Meadowlark 2005 – Vol. 14, No. 1

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ArticlesScreen Shot 2015-01-30 at 10.03.28 AM

2 The expanding Monk Parakeet:
An update on the Chicagoland Monk Parakeet expansion, with notes on cell tower nests
– Walter Marcisz

8 An assessment of avian richness and relative abundance at Green Wing Environmental Laboratory, Lee County, Illinois
– Kelly J. McKay and Stephen B. Hager

15 The Scissor -tailed Flycatcher in Illinois
with accounts of nesting attempts in 2003 and 2004
– Travis A. Mahan and Dan M. Kassebaum

21 Clay -colored Sparrows successfully nest in DuPage County
with comments on possible expansion as a breeding species
– Joe Suchecki and Sheryl De Vore

23 Ospreys successfully nest at Carlyle Lake
– Travis A. Mahan


24 Field Notes: 2004 Breeding Season
– Vernon M. Kleen

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