2020-013; Isoo O’Brien).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 27 April 2023, Big Marsh, Chicago, Cook County (2023-012; Raymond Huey).
  • Painted Redstart, 21 August 2022, Lakewood Forest Preserve, Lake County (2022-048; Jeff Bilsky; Hazem Alkhan, Pam & Dion Carmona, Dan Hayes, Alex Haza, Edward Hicks, Ryan Jones, Sean Kennedy, Lisa Maier, Henry Meade, Ian Sarmiento, Andrea Tolzmann, Peter Tolzmann, Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson, Owen Woodhouse). First state record.
  • Western Tanager, 20 May 2012, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (2012-059; Paul Clyne).
  • Western Tanager, 14-28 April 2013 in Warsaw, Hancock County (2013-083; James D. Paar).
  • Western Tanager, 21 May 2017 in Serena, LaSalle County (2017-085; Joseph Young).
  • Western Tanager, 4 June 2017, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2017-017; Carolyn Fields).
  • Western Tanager, 10-12 April 2018, Springfield, Sangamon County (2018-020; Keith McMullen)
  • Western Tanager, 4-5 May 2018, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2018-016; Ben Sanders).
  • Western Tanager, 4-5 May 2019 in Mode, Shelby County (2019-008; Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Western Tanager, 8-9 May 2019, Buffalo Park Forest Preserve, Kane County (2019-077; Eric Secker).
  • Western Tanager, 9 May 2019, Chicago’s Grant Park, Cook County (2019-076; Ann Haverstock).
  • Western Tanager, 9-13 May 2019 in Normal, McLean County (2019-025; Michael McKinley, Benjamin Murphy).
  • Western Tanager, 21 September 2019 in River Forest, Cook County (2019-049; Jill S. Anderson).
  • Western Tanager, 7-12 May 2020 in Albion, Edwards County (2020-012; C. Leroy Harrison, Robert E. Shelby). Found by Scott Attebury.
  • Western Tanager, 8-12 May 2020, Hoopeston, Vermilion County (2020-143; Michael P. Ward).
  • Western Tanager, 12-17 May 2020, Downers Grove, DuPage County (2020-153; Robin Cronin).
  • Western Tanager, 19-21 May 2020 in Yorkville, Kendall County (2020-017; Daniel Baechle).
  • Western Tanager, 12-17 December 2020, Channahon, Will County and 19-20 December 2020, Minooka, Grundy County (2020-097; Dan Williams, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Western Tanager, 28 April 2021, Homer Lake State Conservation Area, Champaign County (2021-034; Aerin Tedesco).
  • Western Tanager, 15 May 2024, Glacial Park, McHenry County (2024-024; Randy Schietzelt).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 16-24 October 2020, Woodstock, McHenry County (2020-060; Jean Graf-Teterycz; Matthew M. Cvetas, Daniel T. Williams).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 18-22 July 2024, south of Du Quoin, Perry County (2024-031; Richard Wayman; C. Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Lazuli Bunting, 21 February to 1 March 2020 in Sherman, Sangamon County (2020-007; Trevor Slovick).
  • Lazuli Bunting, 16 March to 2 May 2020 in Marion Township, Ogle County (2020-010; Barbara Williams, Daniel T. Williams).
  • Painted Bunting, 4 May 2010, Chicago, Cook County (2010-034; S. Turner).
  • Painted Bunting (2), 20 May to 31 July 2017, East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2017-019; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Painted Bunting, 6 May to 2 Jun 2018, East St. Louis, Madison County (2018-029; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Painted Bunting, 15-16 May 2018 in Mendota, LaSalle County (2018-075; Gene Rod).
  • Painted Bunting, 13 May to 15 June 2019 in East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2019-016; Dan Kassebaum).
  • Painted Bunting, 2-12 June 2019 at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Will County (2019-023; Jeff Smith; Jared Gorrell, Davida Kalina, Vince Moxon).
  • Painted Bunting, 2 May 2020 in Chicago, Cook County (2020-016; Jeffrey R.R. Skrentny).
  • Painted Bunting, 18-28 June 2020, East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2020-131; Tommy Goodwin; Ryan Jones, Jude Vickery).
  • Painted Bunting, 24 May 2021, Winnemac Park in Chicago, Cook County (2021-037; Terry Walsh).
  • Painted Bunting (3), 29 May to 30 July 2021, East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2021-074; Randy Schiller; Mike Avara, Travis DeNeal, Colin Dobson, Jan Hansen, Ted Hartzler, Ian Souza-Cole, Mike Thelan).
  • Painted Bunting, 30 November to 2 December 2021, Alden Township, McHenry County (2021-062; Randall Schietzelt).
  • Painted Bunting (4), 20 May to 3 August 2023, East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2023-025; Geoff Anderson, David Becher, John and Katie Huffman, Jeff Johnson, Karen L, Keith A. McMullen, Kimberly Rohling, Matt Zuro).
  • Painted Bunting (1 to 3), 3 May to 19 July 2024 (and possibly later), East St. Louis, St. Clair County (2024-026; Joe Gardner, Yvonne Homeyer, Amy Rangel, Christopher Tomera).

