February 19th, 2022
Start Time – 9:30 a.m.
Back in 2022! The Gull Frolic is a unique winter event at Illinois’ premier gull-watching hotspot, North Point Marina. Bring your binoculars, scope, and cold weather gear to join birders outside the yacht club for a close study of some of our harder-to-find winter gull species, including Iceland (Thayer’s and Kumlien’s), Glaucous, Great Black-backed, and Lesser Black-backed Gulls! An assortment of waterfowl are also typically in attendance, such scoters, goldeneye, and other diving ducks, along with the occasional raptor, owl, or winter finch. IOS volunteers will be available to help answer questions along the “boardwalk”.

Whenever you need a break from the cold, retreat indoors to the Winthrop Harbor Yacht Club that’s just a few feet away from the shore. Birders from all corners of our state come to mingle, relax, and drive away the winter doldrums. Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate will be available all day to help us warm up. There will be a presentation in the conference room that’s offered twice (Session A & Session B).
Speaker: DR. GEOFFREY HILL, Curator of Birds at Auburn University
The Search for the Genes that Underlie Bird Coloration
Dr. Hill is professor and Curator of Birds at Auburn University. He is the author of 300 research articles and six books including National Geographic’s Bird Coloration and Ivorybill Hunters. For the past ten years he has been working with a research team to find the genes that determine the colors of birds.
The $35 registration fee ($25 for IOS members) includes a continental breakfast, lunch (including “Sea Gull” stew), vegetarian chili, and more. *Updated 1/20/2022: Instead of the normal food options this year, we are planning to provide a box lunch. We feel this will be a safer alternative and we will encourage people to eat outside to mitigate potential exposure to COVID. The registration fee also helps defray facility expenses. Any surplus raised will go to the IOS Grant Program, which provides money to local researchers and projects that benefit Illinois birds and birding.
COVID Policy – Updated 1/20/2022
With the surge in cases we WILL BE REQUIRING EVERYONE TO WEAR A MASK INDOORS at the event regardless of vaccine status. We will also be encouraging everyone to stay outside as much as possible. Anyone experiencing symptoms on the day of the event should not attend, notify us and we will give you a full refund. We want this to be a safe event and comfortable for everyone attending.
SPONSORS: The Gull Frolic is hosted by the Illinois Ornithological Society, with sponsorship help from many local bird clubs, organizations and individuals. If your organization or club is interested in sponsoring, please contact Amar. There are a limited number of information tables for sponsoring organizations.
If you would like to help IOS keep the Gull Frolic, and other events and programs running, please consider adding a donation to your registration:
DIRECTIONS: To reach the Winthrop Harbor Yacht Club take the I-94 toll road north toward Milwaukee. Exit east (turn right) at Route 173. Continue east and turn left on Sheridan Road (Rt. 137). Proceed north and turn right on 7th Street. Follow the North Point Marina signs to the yacht club. There is plenty of parking and parking is always free!
Registration fills fast so don’t delay. All are invited. We look forward to seeing you at this fun and enjoyable annual event!