Records Not Accepted

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 10 May 2018, Henry de Tonty Woods Forest Preserve, Willow Springs, Cook County (2018-032).
  • Graylag Goose, 6 April 2021, Princeville, Peoria County (2021-015).
  • Barnacle Goose, 19 January 2011, Troy, Madison County (2011-039).
  • Barnacle Goose (3), 5 October 2015, north of Aledo, Mercer County (2015-038).
  • Barnacle Goose, 25 February 2018, Forsyth, Macon County (2018-011).
  • Barnacle Goose, 25-28 February 2019 at Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, DuPage County and Bartlett Lake Prairie Wetland, Oswego, Kendall County (2019-002).
  • Cinnamon Teal, 27-28 September 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-118).
  • Cinnamon Teal, 29 August 2023, Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, Grundy County (2023-056).
  • Mottled Duck (2), 30 May 2013 at Montrose Point, Lincoln Park, Chicago, Cook County (2013-016). This was a resubmission of a previously accepted record, based on better understanding of detecting evidence of hybrid origin in this complex.
  • Mottled Duck, 29 October 2013, 16 November 2013, and 28 April 2014 at Sangchris Lake State Park, Sangamon County (2013-065).
  • Mottled Duck, 25 November 2016, Big Lake, Brown County (2016-090).
  • Mottled Duck, 26 August 2017, Rend Lake Wildlife Management Area, Jefferson County (2017-067).
  • Mottled Duck, 23-30 March 2018, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2018-026).
  • Barrow’s Goldeneye, 28 November 2020, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2020-096).
  • Barrow’s Goldeneye, 12-15 January 2022, Wilmington Island Park, Will County (2022-006).
  • Smew (5), 3-4 April 2024, Woodstock, McHenry County (2024-016).
  • Black Rail, 10 May 2010, Worship Trail, Cook County (2010-031).
  • Black Rail, 29 November 2017, Pembroke Savanna Nature Preserve, Hopkins Park, Kankakee County (2017-071).
  • Black Rail, 30 June 2021, near Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2021-046).
  • Limpkin, 23 April 2023, Banner Marsh, Peoria County (2023-010).
  • Limpkin, 14 January 2024, Forbes Biological Station, Mason County (2024-004).
  • Semipalmated Plover, 7 March 2017, Northbrook, Cook County (2017-005).
  • Wilson’s Plover, 9 April 2021, northwest of Gorham, Jackson County (2021-031).
  • Long-billed Curlew, 15 May 1943 at Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1943-001).
  • Ruff, 20 September 2016, Techny Basin, Glenview, Cook County (2016-075).
  • Ruff, 14 May 2017, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2017-054).
  • Ruff, 7 August 2019 at Peacock March, Will County (2019-033).
  • Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, 25 August 2019 at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2019-041).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 3 November 2017, North Point Marina, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2017-070).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 28 October 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-082).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 4 November 2017 at Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2017-080).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 8 September 2018 at Waukegan, Lake County (2018-048).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 11 May 2019, Horseshoe Lake State Park, Madison County (2019-085).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 7 September 2019, Illinois Beach State Park, North Unit, Lake County (2019-082).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 18 September 2020, Illinois Beach State Park, Lake County (2020-051).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 10 September 2020, Park No. 566, Chicago, Cook County (2020-134).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 24 October 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-062).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 22 September 2021, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2021-075).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 6 September 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-049).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 6 September 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-055).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 12 September 2023, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-052).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 17 September 2023, Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2023-058).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 18 September 2023, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-116).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 23 September 2023, South Shore Cultural Center, Chicago, Cook County (2023-117).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 27 September 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-118).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 14 October 2023, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-075).
  • Little Gull, 9 September 2020, La Grange, Cook County (2020-049).
  • Little Gull, 13 September 2020, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnum County (2020-052).
  • Arctic Tern, 25 October 2019 at Lakes Charleston, Coles County (2019-060).
  • Royal Tern, 8 May 2017, Channahon Township, Will County (2017-027).
  • White-tailed Tropicbird, 2 January 2018, along the Mississippi River, St. Clair County (2018-003).
  • Arctic Loon, 8 May 2021, Morrison, Whiteside County (2021-118).
  • Pacific Loon, 2 November 2018, Peoria Lake, Tazewell County (2018-060).
  • Pacific Loon, 21 December 2021, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Williamson County (2021-119).
  • Anhinga (2), 28 April 1995, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (1995-024).
  • Anhinga (7), 13 October 2010, Evergreen Lake, McLean County (2010-030).
  • Anhinga, 13 October 2016, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2016-077).
  • Anhinga, 15 April 2017, Ft. Massac State Park, Massac County (2017-066).
  • Anhinga, 6 May 2017, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2017-089).
  • Anhinga, 19 November 2017, Douglas Park, Chicago, Cook County (2017-060).
  • Anhinga, 1 October 2019 in West Dundee, Kane County (2019-050).
  • Anhinga, 3 June 2020 in Wapella, DeWitt County (2020-020).
  • Anhinga, 8 May 2021, McDowell Grove Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2021-096).
  • Anhinga, 26 June 2021, near the confluence of the Big Muddy River and Mississippi River, Jackson County (2021-067).
  • Anhinga (4), 7 October 2023, Carol Stream, DuPage County (2023-070).
  • Neotropic Cormorant, 29 September 2017, Carpentersville, Kane County (2017-048).
  • Neotropic Cormorant (2), 17 August 2018, Hidden Lake Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2018-041).
  • Neotropic Cormorant (3), 16 August 2020, Savoy, Champaign County (2020-044).
  • Great Blue Heron (White form), 12 July 2017, Savoy, Champaign County (2017-029).
  • Tricolored Heron, 8 July 2017, Pine Dunes Forest Preserve, Lake County (2017-030).
  • Tricolored Heron, 22 August 2020, East Peoria, Tazewell County (2020-043).
  • White Ibis, 2 September 2020, Grand Tower, Jackson County (2020-146).
  • Glossy Ibis, 22-30 September 2020, Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, Grundy County (2020-059).
  • Glossy Ibis, 19-25 October 2021, Lake Arispie, Bureau County (2021-056).
  • Glossy Ibis, 20-21 September 2022, Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County (2022-055).
  • White-faced Ibis, 21-22 October 2017, Hegewisch Marsh, Chicago, Cook County (2017-051).
  • White-faced Ibis, 20-21 September 2019 near Island Road levee, Jackson County (2019-059).
  • White-faced Ibis, 16 October 2022, McGinnis Slough, Cook County (2022-061).
  • White-faced Ibis, 30-31 October 2022, Banner Marsh, Peoria County (2022-069).
  • White-faced Ibis (2), 22 November 2023, Pyramid State Park, Perry County (2023-099).
  • Black Vulture, 16 May 2020, Bowen Park, Waukegan, Lake County (2020-121).
  • Black Vulture, 26 September 2020, Heron County Park, Vermilion County (2020-122).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite (2), 20 August 2016, New Douglas, Madison County (2016-063).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 22 April 2018 in Greeneville, Bond County (2018-030).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 25 April 2018, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2018-015).
  • Swallow-tailed Kite, 27 May 2021, Monticello, Piatt County (2021-038).
  • Red-shouldered Hawk (extimus), 4 August 2023, Pyramid State Park, Perry County (2023-041).
  • Red-naped Sapsucker, 7 October 2018, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2018-078).
  • Eurasian Hobby, 15 January 2018, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2018-077).
  • Gyrfalcon, 28 November 2004, Singing Woods Nature Preserve, Peoria, Peoria County (2004-073).
  • Gyrfalcon, 6 November 2016, Greene Valley Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2016-081).
  • Gyrfalcon, 6 February 2021, Hudson, McLean County (2021-002).
  • Prairie Falcon, 15 December 2022, Walnut, Bureau County (2022-088).
  • Western Wood-Pewee, 14 September 2020, Mattis Park, Champaign, Champaign County (2020-047).
  • Eastern Wood-Pewee, 10 January 2023, Brownstown, Fayette County (2023-007).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 7 August 2017, Cape Bend wetlands, Alexander County (2017-034).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 18 October 2019, Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary, Chicago, Cook County (2019-091).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 18 May 2000, Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2000-084).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 31 August to 1 September 2000, Springfield, Sangamon County (2000-083).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 12 July 2002, Waterfall Glen Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2002-052).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 16 May 2019 at Ewing Park, Bloomington, McLean County (2019-061).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 15 May 2020, Dam No. 4 Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2020-037).
  • Cassin’s Vireo, 23 April 2022, Ewing Park, Bloomington, McLean County (2022-021).
  • Cave Swallow, 28 October 2016, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2016-092).
  • Brown-headed Nuthatch, 9 September 2016, Chicago Botanic Garden in Glencoe, Cook County (2016-073); accepted as Pygmy/Brown-headed Nuthatch.
  • Bewick’s Wren, 4 June 2022, Hennepin Canal lock 21, Bureau County (2022-079).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 23 May 2018, Somme Wood Forest Preserve, Cook County (2018-019).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 26 December 2018, Edwards Conservation Area, Boone County (2018-061).
  • Townsend’s Solitaire, 16 March 2020 at Sand Creek Recreation Area, Macon County (2020-008).
  • Eyebrowed Thrush, 20 March to 2 April 2024, Eureka, Woodford County (2024-015).
  • Pine Grosbeak, 5 May 2018 in Elizabeth, Jo Daviess County (2018-063).
  • Pine Grosbeak, 12 November 2022, Winthrop Harbor, Lake County (2022-074).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 10 December 2020, Afton Forest Preserve, DeKalb County (2020-125).
  • Hoary Redpoll, 6 January 2021, Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, Grundy County (2021-026).
  • Hoary Redpoll (1-2), 12-14 February 2022, Lake Barrington, Lake County (2022-013).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 1 December 2021, Lyons Woods Forest Preserve, Lake County (2021-084).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 3 December 2021, Crystal Lake, Lake County (2021-085).
  • White-winged Crossbill, 4 December 2021, Boone Creek Conservation Area, McHenry County (2021-086).
  • White-winged Crossbill (7 or 8), 4 December 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-087).
  • European Goldfinch, 7 June 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-043).
  • Dark-eyed Junco (Pink-sided), 9 November 2021, Champaign, Champaign County (2021-070).
  • Dark-eyed Junco (White-winged) (Junco hyemalis aikeni), 20 October 2018 at Sand Bluff Bird Observatory, Winnebago County (2018-050).
  • Audubon’s Oriole, 8 May 2011, Half Day Forest Preserve, Lake County (2011-044).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 12 May 2023, Hartford, Madison County (2023-017).
  • Swainson’s Warbler, 8 May 2021, Sexton Creek, Alexander County (2021-116).
  • Nashville Warbler (ridgwayi), 20 October 2015, Jarvis Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2015-069).
  • MacGillivray’s Warbler, 2 September 2021, Forbes State Park, Marion County (2021-125).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 15 May 2021, Busey Woods, Urbana, Champaign County (2021-025).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 9 November 2020, Hickory Creek Preserve, Will County (2020-071).
  • Palm Warbler (Yellow), 22 March 2021, Limestone, Kankakee County (2021-095).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 22 May 1970 at Prairie Park in DeKalb County (1970-001)
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 27 September 2020, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2020-117).
  • Townsend’s x Black-throated Green Warbler (hybrid), 14 May 2019, Washington Park, Chicago, Cook County (2019-087).
  • Western Tanager, 8 May 2021, LaBagh Woods Forest Preserve, Cook County (2021-035).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 9 October 2017, north of Springfield, Sangamon County (2017-079).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 2 June 2019, Hastings Lake, Lake County (2019-086).
  • Black-headed Grosbeak, 3 October 2019 at West Ridge Nature Preserve, Chicago, Cook County (2019-070).
  • Lazuli Bunting, 23 September 2017, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2017-087).
  • Painted Bunting, 1 July 2020, Makanda, Jackson County (2020-023).
  • Painted Bunting, 16 May 2022, Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Will County (2022-036).

IORC Update, 15 December 2023

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 26 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted 26 of these records and did not accept one.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • Purple Gallinule, 9 May 2010, Minonk wastewater treatment plant, Woodford County (2010-035; Matthew Winks).
  • Purple Gallinule, 26 September 2023, Moline, Rock Island County (2023-061; Steve Freed).
  • Purple Gallinule, 3-6 October 2023, Banner Marsh, Peoria County (2023-068; Linda Foster).
  • Limpkin, 24 September 2023, Grass Lake, Chain O’ Lakes State Park, Lake County (2023-063; Bridget Kiernan).
  • Limpkin, 25 September 2023, Amboy Marsh, Lee County (2023-059; James Hampson, Alyssa Rod, Diana Rod).
  • Limpkin, 26 September to 10 November 2023, Westlake Lake and Nature Area, Winnebago County (2023-060; Randy Grover; Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 28 September to 11 November 2023, McGinnis Slough, Cook County (2023-064; Elizabeth Simkins).
  • Limpkin, 28 September to 4 November 2023, Sylvan Island, Rock Island County (2023-065, Steve Freed).
  • Limpkin, 30 September to 21 October 2023, Kickapoo State Recreation Area, Vermilion County (2023-069; Jen Mui; Michael Ward).
  • Limpkin, 12 October to 25 November 2023, Lake Charleston, Coles County (2023-073; Ron Bradley, Amy Lynch).
  • Limpkin, 16 October to 13 December 2023 (and possibly later), Mellody Farm Nature Preserve, Lake County (2023-074; Maureen Marsh).
  • Limpkin, 24 October to 27 November 2023, Fullersburg Woods Forest Preserve, DuPage County (2023-079; Nicola Germann).
  • Limpkin, 26 October 2023, East Moline, Rock Island County (2023-077; Steve Freed).
  • Limpkin, 29 October 2023, Bloomington, McLean County (2023-085; Heather Smith).
  • Limpkin, 4 November 2023, Cleveland, Henry County (2023-081; Evan Lopez).
  • Whimbrel, 4 November 2023, Fox Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area, Richland and Wayne counties (2023-083; C. Leroy Harrison, Bob Shelby).
  • Franklin’s Gull (1500), 7 October 2023, Hennepin Canal Park and Lock 32, Rock Island County (2023-071; Steve Freed).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 19-23 September 2023, Savanna, Carroll County (2023-062; Mark Roberts; Anne Straight).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 23 September to 11 October 2023, Fox Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area, Richland and Wayne counties (2023-057; Leroy Harrison; Bob Shelby).
  • Cassin’s Kingbird, 30 September 2023, Montgomery, Kendall County (2023-066; Ryan Jones).
  • Rock Wren, 2 November 1970, Normal, McLean County (1970-002; H. David Bohlen).
  • Rock Wren, 8-11 October 2023, Kress Creek Farms Park, West Chicago, DuPage County (2023-067; Haley Gottardo; C. Leroy Harrison, David B. Johnson, Henry M. Meade, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Varied Thrush, 29 October 2023, south of Monee, Will County (2023-080; Susan Zelek).
  • Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, 29-30 October 2023, Northwestern University Lakefill, Evanston, Cook County (2023-078; Collin Porter; Tamima Itani, David B. Johnson, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 11 October 2023, north of Monee, Will County (2023-072; Diane Hicks; Pat Andersen).

Records Not Accepted

  • Anhinga (4), 7 October 2023, Carol Stream, DuPage County (2023-070).

IORC Update, 13 October 2023

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 25 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted all of these records.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • Limpkin, 20 May 2023, Oswego, Kendall County (2023-040; Scott Johnson, Ryan Jones).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 30 June to 9 July 2023, Heron Pond, Johnson County (2023-026; P. Switzer).
  • Limpkin, 13 July 2023, Clinton Lake, DeWitt County (2023-027; Ann Anderson).
  • Limpkin, 16 July to 27 August 2023, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2023-028; Anne Parmley; Wendy Griggs).
  • Limpkin, 24 July to 9 October 2023, Skokie Lagoons Forest Preserve and Chicago Botanic Gardens, Cook County (2023-031; Jenny Heckathorne; Jeff Bilsky, Matthew Cvetas, Tom Lally, Fran Morel, Amanda Tichacek, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Limpkin, 26 July 2023, Section 8 Woods, Pulaski County (2023-032; Timothy Rye).
  • Limpkin (2), 27-29 July 2023, Sanganois State Fish and Wildlife Area, Cass County (2023-033; Ted Hartzler).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 5-21 August 2023, Nygren Wetlands, Winnebago County (2023-035; Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 13 August 2023, Lake Pana, Shelby County (2023-037; Tom Colin; Travis Mahan).
  • Limpkin, 13 August 2023, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2023-038; Paige Niepoetter).
  • Limpkin (1 to 2), 16 August to 21 September 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2023-042; Matt Misewicz, Dan Williams).
  • Limpkin, 27-28 August 2023, Lake Arispie, Bureau County (2023-043; Brad Grover).
  • Limpkin, 28 August to 4 September 2023, along Sangamon Creek north of the town of White Heath, Piatt County (2023-044; Nathan Beccue).
  • Limpkin, 28-30 August 2023, Galena River, JoDaviess County (2023-046; Tony Moline).
  • Limpkin, 30 August to 18 September 2023, Horseshoe Lake, Alexander County (2023-047; Tina Pryor).
  • Limpkin, 13-14 September 2023, McHenry Dam, McHenry County (2023-053; Richard Hugel, Janusz Kubik).
  • Limpkin, 17 September 2023, along the Kishwaukee River, Winnebago County (2023-054; John Defenbaugh).
  • Ruff, 15 August 2023, Nygren Wetlands, Winnebago County (2023-039; John Longhenry, Dan Williams).
  • Ruff, 4-11 September 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge,Mason County (2023-048; Travis Mahan; Matt Misewicz).
  • Long-tailed Jaeger, 30-31 August 2023, Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County (2023-045; Bruce Vinkler; Julie Gidwitz, Matt Misewicz).
  • White Ibis, 9-11 September 2023, Lacy Ditch, Fulton County (2023-050; Steve Zehner).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 25 July 2023, Carlyle Lake, Fayette County (2023-030; Keith A. McMullen).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 6 August to 25 September 2023, at Dixon Waterfowl Refuge, Putnam County, at Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge, Mason County, at Lacy Ditch, Fulton County, and at Spring Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area, Tazewell County (2023-034; Anthony Jones; Pete Fenner, Scott Harp, David B. Johnson, Dan Williams, Susan Zelek).
  • Roseate Spoonbill, 9 August 2023, at Techny Basin, Cook County and Great Lakes Naval Training Center, Lake County (2023-036; Taylor Bozman, Woody Goss).
  • American Redstart, 4 December 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-127; Jeffery Sole, James Wheat).

IORC Update, 12 January 2024

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 20 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted 19 of these records and did not accept one. Among the accepted records are two additions to the official state list: Broad-tailed Hummingbird and European Goldfinch. Broad-tailed Hummingbird was accepted on the basis of an individual observed in Champaign County during November. European Goldfinch was accepted based on an argument that this introduced exotic species is now established with a viable breeding population in the state.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • Cinnamon Teal, 14 October 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-096; H. David Bohlen).
  • Broad-tailed Hummingbird, 7-10 November 2023, Champaign, Champaign County (2023-087; Deanna Uphoff; Nathan Goldberg, C. Leroy Harrison, Yusuf Jassim, David B. Johnson, Alyssa Rod, Steve Zehner). First state record.
  • Purple Gallinule, 5 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-089).
  • Limpkin, mid-May 2023, Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-094; Paul Countryman).
  • Limpkin, late October to 26 November 2023, Lockport, Will County (2023-095; Cindy Alberico, Nancy Buis, Ryan Jones, Jayne Leone).
  • Limpkin, 6-7 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-088).
  • Limpkin, 11-12 November 2023, Riverview Farmstead Preserve, Will County (2023-091; Sajo Naik).
  • Limpkin, 11-27 November 2023, Oswego, Kendall County (2023-097; Ingrid Croall, Jackson Croall).
  • Limpkin, 13-19 November 2023, East Fork Lake, Richland County (2023-102; C. Leroy Harrison).
  • Limpkin, 16 November 2023, Carpenter-Gurgens Park, Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-093; Joe Coffey).
  • Limpkin, 23 November to 2 December 2023, along Fox River in Oswego, Kendall County (2023-106; Scott Johnson).
  • Limpkin, 3 December 2023, Lake Petersburg, Menard County (2023-104; Jim Herkert).
  • Limpkin, 11-12 December 2023, Poplar Creek Forest Preserve, Cook County (2023-107; Katie Scott; Lisa Pool).
  • Pomarine Jaeger, 11 November to 6 December 2023, Carlyle Lake, Clinton County (2023-090; Dan Kassebaum; Nathan Goldberg, C. Leroy Harrison, Ryan Jones, Alyssa Rod, Bode Thompson).
  • Ferruginous Hawk, 6-7 November 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-086; Santo Locasto; Aaron Gyllenhaal).
  • Prairie Falcon, 6 December 2023, Fairmont City, St. Clair County (2023-105; Stacia Novy).
  • Great Crested Flycatcher, 23-24 November 2023, Mt. Morris, Ogle County (2023-098; Mary Bacon; Dan Williams).
  • European Goldfinch, 7 June 2021, Waukegan, Lake County (2021-043; Danielle Leone). First state record.
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 26 November 2023, Belleville, St. Clair County (2023-103; Josh Carter).

Records Not Accepted

  • Red-shouldered Hawk (extimus), 4 August 2023, Pyramid State Park, Perry County (2023-041).

IORC Update, 1 June 2024

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 25 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted 15 of these records and did not accept 10.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • King Eider, 21 November 1936, Henry, Marshall County (1936-002; J.A. King).
  • Limpkin, 17 October 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-092; H. David Bohlen).
  • Limpkin, 8 December 2023, Lake Springfield, Sangamon County (2023-115; Jarod Hitchings, Dennis Oehmke).
  • Limpkin, 12 January 2024, Borah Lake, Richland County (2024-005; Anna King).
  • American Golden-Plover, 16 December 2023, Rend Lake, Jefferson County (2023-111; Keith McMullen).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 14 October 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-076; William Pixler, Peter Tolzmann).
  • Short-billed Gull, 8-11 January 2024, Lock & Dam 14 on the Mississippi River, Rock Island County (2024-003; Steve Freed; Brandon Caswell).
  • White Ibis, 17 November to 19 December 2023, Emiquon Preserve, Fulton County (2023-109; Forbes Biological Station).
  • Say’s Phoebe, 1-9 January 2024, Danville, Vermilion County (2024-001; Rob Kanter).
  • Bohemian Waxwing (1200),  30 November 1919, Beach, Lake County (1919-002; Colin Sanborn, Herbert L. Stoddard). Specimen record.
  • Pine Grosbeak, 17 November 1906, Beach, Lake County (1906-002; J.F. Ferry). Specimen record.
  • Pine Grosbeak, 22 November 1933, Chicago, Cook County (1933-001; E.B. Baker). Specimen record.
  • Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, 16 December 2023, Rend Lake, Franklin County (2023-110; Keith McMullen).
  • Yellow-rumped Warbler (Audubon’s), 19 November to 19 December 2023, north of Rockford, Winnebago County (2023-112; Barbara Williams).
  • Black-throated Gray Warbler, 7-14 January 2024, Elgin, Cook County (2024-002; Bob Andrini).

Records Not Accepted

  • Cinnamon Teal, 29 August 2023, Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area, Grundy County (2023-056).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 6 September 2023, Chicago, Cook County (2023-049).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 6 September 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-055).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 12 September 2023, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-052).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 17 September 2023, Rainbow Beach, Chicago, Cook County (2023-058).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 18 September 2023, Burnham Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-116).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 23 September 2023, South Shore Cultural Center, Chicago, Cook County (2023-117).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 27 September 2023, Gillson Park, Wilmette, Cook County (2023-118).
  • Parasitic Jaeger, 14 October 2023, Jackson Park, Chicago, Cook County (2023-075).
  • Audubon’s Oriole, 8 May 2011, Half Day Forest Preserve, Lake County (2011-044).

IORC Update, 5 July 2023

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 10 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted seven of these records and did not accept three.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • White-winged Dove, 18-21 April 2023, Bloomington, McLean County (2023-011; Beverly Beauford; Michael McKinley).
  • Limpkin, 12 April 2023, Kaskaskia River valley south-southwest of Vandalia, Fayette County (2023-008; Tyler Kimes).
  • Limpkin, 3 May 2023, Mermet Lake, Massac County (2023-015; Matt Eisenhauer).
  • Snowy Plover, 16 May 2023, Montrose Point in Chicago’s Lincoln Park, Cook County (2023-018; Tarik Shazad, Simon Tolzmann).
  • Ruff, 14-29 April 2023, eastern Boone County north of Garden Prairie and southern McHenry County north of Huntley (2023-009; Dan Williams; Vicki Buchwald, Michal Furmanek, Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Kirtland’s Warbler, 7 May 2023, Chicago Botanic Gardens, Glencoe, Cook County (2023-014; Anna Tendero; Andrea Tolzmann).
  • Townsend’s Warbler, 27 April 2023, Big Marsh, Chicago, Cook County (2023-012; Raymond Huey).

Records Not Accepted

  • Eastern Wood-Pewee, 10 January 2023, Brownstown, Fayette County (2023-007).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 12 May 2023, Hartford, Madison County (2023-017).
  • MacGillivray’s Warbler, 2 September 2021, Forbes State Park, Marion County (2021-125).

IORC Update, 21 Apr 2023: Records Reviewed

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee (IORC) recently concluded evaluations of 10 records of the occurrence of rare birds in Illinois. IORC accepted nine of these records and did not accept one.

The records involved are summarized below. For each record, we indicate the species or form, with number of individuals in parentheses if greater than one, followed by date or date range, location, and county. The record number is indicated in parentheses, followed by, for accepted records, names of the documenters. If multiple documenters are listed, those understood by IORC to have been the original finders of the bird(s) are listed first and separated from the others by a semicolon. IORC thanks all the documenters, for accepted and unaccepted records alike, for their submissions. All documentation is maintained in the IORC archives so that there is a permanent record of all these observations. Documentation, regardless of the Committee’s decision, is a valuable part of the record of bird life in Illinois.

Records Accepted

  • Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, 12-17 December 2022, Bloomington, McLean County (2022-089; Ryan Johnson; Wes Kolb, Charlotte Pavelka).
  • Eurasian Wigeon, 11-17 November 2022, Mirador subdivision ponds, Kane County (2022-075; Kevin Hatcher, Vince Moxon; Scott Cohrs, Graham Deese, Haley Gottardo, Greg Jerzyk, Mike Losacco, Eric Secker, Katharine Spencer, Michael Warner).
  • Mountain Plover, 24 and 28 April 2010, east of Arcola, Douglas County (2010-033; Greg Lambeth).
  • Ross’s Gull, 11-15 March 2023, Lake Michigan lakefront in southeast Chicago, Cook County (2023-005; Robert D. Hughes, Henry Meade, Geoffrey A. Williamson). Found by Dan Lory.
  • Crested Caracara, 4-10 February 2023, Emiquon National Wildlife Refuge and areas west of there, Fulton County (2023-004; Kevin Douglas Blodgett; Pete Fenner, C. Leroy Harrison, Frank Holmes, David B. Johnson, Scott Latimer, John Longhenry, Fran Morel, Jeff Skrentny, Randy Smith, Craig Taylor). First state record.
  • Say’s Phoebe, 11-19 March 2023, Muirhead Springs Forest Preserve, Kane County (2023-006; Walt Lutz; Geoffrey A. Williamson).
  • Bohemian Waxwing, 7-8 January 2023, Lake Le-Aqua-Na State Park, Stephenson County (2023-002; Ryan Jones, Dan Williams). Found by Andy Sigler.
  • Evening Grosbeak, 6-19 January 2023, Rockford, Winnebago County (2023-001; Dan Williams).
  • Great-tailed Grackle, 15 January to 8 April 2023 (and possibly later), Monee, Will County and Richton Park, Cook County (2023-004; Lydia Pultorak; Diane Hicks).

Records Not Accepted

  • Bewick’s Wren, 4 June 2022, Hennepin Canal lock 21, Bureau County (2022-079).

IORC Update, 12 Feb 2023: membership for 2023

The Illinois Ornithological Records Committee, or IORC, is the committee of the Illinois Ornithological Society that evaluates records of rare birds and maintains the official Illinois State List of Birds, among other activities. We operate as a seven person unit, consisting of an annually elected Secretary and six members who are elected to staggered three-year terms. One of the members serves as the committee’s Vice-Secretary.

At the end of each year, two of the staggered three-year member terms comes to a close. This year, the memberships of Walter Marcisz and Paul Sweet ended. Both individuals were serving a second consecutive three-year term, and IORC’s bylaws mandates that such individuals must step off IORC before becoming eligible to serve again. IORC has been fortunate: not only have both Walter and Paul consistently provided expert commentary on rarity records, they have each contributed to the work of IORC in other ways.

Walter Marcisz served on IORC from 2017 through 2022. During that time, he helped to smooth the interaction between IORC and eBird, and he contributed greatly in identifying and recruiting new members for service on IORC. His evaluations of records were always thorough and typically included thoughtful and informative commentary. His voice in deliberations will be missed.

Paul Sweet is one of the longest serving IORC members over its entire history. He has been active on IORC in one form or another since 2005, including a number of three-year terms as a voting member, broken up by a multi-year stint of service as the IORC secretary. He further served for five years as vice-secretary of IORC. Paul also chaired a Bylaws Subcommittee for IORC, leading a significant revision of IORC’s operating procedures over the course of several years. In addition, Paul served as chair of the Archives Subcommittee, substantively advancing that subcommittee’s efforts to make more broadly available the variety of materials in IORC’s archives as well as to set standards for materials to archive for present-day records, including those that come to IORC via eBird. Thank you, Paul, for all your contributions!

Replacing Walter and Paul on IORC are Steve Huggins and Dan Williams, each elected to a three-year term as a voting member. Steve Huggins began birding at the age of four in his native England, and developed rigorous skills in the British birding scene. He has traveled broadly throughout the world on quests for birds and has seen about a half of the world’s species. He is well-known in Illinois as an accomplished birding and nature guide based in Chicago. Dan Williams has been a nature and bird enthusiast from an early age. Since the early 1970s he has been a advocate for conservation in the Rockford area and has contributed much energy to foster an appreciation of nature. The leadership positions he has held in local, state, and national organizations are too numerous to list here, but among those fortunate to have benefitted from his involvement are the North Central Illinois Ornithological Society, the Illinois Audubon Society, the Sinnissippi, the Burpee Museum of Natural History, and the Natural Land Institute. He was president of the American Birding Association from 1993 to 1997. He is a keen observer with a deep knowledge of the birds of Illinois, the United States, and through his extensive travels, the world.

The roster of IORC members for 2023 are the following individuals:

  • Geoff Williamson (secretary)
  • Steve Huggins
  • Davida Kalina
  • Adam Sell (vice-secretary)
  • Terry Walsh
  • Kyle Wiktor
  • Dan Williams

IOS 2023 Big Sit Competition and Fundraiser

Friday, Sep. 22 – Sunday, Sep. 24, 2023

Art by Laurie Kaufmann

About the IOS 2023 Big Sit

Stay put. Count birds. Raise money! IOS invites you to join other birders throughout Illinois on the weekend of September 22-24 for the annual IOS 2023 Big Sit Competition and Fundraiser. Sign up below and pick a day on the weekend to sit in one spot and count as many species of birds as possible, whether in your yard or your favorite park or preserve. You can count as an individual or family or teams of up to five (additional participants can come and go from your count circle as long as no more than five people are in the circle at one time and social distancing and state guidelines are followed). Teams are also invited to help solicit donations for their team and use the event as a fun way to help us raise funds for IOS. The 2023 IOS Big Sit funds will go towards supporting IOS and IOS initiatives like the Illinois Young Birders and the IOS Grants program.

What is a Big Sit?

A Big Sit, similar to a Big Day, is a competition where a team of birders counts as many species as possible within a 24 hour period.  While the Big Day involves moving around from spot to spot to maximize species sightings, a Big Sit is precisely as it sounds. You stay in one location, a 20ft diameter circle called a “count circle”, and only species seen or heard from that circle count for the final tally.  Count wherever you want and as long as you want during your chosen count day. The Big Sit is all about slowing down and enjoying good company, great birds, and, in this case, supporting a good cause! Full rules can be read here.

Steps to Participate

1. Click the “Start a Team” button below and then click on “Start a Fundraiser” to create your fundraising team and find up to 5 people to join your Big Sit.

To start a fundraiser, you will need to create a Donately account if you do not already have one. It is very straightforward. Don’t forget a creative name! Don’t forget to set a fundraising goal for yourself!

2. Add a description which includes 1) Your teammates  2) Where you will be conducting your Big Sit 3) the date of your Big Sit.

3. Have each team member “join” by donating $10 (or more!) to your team.

4. Share, share, share! Reach out to friends and family to donate to your Big Sit by sharing your donation page. 

Donors can do a 1-time donation, or they can pledge to donate an amount “per species” and complete their donation after you announce your final species total to them.  NOTE: Your team is responsible for keeping track of “per species” donors and reminding them to donate afterwards!  Encourage donors that they can donate both ways!

5. Have Fun!

On your competition day, sit back, relax, and have fun counting birds. Share your highlights as the day progresses in the new IOS Facebook Group. (A submission form will be posted closer to the event date to submit your final species total and any highlights you want to share from your day).

6. Join Us for the Results and After Party

Anyone interested is invited to join us for a virtual after party online as we share highlights with one another and announce winners. Prizes will be awarded for the team that counts the most birds and for the team that raises the most in donations (details to be announced).

How to Donate

If you are supporting a specific team, you can donate via the link to their team page or search for the team below.

If you are not supporting a specific team, feel free to pick one to support or you can submit a general donation to IOS.

We invite donors to follow along during the event in the IOS Facebook Group and Join Us for the Results and After Party. Thank you in advance for your support of IOS!

Ways to Promote the Big Sit with Friends and Bird Clubs

Invite others to learn more at


Aerin Tedesco
IOS Big Sit Event Coordinator

Palm Warbler. Photo by Adam Sell.

IOS 2023 Big Sit Competition and Fundraiser

Friday, Sep. 22 – Sunday, Sep. 24, 2023

Art by Laurie Kaufmann

About the IOS 2023 Big Sit

Stay put. Count birds. Raise money! IOS invites you to join other birders throughout Illinois on the weekend of September 22-24 for the annual IOS 2023 Big Sit Competition and Fundraiser. Sign up below and pick a day on the weekend to sit in one spot and count as many species of birds as possible, whether in your yard or your favorite park or preserve. You can count as an individual or family or teams of up to five (additional participants can come and go from your count circle as long as no more than five people are in the circle at one time and social distancing and state guidelines are followed). Teams are also invited to help solicit donations for their team and use the event as a fun way to help us raise funds for IOS. The 2023 IOS Big Sit funds will go towards supporting IOS and IOS initiatives like the Illinois Young Birders and the IOS Grants program.

What is a Big Sit?

A Big Sit, similar to a Big Day, is a competition where a team of birders counts as many species as possible within a 24 hour period.  While the Big Day involves moving around from spot to spot to maximize species sightings, a Big Sit is precisely as it sounds. You stay in one location, a 20ft diameter circle called a “count circle”, and only species seen or heard from that circle count for the final tally.  Count wherever you want and as long as you want during your chosen count day. The Big Sit is all about slowing down and enjoying good company, great birds, and, in this case, supporting a good cause! Full rules can be read here.

Steps to Participate

1. Click the “Start a Team” button below and then click on “Start a Fundraiser” to create your fundraising team and find up to 5 people to join your Big Sit.

To start a fundraiser, you will need to create a Donately account if you do not already have one. It is very straightforward. Don’t forget a creative name! Don’t forget to set a fundraising goal for yourself!

2. Add a description which includes 1) Your teammates  2) Where you will be conducting your Big Sit 3) the date of your Big Sit.

3. Have each team member “join” by donating $10 (or more!) to your team.

4. Share, share, share! Reach out to friends and family to donate to your Big Sit by sharing your donation page. 

Donors can do a 1-time donation, or they can pledge to donate an amount “per species” and complete their donation after you announce your final species total to them.  NOTE: Your team is responsible for keeping track of “per species” donors and reminding them to donate afterwards!  Encourage donors that they can donate both ways!

5. Have Fun!

On your competition day, sit back, relax, and have fun counting birds. Share your highlights as the day progresses in the new IOS Facebook Group. (A submission form will be posted closer to the event date to submit your final species total and any highlights you want to share from your day).

6. Join Us for the Results and After Party

Anyone interested is invited to join us for a virtual after party online as we share highlights with one another and announce winners. Prizes will be awarded for the team that counts the most birds and for the team that raises the most in donations (details to be announced).

How to Donate

If you are supporting a specific team, you can donate via the link to their team page or search for the team below.

If you are not supporting a specific team, feel free to pick one to support or you can submit a general donation to IOS.

We invite donors to follow along during the event in the IOS Facebook Group and Join Us for the Results and After Party. Thank you in advance for your support of IOS!

Ways to Promote the Big Sit with Friends and Bird Clubs

Invite others to learn more at


Aerin Tedesco
IOS Big Sit Event Coordinator

Palm Warbler. Photo by Adam Sell.
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